Most materials we encounter in applications and in everyday life are made up of different components and often have a complex micro- and nanostructure. Their overall properties are the result of the interplay between the constituents and the multi-scale structure. My goal is to understand and predict, through mathematical modelling, analysis and numerical simulation, the behaviour of complex materials that underlies physical phenomena and technological applications. I greatly enjoy developing mathematical methods to construct a theory of the essential features, reduce complexity and at the same time identify subtle analytical properties.
For Dphil or MMSc or 4th year undergraduate projects, please contact me
by email (muench 'at' or
my departmental contact form.
Below is a selection of my former and present doctoral students and their projects.
(2019-) Catalina Pesce
Singularities in Degenerate Cahn-Hilliard Equations
(Co-supervision with Amy Novick-Cohen, Technion)
(2016-2021) Atilla Kovács
Modelling the Feeding Process for Aluminium Production
(Co-supervision with Chris Breward and James Oliver, Mathematical Institute, Oxford,
and SA Halvorsen and E Nordgård-Hansen)
(2016-2021) Raquel González-Fariña
Modelling the Mechanisms of Microsilica Particle Formation and Growth
(Co-supervision with James Oliver, Mathematical Institute, Oxford, and Robert
van Gorder, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Otago)
(2015-2018) Quentin Parsons
Continuum modelling and numerical approaches for energy minimisation in diblock copolymers
(Co-supervision with David Kay, Computer Science, Oxford)
Matthew Hennessy
Mathematical problems relating to the fabrication
of organic photovoltaic devices
(Co-supervision with Colin Please and Chris Breward, Oxford)
Marion Dziwnik
Dewetting of thin solid films
(Co-supervision with Barbara Wagner, TU Berlin)
(2012-2015) Tobias Ahnert
Mathematical modeling of concentrated suspensions
(Co-supervision with Barbara Wagner, TU Berlin)
(2006-2010) Maciek Korzec
Continuum modeling, analysis and simulation of the self-assembly of
thin crystalline films
(Co-supervision with Barbara Wagner, TU Berlin)
Dirk Peschka
Self-Similar Rupture of Thin Liquid Films with Slippage
(Co-supervision with Barbara Niethammer, HU Berlin)