The long tradition of unfolding axioms for various kinds of geometry -
Euclid, Descartes, non-Euclidean geometries, Tarski - had a highly
influential revival in the development of the branch of model theory
now known as geometric stability theory, by Zilber, Cherlin,
Hrushovski, Pillay and others over the past 25 years. Stunning
connections to arithmetic geometry, transcendental number theory, and
even quantum mechanics have been found.
The object of the conference is to bring together the key figures as well as young researchers in this booming branch of model theory, to present and discuss the latest developments in the field.
There is some support for UK-based graduate students.
The organisers would like to thank all participants for making the
conference such a success.
Slides from some of the talks are available, as are some of the posters.
Speakers with slides or similar materials who have not done so are asked to mail them to Martin Bays. Please also send posters to the same address.
Some photos of the conference.
All talks took place in the Simpkins Lee Lecture Theatre at Lady Margaret Hall.
The conference dinner was at Lady Margaret Hall on Saturday March 27th, with a drinks reception at 19:00 in the Old Library followed by dinner at 19:30 in the Monson North Room.
There was a poster session on the evening of March 26 with posters displayed throughout the conference. Everybody, though in particular young researchers (including graduate students), were encouraged to bring their posters along. Some did.
The conference was supported by