Vanishing Viscosity Limit for Initial-Boundary Value Problems for Conservation Laws

Author: Gui-Qiang Chen and Hermano Frid

Title: Vanishing Viscosity Limit for Initial-Boundary Value Problems for Conservation Laws

The convergence of the vanishing viscosity method for initial-boundary value problems is analyzed for nonlinear hyperbolic conservation laws through several representative systems. %with interest in applications. Some techniques are developed to construct the global viscous solutions and establish the $H^{-1}$ compactness of entropy dissipation measures for the convergence of the viscous solutions with general initial-boundary conditions. The representative examples considered include the systems of isentropic gas dynamics, nonlinear elasticity, and chromatography.
This article has appeared in:
Contemporary Mathematics (American Mathematical Society), vol. 238, pages 35-51 (2000)
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Author Address
    Department of Mathematics
    Northwestern University
    Evanston, IL 60208-2730