Paul Seymour (Princeton) and Maria Chudnovsky (Columbia) will give a series of six lectures on Structural Graph Theory. The first three lectures will on Mon/Wed/Fri in the week starting 28 June, and the second three on Mon/Wed/Fri in the week starting 12 July. All lectures will be in at 11am, and will take place in L3 in the Mathematical Institute. A brief description of the lecture series can be found below.
Structural Graph Theory
Paul Seymour and Maria Chudnovsky
This is a series of talks on structural graph theory, six
lectures over two weeks. The first week will cover perfect graphs (the proof of
Berge's strong perfect graph conjecture, due to the speakers, Robertson and
Thomas) and a polynomial-time algorithm to test if a graph is perfect. In the
second week we will discuss some more recent results.
1 - Perfect graphs, background and basics
2 - Proof of the strong perfect graph theorem
3 - A polynomial time algorithm to test if a graph has an odd hole or antihole
4 - Structure of claw-free graphs
5 - Immersion in graphs and digraphs
6 - Rao's conjecture on degree sequences.