A.Majumdar, J.M.Robbins and M.Zyskin, 2010 Tangent unit-vector fields: Nonabelian homotopy invariants and the Dirichlet energy. Acta Mathematica Scientia, 30, No. 5, 1357--1399.
A. Majumdar, 2010 Equilibrium order parameters of liquid crystals in the Landau-de Gennes theory. European Journal of Applied Mathematics, 21, 181-203.
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A.Majumdar and A.Zarnescu, 2010 The Landau-de Gennes theory of nematic liquid crystals: the Oseen-Frank limit and beyond. Archive of Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 196, No 1, 227--280.
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J.Ball and A.Majumdar, 2010 Nematic liquid crystals : from Maier-Saupe to a continuum theory. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals,525, 1--11.
S.S.L.Peppin, A.Majumdar and J.S.Wettlaufer, 2010 Morphological instability of a non-equilibrium ice–colloid interface. Proceedings of Royal Society A, 466 no. 2113, 177--194 .
A.Majumdar, J.M. Robbins and M.~Zyskin, 2009 Tangent unit-vector fields: nonabelian homotopy invariants and the Dirichlet energy. Comptes Rendus Mathematique, 347, 1159-1164.
A.Majumdar, J.M.Robbins and M.Zyskin 2008 Energies of S2-valued harmonic maps on polyhedra with tangent boundary conditions. Annales Henri Poincare C, 25, 77 -- 103.
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J.M.Ball, A.Majumdar, 2007 Remarks
on the \textbf{Q}-tensor model for equilibrium liquid crystal
configurations, Proceedings of ICNAAM 2007, AIP (American
Institute of Physics) Conference Proceedings.
A.Majumdar, J.M.Robbins, M.Zyskin,
2007 Liquid crystals and harmonic maps on polyhedral domains, Analysis and Stochastics of Growth
Processes, Editors: Drs Peter Morters, Roger Moser, Mathew
Penrose, Harmut Schwetlick and Johannes Zimmer.
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A.Majumdar, C.J.P.Newton, J.M.Robbins and M.Zyskin, 2007 Topology and bistability in liquid crystal devices. Phys. Rev. E, 75, 051703--051714.
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A.Majumdar, J.M.Robbins and M.Zyskin, 2006 Elastic energy for reflection-symmetric topologies. Journal of Physics A - Mathematics and General, 39, 2673--2687.
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AA.Majumdar, J.M.Robbins and M.Zyskin, 2004 Elastic energy of liquid crystals in convex polyhedra. Journal of Physics A - Mathematics and General, 37, L573--L580.
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A.Majumdar, J.M.Robbins and M.Zyskin, 2004 Lower bounds for energies of harmonic tangent unit-vector fields on convex polyhedra. Letters in Mathematical Physics, 70, 169--183.
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A.Majumdar, C.J.P.Newton,
J.M.Robbins, M.Zyskin, 2004
Quasi-stable configurations of
liquid crystals in polyhedral geometries,
Proceedings of
SPIE -- XV Conference on Liquid Crystals,
Volume 5565, Number 6, pp. 185 -- 190 .
A.Majumdar, 2010 The Landau-de Gennes theory for nematic liquid crystals: Uniaxiality versus Biaxiality.
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A.Majumdar, 2010 The Radial-Hedgehog Solution in the Landau-de Gennes theory.
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