Gillow Genealogy

Descendant Data

Elizabeth Hardman (I0668)
Born:12 May 1802
Died:24 Jul 1867, Great Eccleston
Husband:Richard Gillow
Married:15 Apr 1814, St Michael's on Wyre
Children:Alice GillowBridget Gillow
Gennet (Joannem) GillowHenry Gillow
James (Jacobm) GillowJane Gillow
John GillowJoseph Gillow
Richard GillowRichard Gillow

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Contact Details

Mathematical Institute
University of Oxford
Andrew Wiles Building
Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
Woodstock Road
Oxford OX2 6GG

Tel: 01865 280605

Black XBlast Man

Last modified by
Keith A. Gillow on
Thu Mar 28 17:32:17 2024

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