This is the homepage for Math 215, Section 71 (MWF 1:00-1:50pm in Lunt 107), taught by Gui-Qiang Chen, Prof. of Math. Fall Quarter 2002
Office: Lunt 306
Office Hours: Mondays, Wednesdays, 3:05-3:55pm or by appointment
Teaching Assistants:
Text Books: Calculus and Analytical Geometry (Chapters 14-15), 5th edition, by Edwards and Penny.
Quiz Sessions:
Students with last initial A-K meet with Mikhail Perepelitsa in Lunt 103;
Students with last initial L-Z meet with Young-Heon Kim Lunt 104
Grading: I will use a 90%-80%-70%-60% scale to determine A-B-C-D grades: Final Exam 30%, Hour Exams 20% each, Homework quizzes and Maple worksheets 30%.
Exams: To be excused from an exam, except for sudden illness, you must make arrangement at least 24 hours before the exam is scheduled. Anyone missing an exam without previously arranging to do so will receive 0%. I do not give make-up exams.
Webpage: Please check my wedpage for Math 215 at for update information.
Here is the information on Maple worksheets. You may try the demonstration worksheet.
Then do the following worksheets as these topics are discussed in class. WS1, Double and interated integrals. PL1, Plotting tool for double integrals WS2, Double integrals in polar coordinates (WS2). PL2, Plotting tool for triple integrals. WS3, Integrals in cylindrical and spherical coordinates. PL3a, Plotting tool for triple integrals in cylindrical coordinates PL3b, Plotting tool for triple integrals in spherical coordinates WS4, Parametrically defined surfaces (WS4) WS5, Physical interpretation of divergence (WS5) Here are some old final exams old exams Last modified September 24, 2002 by Gui-Qiang Chen