Mathematical models in the applied sciences



    Part one: introduction

  1. Mathematical modelling

    Part two: methods

  2. Non-dimensionalisation

  3. Asymptotics

  4. Perturbation methods

    Part three: classical models

  5. Heat transfer

  6. Viscous flow

  7. Solid mechanics

  8. Electromagnetism

    Part four: continuum models

  9. Enzyme kinetics

  10. The Belousov-Zhabotinskii reaction

  11. Spruce budworm infestations

  12. Chemical reactors

  13. Groundwater flow

  14. Convection in a porous medium

  15. River flow

  16. One-dimensional two-phase flow

    Part five: advanced models

  17. Alloy solidification

  18. Ice sheet dynamics

  19. Chemosensory respiratory control

  20. Frost heave in freezing soils
