Error analysis
In 1996, Endre Suli and I realised the importance of the adjoint
solution in analysing the numerical error in integral functionals,
such as lift and drag, which are often the quantities of most
interest in engineering computations. This led to a report on the
error analysis for finite element approximations of the incompressible
Navier-Stokes equations [1] in which we established an important
superconvergence property, that the order of accuracy of the functional
increases twice as quickly as the order of the polynomial finite element
function space.
In 1998, Niles Pierce and I wrote a paper in which we developed a
closed form solution for the adjoint quasi-1D Euler equations, with
and without shocks, and showed excellent agreement with numerical
computations [2]. In this paper we also showed how the error in the
`lift' (the integral of pressure along the quasi-1D duct) could be
improved by correcting the leading order effects of the truncation
error in the finite volume method; I had outlined this idea the
previous year in a short paper for a conference honouring
Earll Murman [3].
We then realised that the error correction was much more easily
constructed by interpolating the numerical finite volume solution
to obtain an approximate analytic solution, and then using this to
evaluate the residual error and thereby form an inner product with
an approximate adjoint solution to correct the computed value for
the functional. This has been the central idea behind a sequence
of papers [4-8] in which we have developed the analytic theory and
demonstrated superconvergent correct functionals for a variety of
problems, in each case using the adjoint correction to double the
the order of accuracy of output functionals. Our most comprehensive
reference on the topic is a set of lectures notes prepared for a
course which was given at both NASA Ames and VKI [9], while our latest
results for the 2D Euler equations will appear in [12].
In 2002, Endre Suli and I wrote a lengthy Acta Numerica paper [10]
on his research on a posteriori error analysis and optimal grid
adaptation, and my work on adjoint error correction.
My latest research in this area has been on adjoint error correction
when there is a shock in the underlying nonlinear solution. Here again
it has been possible to obtain fourth order functional accuracy from
a solution which is only second order accurate [11,12].
- M.B. Giles, M.G. Larson, J.M. Levenstam and E. Suli.
`Adaptive error control for finite element approximations of the
lift and drag coefficients in viscous flow'.
Report NA-97/06,
Oxford University Computing Laboratory, 1997.
- M.B. Giles and N.A. Pierce.
`On the properties of solutions of the adjoint Euler equations'.
6th ICFD Conference on Numerical Methods for Fluid Dynamics,
Oxford, UK, 1998.
- M.B. Giles.
`On adjoint equations for error analysis and optimal grid
adaptation', in Frontiers of Computational Fluid Dynamics
1998, 155-170.
D.A. Caughey and M.M. Hafez editors, World Scientific, 1998.
Report NA-97/11,
Oxford University Computing Laboratory, 1997.
- M.B. Giles and N.A. Pierce
`Adjoint recovery of superconvergent functionals from approximate
solutions of partial differential equations'.
Report NA-98/18.
Oxford University Computing Laboratory, 1998.
- M.B. Giles and N.A. Pierce.
`Improved lift and drag estimates using adjoint Euler equations'.
AIAA Paper 99-3293, 1999.
- N.A. Pierce and M.B. Giles.
`Adjoint recovery of superconvergent functionals from PDE
SIAM Review, 42(2):247-264, 2000.
- M.B. Giles and N.A. Pierce.
`Superconvergent lift estimates through adjoint error analysis',
in Innovative Methods for Numerical Solutions of Partial
Differential Equations.
M.M. Hafez and J.J. Chattot editors, World Scientific, 2001.
- M.B. Giles.
`Defect and adjoint error correction',
in Computational Fluid Dynamics 2000.
N. Satofuka, editor, Springer-Verlag, 2001.
- M.B. Giles and N.A. Pierce.
`Adjoint error correction for integral outputs',
in Error Estimation and Adaptive Discretization Methods in
Computational Fluid Dynamics, pages 47-96,
editors T. Barth and H. Deconinck, volume 25 in
Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering.
Springer-Verlag, 2002.
- M.B. Giles and E. Suli.
`Adjoint methods for PDEs: a posteriori error
analysis and postprocessing by duality'.
Acta Numerica 2002, pages 145-236,
Cambridge University Press, 2002.
(PDF file: 2.1Mb).
- M.B. Giles, N.A. Pierce and E. Suli .
`Progress in adjoint error correction for integral functionals',
Computing and Visualisation in Science, 6(2-3), 2004.
(PDF file: 3.3Mb).
- N.A. Pierce and M.B. Giles.
`Adjoint and Defect Error Bounding and Correction for Functional Estimates'
Journal of Computational Physics, 200:769-794, 2004.
(PDF file: 426kb).