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I stream professionally for Oxford on YouTube here.
I stream unprofessionally for fun on Twitch here.
I'm the Admissions and Outreach Coordinator for Maths at Oxford. I spend most of the year telling everyone how great maths is, and part of the year running the undergraduate Maths admissions process. I'm broadly responsible for making sure that the Mathematics Admissions Test (MAT) gets set and marked each year. During the admissions round, I help tutors to be consistent across colleges when making admissions decisions. I'm interested in ways in which Oxford can do more to represent the wider UK population in several different ways, and I'm working closely with major university initiatives to address these issues such as Opportunity Oxford and the UNIQ Summer Schools.
I'm also a Stipendiary Lecturer at New College, which means that I run small-group teaching (but not lectures, despite the name) for Maths students in their first or second year. This year I'm tutoring on topics including Calculus, Differential Equations, and Computational Mathematics.
I did my PhD at the University of Cambridge in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics (DAMTP). I worked on bubble coalescence and drop coalescence; the surface-tension-driven merging process that happens when two bubbles (or two drops) touch. In each case, there's a range of lengthscales, and the challenge is to solve for the flow on each scale. I used asymptotic analysis to identify the relevant lengthscales, partial differential equations to describe the flow on each lengthscale, and a variety of analytical and numerical techniques to solve these equations.
I've been involved in outreach since I was a student, working on the STEP study school in Cambridge before it became the STEP support programme and also on other events such as the open days and the Oxford and Cambridge Student Conferences. I switched from academia to full-time outreach and admissions in 2018 when I finished my PhD and started work at the University of Oxford.
Coalescing bubbles (cross-section).
Two viscous cylinders coalescing (Hopper's solution).
Bursting a thin viscous fluid sheet.