Prospects in Mathematics • 17-18 December 2010

If you are considering applying for
Ph.D. studies in mathematics for entry in 2011, this meeting
is for you. Speakers will share their passion about mathematical
research by describing the type of questions they are working on,
and will discuss where their research topic is being actively
studied in the UK. The conference will involve talks on the
afternoon of Friday Dec. 17th and the morning of Saturday
Dec. 18th, hosted in Edinburgh.
How to participate:
Facilities will allow up to 80
participants, so we anticipate that all who wish to attend will be
able to do so. Funding is available to cover the costs for most
participants for accommodations for one night and to help cover the cost of
traveling to Edinburgh. All applicants are automatically
considered for funding. To apply to attend, email with a subject heading "Prospects2010" and
include evidence of the degree classification you are on track to
receive (this could include a transcript or letter from member of
staff at you institution) and include a statement that "I am on
track academically to begin Ph.D. studies in 2011" or explain why you should
attend if this is not the case. To receive full consideration for
funding, your application needs to be received by December 1st
2010. Funding decisions will be made shortly thereafter. Late
applications are considered at the discretion of the organizers.
The event will be held in Edinburgh at the
International Centre for
Mathematical Sciences.
15 South College Street, Edinburgh, EH8 9AA
Friday December 17th:
12:00-12:20: Registration desk open (collect name badge and reimbursement form)
12:20-12:30: Welcome
Nema Dean(Glasgow)
Statistics and Unsupervised Learning
Andy Lewis(Leeds)
The Turing degrees and relative computability
14:00-14:30: coffee/tea
Nick Higham(Manchester):
Numerical analysis and scientific computing
Meinolf Geck(Aberdeen)
Representations of finite groups
16:00-16:30: coffee/tea
Eugenia Cheng(Sheffield)
Higher-dimensional category theory
Discussion and buffet dinner
Saturday December 18th:
Pieter Blue(Edinburgh)
Dispersion outside black holes (and chalkboard talk)
James Norris(Cambridge)
Probability and the Cambridge Centre for Analysis
10:30-10:50: coffee/tea
Sarah Zerbes(Exeter)
Algebraic Number Theory
Roman Kotecky(Warwick)
Between Probability and Analysis
12:20-12:30: break
Corinna Ulcigrai(Bristol)
Mathematical billiards, flat surfaces and Dynamics
Paul Sutcliffe(Durham)
Magnetic bubbles and knots
A few pictures of the event:
Local Organizers:
This year's edition of prospects in
mathematics is hosted by the University of Edinburgh at the
International Centre for Mathematical Sciences.
Iain Gordon (Edinburgh) and Jared Tanner (Edinburgh)
Steering Committee:
The prospects in mathematics series
is managed by members of the past (Durham), current (Edinburgh),
and future (Bristol and Manchester) local organizing committees:
Michael Farber (Durham), Iain Gordon (Edinburgh), Nicholas
J. Higham (Manchester), Jens Marklof (Bristol), John Parker
(Durham), Norbert Peyerimhoff (Durham), and Jared Tanner (Edinburgh)
Past Events: