V (= \P^3(\C) cubic surface i.e. V = Z(f), f (- \C[X,Y,Z,W] homogeneous cubic (Sketch 3 planes, sphere + plane, irred) For L a generic line, |L \cap V| = 3. Define: R(a,b,c) iff \{a,b,c\} = L \cap V for some L with |L\cap V| = 3. For A (= V finite, |R \cap A^3| <= |A|^2. Orchard problem on V: For what large finite A (= V do we have |R \cap A^3| ~ |A|^2? # Coarse pseudofinite dimension \U (= \P(\omega) non-principal ufilter K := \C^\U X (= K^n is _internal_ if X = \prod_{i --> \U} X_i some X_i (= \C^n, and _pseudofinite_ if can take X_i finite. Then |X| = \lim_{i --> \U} |X_i| (- \N^\U. Let \xi (- \N^\U \\ \N. d(X) = d_\xi(X) := \st(\log_{\xi}|X|) (- \R \cup \pm\infty Say pseudofinite A (= V(K) is _R-rich_ if |A| > \N and and d_A(R \cap A^3) = 2. Coarse orchard problem on V: What A are R-rich? A = \prod_{i --> \U} A_i is R-rich iff \forall m>0. \U i. |R \cap A_i^3| > |A_i|^{2 - 1/m} and |A_i| > m Aside -- Motivation from ES: X irred variety, \Gamma (= X^3 a irred constructible relation s.t. projns \Gamma -> X^2 dominant finite fibres ES,BB: \Gamma-rich A (= X in general position exist iff (up to interalgebraicity) X is a commutative group and \Gamma is +. General position: d(A \cap Y) = 0 for all Y (!= X Very restrictive! Question: What new (X,\Gamma) appear if we relax "general position"? P (= \P^3(\C) generic plane C := P \cap V is a cubic curve. Sps V smooth irreducible, then C is an elliptic curve. a,b,c collinear <=> a+b+c = 0 for group structure on C. Pseudofinite subgroups are R-rich. R-rich A is _planar_ if d_A(R \cap (A \cap \pi)^3) = 2 some plane \pi. Exists for any V. Example: f = X(X-W)(X+W) A = [\{-1,0,1\}:\{-N,...,N\}:\{-N,...,N\}:1] is non-planar R-rich Theorem[BDZ]: Suppose every component of V is smooth. Then non-planar R-rich A exist iff V is the union of three collinear planes (i.e. with a line in common). Proof sketch: Suppose A (= V is R-rich and V is not union of collinear planes. d := d_A, so d(A) = 1. Fact: Exists countable expansion of (K;+,*,A) by internal sets s.t. d(a/C) := inf_{\phi (- \tp(a/C)} d(\phi(K)) is additive: d(ab/C) = d(a/bC) + d(b/C). a \|/^d_C b <=> d(a/Cb) = d(a/C). a is ``in weak general position'' (wgp) if for any b a \|/^d b => a \|/ b Get (a_1,a_2,a_3) (- A^3 \cap R with d(a_1a_2a_3) = 2, d(a_i) = 1 so a_i \|/^d a_j. Adding params, WLOG each a_i is wgp. WTS: exists plane \pi / {} s.t. a_1,a_2,a_3 (- \pi. Let's just show: some a_i is not generic in V, i.e. trd(a_i) < 2. Suppose not. # Case 1: V is reducible Ignoring exceptional cases, WLOG f = (X^2+Y^2+Z^2-W^2)W so V = S \cup P = ``sphere \cup plane at infinity'' Then R(p,s_1,s_2) <=> s_2 = \gamma_p(s_1) where \gamma_p (- O_3 is the reflection in the plane with normal through p. Theorem[BDZ]: Let X be an irreducible variety, let G be a connected algebraic group of automorphisms of X, \wirk GX / {}, and suppose \alpha (- G and x (- X are generic wgp with \alpha \|/^d x and \alpha \|/^d \alpha(x). Then G is nilpotent. Proof idea: Obtain \Gamma_\cdot-rich wgp subset of G by approximating with arbitrary long compositions; conclude by Balog-Szemeredi-Gowers + Breuillard-Green-Tao arguments. . \alpha := \gamma_p\o\gamma_{p'} (- SO_3 =: G and X=S, this contradicts non-nilpotency of SO_3. Other reducible cases are similar, with other groups (PSO_4, G_a^2 ><| G_m). # Case 2: V irreducible Geiser involutions: \gamma_a(b) := c if R(a,b,c). \gamma_a (- Bir(V), but (\gamma_a)_a *don't* generate an algebraic subgroup, so can't use above theorem. Use incidence bounds instead. E_X := \{ ((a,a'),(b,b')) : \exists x. R(a,b,x) /\ R(a',b',x) \} <= X^2 \times X^2 Take a_1',a_2' \|/^d==_{a_3} a_1,a_2, e := ((a_1,a_1'),(a_2,a_2')) then |= E_X(e) Theorem[Tóth]: Let P be a pseudofinite set of points in \P^2(\C), let L be a pseudofinite set of lines in \P^2(\C). Then d(\{ (p,l) (- P \times L : p (- l \}) <= max( \frac23(d(P) + d(L)), d(P), d(L) ) Theorem[ES,Chernikov-Galvin-Starchenko]: \Gamma (= X \times Y constructible binary relation, A (= X, B (= Y pseudofinite, d(B) < 2d(A). Let E := \Gamma \cap (A\times B). d(E) < d(A) + d(B)/2 unless E contains some A'\times B' with |A'|=2, d(B')>0. Moreover, d(E \\ \bigcup \{ A'\times B' (= E : |A'|=2, d(B')>0 \}) < d(A) + d(B)/2 d(e) = 3 = d(a_1,a_1') + d(a_2,a_2')/2 ~~> WMA e (- A' \times B' where A'=\{(a_1,a_1'),(p,p')\}, \bdl(B')>0. WLOG (p,p') (/- \acl(a_1,a_1') (chromatic argument) [draw diamond] B' ~~> curve C of fixed points of composition \gamma_{a_1} o \gamma_{a_1'} o \gamma_{p'} o \gamma_{p} Key Lemma: C and a_1,a_1',p,p' all lie in a plane. WLOG (a_2,a_2') (- C (not obv) \pi := plane spanned by e d(e / \pi) > 0 d(e / \pi) < 3 (by wgp) Tóth: d(a_2,\pi/a_1) <= ... contradiction Proof of Key Lemma: Fact: V ~= blow up of \P^2 at 6 points \pi : V --> \P^2 Pic(V) ~= \Zl (+)_{i<6} \Ze_i l = \pi^*(line), e_i = exceptional divisor of ith blowup C (= V irred curve [C] = al - \sum_{i<6} b_ie_i deg(C) = 3a - \sum_i b_i p (- V m := \mu_p(C) d := deg(C) C' := \gamma_p(C) then m' = d - 2m d' = 2d - 3m P_i (- C singular points \sum_i \mu_{P_i}(C)(\mu_{P_i}(C)-1) <= 2g_a(C) = (a-1)(a-2) - \sum_{i<6} b(b-1) Reduce to case all multiplicities and degrees equal to m,d so m = d-2m, d=2d-3m so d=3m Obtain 5 points on C of mult m. Say [C] = al - \sum_{i<6} b_ie_i Then 5m(m-1) <= (a-1)(a-2) - \sum b_i(b_i-1) so 5(d/3)(d/3 - 1) <= a^2 + 2 - d - \sum b_i^2 <= a^2 + 2 - d - (1/6)(3a - d)^2 (Cauchy-Schwarz) ==> (2/9)d^2 - (2/3)d - 2 <= -(1/2)(a-d)^2 <= 0 ==> d < 6 ==> m < 2 So m=1 and d=3. More argument yields planarity.