A One-Day Meeting in Combinatorics will be held in the Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford on Wednesday 16 March 2011. Schedule and abstracts can be found below.
10.30 am Coffee
11.00 am Leslie Goldberg (Liverpool)
Estimating the partition function of the ferromagnetic Ising model on a regular matroid
11.55 am Stéphan Thomassé (Montpellier)
Applications of VC-dimension to graphs and hypergraphs
12.50 pm Lunch
2.15 pm
Santos (Cantabria)
Counter-examples to the Hirsch conjecture
3.10 pm Maria Chudnovsky (Columbia)
Vertex-disjoint paths in tournaments
4.05 pm Tea
4.30 pm
Paul Seymour
Colouring tournaments
Anyone interested is welcome to attend. Some funds may be available to contribute to the expenses of research students who wish to attend the meeting. Further details can be obtained from Alex Scott (scott at maths.ox.ac.uk). Support for this event by the London Mathematical Society and the British Combinatorial Committee is gratefully acknowledged.
Maria Chudnovsky (Columbia), Vertex-disjoint paths in tournaments
The question of linking pairs of terminals by disjoint
paths is a standard and well-studied question in graph theory. The setup is:
given vertices s1,..,sk and t1,..,tk, is there a set of disjoint path P1,..,Pk
such that Pi is a path from si to ti? This question makes sense in both directed
and undirected graphs, and the paths may be required to be edge- or
For undirected graphs, a polynomial-time algorithm for solving both the
edge-disjoint and the vertex-disjoint version of the problem (where the number k
of terminals is fixed) was first found by Robertson and Seymour, and is a part
of their well-known Graph Minors project. For directed graphs, both problems are
NP-complete, even when k=2 (by a result of Fortune, Hopcroft and Wyllie).
However, if we restrict our attention to tournaments (these are directed graphs
with exactly one arc between every two vertices), the situation improves.
Polynomial time algorithms for solving the edge-disjoint and the vertex-disjoint
paths problems when k=2 have been known for a while (these are results of
Bang-Jensen, and Bang-Jensen and Thomassen, respectively).
Last year, Fradkin and Seymour were able to design a
polynomial-time algorithm to solve the edge-disjoint paths problem in
tournaments for general (fixed) k, using a new parameter for tournaments,
developed by Seymour and the speaker, called "cut-width". However, the
vertex-disjoint paths problem seemed to be resistant to similar methods. This
talk will
focus on a polynomial-time algorithm to solve the vertex-disjoint paths problem
in tournaments for general (fixed) k, that we have recently obtained in joint
work with Scott and Seymour.
We investigate the computational difficulty of approximating the partition function of the ferromagnetic Ising model on a regular matroid. Jerrum and Sinclair have shown that there is a fully polynomial randomised approximation scheme (FPRAS) for the class of graphic matroids. On the other hand, the authors have previously shown, subject to a complexity-theoretic assumption, that there is no FPRAS for the class of binary matroids, which is a proper superset of the class of graphic matroids. In order to map out the region where approximation is feasible, we focus on the class of regular matroids, an important class of matroids which properly includes the class of graphic matroids, and is properly included in the class of binary matroids. Using Seymour's decomposition theorem, we give an FPRAS for the class of regular matroids. (Joint work with Mark Jerrum, paper available at http://arxiv.org/abs/1010.6231)
Francisco Santos (Cantabria), Counter-examples to the Hirsch conjecture
The Hirsch conjecture, stated in 1957,
said that if a polyhedron is defined by n linear inequalities in d variables
then its combinatorial diameter should be at most n-d. That is, it should be
possible to travel from any vertex to any other vertex in at most n-d steps
(traversing an edge at each step). The unbounded case was disproved by Klee and
Walkup in 1967. In this talk I describe my construction of the first
counter-examples to the bounded case (polytopes).
The conjecture was posed and is relevant in connection to linear programming
since the simplex method, one of the ‘mathematical algorithms with the greatest
impact in science and engineering in the 20th century’, solves linear
programming problems by traversing the graph of the feasibility polyhedron.
Paul Seymour (Princeton), Colouring tournaments
A "tournament" is a digraph obtained from
a complete graph by directing its edges, and ``colouring'' a tournament means
partitioning its vertex set into acyclic subsets (``acyclic'' means the
subdigraph induced on the subset
has no directed cycles). This concept is quite like that for graph-colouring,
but different. For instance, there are some tournaments H such that every
tournament not containing H as a subdigraph has bounded
chromatic number. We call them ``heroes''; for example, all tournaments with at
most four vertices are heroes.
It turns out to be a fun problem to figure out exactly which tournaments are
heroes. We have recently managed to do this, in joint work with Berger,
Choromanski, Chudnovsky, Fox, Loebl, Scott and Thomassé, and this talk is about
the solution.
Stéphan Thomassé (Montpellier), Applications of VC-dimension to graphs and hypergraphs
I will discuss applications of Vapnik-Cervonenkis dimension
to various problems like graph coloring (Luczak and T.), domination in
tournaments (Alon, Brightwell, Kierstead, Kostochka, and Winkler) and packing
spheres in planar graphs (Chepoi, Estellon and Vaxes). In most of the cases, the
use of VC-dimension both provides short proofs and rather sharp bounds for
seemingly hard problems.
VC-dimension also provides a complexity measure for graphs which both
generalizes minor-closed graph classes and graphs of bounded clique-width. I
will present some work in progress (with N. Bousquet) in this direction.
I will conclude on some open questions where VC-theory seems a promising