dqds with aggressive early deflation Fortran code
Below is a set of fortran codes that implement dqds with aggressive early deflation for computing singular values of a bidiagonal matrix. Theoretical developments and details are described inYuji Nakatsukasa, Kensuke Aishima and Ichitaro Yamazaki, dqds with aggressive early deflation, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 22-51, 2012.
The set of file contains codes for three versions of dqds variants:
dqds with aggdef1 (straightforward implementation of aggressive early deflation),
dqds with aggdef2 (more efficient), and
dqd with aggdef2 (zero-shift version).
Disclaimer: This is a set of test codes. We do not take responsibility for any errors or inconvenience caused by using the code.
Please take a look at readme.txt for detailed instructions on how to run.
zip file containing all the files