float discCovered(float dist, float rad) {
	// proportion of unit disc covered by a second disc of radius rad placed
	// dist from centre of first disc.
	// WLOG, the second disc is displaced horizontally to the right.
	// xl = rightwards distance to intersection of the two circles.
	// xs = normalised leftwards distance from centre of second disc to intersection.
	// d = vertical distance to an intersection point
	// The clampings handle the cases where one disc contains the other.
	const float radsq = rad*rad;
	const float xl = Clamp((dist*dist + 1.f - radsq) / (2.f*std::max(0.001f,dist)), -1.f, 1.f);
	const float xs = Clamp((dist - xl)/std::max(0.001f,rad), -1.f, 1.f);
	const float d = sqrt(std::max(0.f, 1.f - xl*xl));

	const float th = Clamp(acosf(xl), 0.f, float(M_PI));
	const float th2 = Clamp(acosf(xs), 0.f, float(M_PI));

	assert(!is_nan(d) && !is_nan(th) && !is_nan(th2));

	// covered area can be calculated as the sum of segments from the two
	// discs plus/minus some triangles, and it works out as follows:
	return Clamp((th + radsq*th2 - dist*d)/float(M_PI), 0.f, 1.f);