Presentations (Other - since 2000)
- Royal Institution Mathematics Masterclass, Magdalen College School, Brackley (2000)
- Target Schools Open Day presentation, Oxford (2000)
- Invariant Society, Mathematical Institute, Oxford (2001)
- Mathematics Open Day, Oxford (2001)
- The Royal Institution of Great Britain (2002)
- Mathematics Open Day, Oxford (2003)
- LSI/Systems Biology Open Day, Oxford (2006)
- The Training Partnership: Mathematics in Action 2006, A Level Student Study Day, Univ of London Institute of Education (2006)
- Wimbledon High School (2007)
- Mathematical Institute Garden Party, Oxford (2007)
- Systems Biology Open Day (2007)
- St Paul's Girls School, London (2007)
- The Training Partnership: Mathematics in Action 2007, A Level Student Study Day, Univ of London Institute of Education (2007) [21 Nov and 3 Dec]
- Oxford University Scientific Society (2008)
- Gresham College [2] (2008)
- Olympic Delivery Authority, Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, London (2009)
- Mathematics Open Day, Oxford [2] (2009)
- Annual Sixth Form Lecture, Manchester Grammar School (2010)
- Mathematics Open Day, Oxford [2] (2010)
- Formal Opening of the Alan Turing Building, Open University, 7th July, (2010)
- ``Blurbs'', Brasenose College, Oxford (2010)
- Oxford Summer School in Computational Biology, Oxford (2011)
- Student Talk: Department of Mathematical Sciences, United Arab Emirates
University, Al Ain (2011)
- Harris Manchester Maths Day, Oxford (2011)
- SciSoc, Cambridge University Scientific Society (2012)
- Turing's Worlds, Oxford Univ Dept for Continuing Education in association with the British Society for the History of Mathematics (2012)
- Oxford Summer School in Computational Biology, Oxford (2012)
- Invariant Society, Mathematical Institute, Oxford (2013)
- Invariant Society, Mathematical Institute, Oxford (2015)
- Eton Mathematical Society (2015)
- Student Biology Discussion Forum, IISER (Indian Institute of Science Education and Reseach) Mohali (2015)
- Mediterranean Science Festival, Limassol, Cyprus (3-6 December, 2015)
- British High Commission, Nicosia, Cyprus (2015)
- Science and Space Cafe, Nicosia, Cyprus (2015)
- miRcore (Michigan High School Students), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan (2016)
- Public Lecture, European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology (ECMTB) 2016 (joint with Society for Mathematical Biology), University of Nottingham,
July 11-15 (2016)
- Invariant Society, Mathematical Institute, Oxford (2016)
- Fridays@4, Mathematical Institute, Oxford (2016)
- Applied Maths Seminar, University of St Andrews, Dundee (2017)
- The Turing Centre, ETH Zurich (2 lectures) (2017)
- Research Soiree, St John's College, Oxford (2017)
- Balliol Undergraduate Mathematical Society, Oxford (2018)
- Invariant Society, Mathematical Institute, Oxford (2018)
- Landscapes in Mathematical Sciences, Department Colloquium, University of Bath
- Fridays@2 Mathematics: the past, present and future, series Mathematical Institute, Oxford (2019)
- Fridays@4, Mathematical Institute, Oxford (2019)
- Delegation from King Abdulaziz University, Mathematical Institute, Oxford (2019)
- Delegation from University of Zagreb, Croatia, Mathematical Institute, Oxford (2019)
- Christmas Lecture, Bolyai Institute, University of Szeged, Hungary (2019)
- Oxford Mathematics Remote Public Lecture (2020)
- Webinar Series by Distinguished Experts, The National Academy of Sciences, India (NASI) - Delhi Chapter - and MHRD-Institution Innovation
Council (IIC), Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College Chapter, University of Delhi, India
- Invited Speaker, online miRcore R Programming & Research Camp for High School Students, University of Michigan, July 13-17 (2020)
- Centre for Applied Mathematics in Bioscience and Medicine (CAMBAM) Seminar Series (Video conference), McGill University, Canada
- Department of Mathematics, University of Zagreb, Croatia (online)
- MPIDS Colloquium, Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization, Gottingen, Germany (online)Invariant Society, Mathematical Institute, Oxford (2020) (online)
- Invariant Society, Mathematical Institute, Oxford (2020) (online)
- Development and Alumni Relations online event, St John's College, Oxford (2020)
- Mathematical Biology Seminar, University of Minnesota, USA (online) (2020)
- Cancer Dynamics Group, University of Maryland, College Park, USA (online)
- Colloquium, University of North Carolina Greensboro Mathematics & Statistics (online)
- Inspire Summer School (Years 9-12), St John's College, Oxford, 2022 (online)
- Online Colloquium, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of North Carolina (UNC), Greensboro, USA
- Centre for Mathematical Medicine Seminar, The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences, Toronto, Canada (online presentation)
- Patrick G. Johnston Centre for Cancer Research, Queen's University, Belfast
- Department of Mathematical Sciences, Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy
- School of Mathematics, University of Leeds
- Invariant Society, Mathematical Institute, Oxford (2024)
- UCL Computational Cancer Collaboratorium Seminar Series
- Department of Mathematics, Kuwait University