Songs and doggerel


On the train from Bologna, and the bus from Meran
I come back to the valley as much as I can
The mountains are rising, the river runs brown
I'm coming at last to my favourite town


Come away, come away
To the town in the valley
Where the people are friendly
And I feel so at home

In the morning when I walk through the mist up the hill
It is sunny and warm and the air is so still
I look down on the village and I secretly smile
For I'll be with my friends in a little while


I am called to the mountains, I am called to the sea
And I walk on the glacier, it is calling to me
The sheep bells are ringing and the mist is coming on
I remember my time, it will shortly be gone.


Last chorus

Time to go, time to go
From this town in the valley
I will think of you fondly
When I come to my home

Karthaus, 20 September 2000

Karthaus doggerel

(Doggerel is a kind of nonsense verse; according to Webster's, it is ``especially for burlesque or comic effect'', and also ``marked by triviality or inferior worth'' (hmmmm).)

Il direttore, il direttore, have another grappa per favore.
Kaserman, Kaserman, get him up a mountain if you can.
Hilmar Ice, Hilmar Ice, his relaxation time is very nice.

Singing Bosa, Bosa the Wait, better get to breakfast and DON'T YOU BE LATE.
Jesse the Bar, Jesse the Bar, always tries to give you just one grappa more.
Paul the Hut, Paul the Hut, he owns everything that can be bought.
Hotel Grüner, Hotel Grüner, hope that they will hire a piano tuner.

Olaf the Great, Olaf the Good, tree trunk for a body and a head full of wood.*
Katharina Schulz has a Spanish degree, she's going to work with Wilfrid - or maybe not - we'll see.
Trudy Wohlleben, well she wohl if she must, her glacier's spouting water out through its crust.
Gwendolyn, Gwendolone, her glaciers move slowly 'cause they're made out of stone.
Hamish thinks that surging just can't be explained; he doesn't realise it's to do with the drains.
Dan the Zwartz, Dan the Wise, he doesn't write papers unsupervised.
Simon is crazy, Simon is nuts, he skateboarded down from the glacier hut.

Karthaus is good, Karthaus is fun, conservation of body mass simply cannot be done.
Andrew Fowler, Andrew the Foul, I want to say thank you to you all.

*Only because it rhymes. He got a free grappa for allowing this line.

Karthaus, 20 September 2000