Dr. Marya Bazzi,
Oxford Centre for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Mathematical
Institute, University of Oxford, Community Structure in Multilayer
Networks. (Joint with Sam Howison.) [Winter 2016--present.]
Dr. Lucas Jeub,
Oxford Centre for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Mathematical
Institute, University of Oxford, Community Structure in
Networks. (Joint with Sam Howison.) [Winter 2016--present.]
Doctoral Students
Paul Brodersen
[Systems Biology Doctoral Training Centre], Mathematical Institute,
University of Oxford, How Does Learning Affect the Structure of
Biological Neural Networks? (Joint with Colin Akerman.) [Fall
Brüggemeier, Neuroscience, Department of Physiology, Anatomy, and
Genetics, University of Oxford, Drosophila Courtship Song:
Modelling Behavioural Patterns in Terms of Neural and Muscle
Dynamics. (Joint with Stephen Goodwin.) [Fall 2013--present]
Roxana Feier,
Industrially Focused Mathematical Modelling (InFoMM) Centre for
Doctoral Training, University of Oxford, Community Structure in
Product-Purchase Networks. (Industrial partner dunnhumby.) [Spring
Klimm, Systems Approaches to Biomedical Sciences Centre for
Doctoral Training, Multilayer Network Analysis of Temporal
Protein-Protein Interaction Networks (Joint with Charlotte Deane
and Jonny Wray. Wray is from our industrial partner e-Therapeutics.)
[Summer 2015--present]
Mahler, Systems Biology Doctoral Training Centre, University of
Oxford, Computational Homology and Networks. (Joint with
Heather Harrington.) [Summer 2014--present]
Martínez, Oxford Centre for Industrial and Applied
Mathematics, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford,
Nonlinear Waves in Granular Crystals. [Fall 2013--present]
Murevics, Oxford Centre for Industrial and Applied Mathematics,
Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford,
Systemic Risk in Financial Systems. (Joint with Sam
Howison. Industrial partner HSBC.) [Fall 2013--present]
Se Wook
Oh, Oxford Centre for Industrial and Applied Mathematics,
Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, Homophily and Social
Influence in Networks. [Spring 2013--present]
Alice Schwarze,
Systems Approaches to Biomedical Sciences Centre for Doctoral
Training, Structural Robustness in Protein Interaction Networks
(Joint with Jonny Wray of our industrial partner e-Therapeutics.)
[Summer 2015--present]
Stroud, Life Sciences Interface (LSI) Doctoral Training Centre,
University of Oxford, Adaptive Motor Networks in
Neuroscience. (Joint with Tim Vogels.) [Spring 2015--present]
Taylor-King, Systems Biology Doctoral Training Centre, University
of Oxford, A Network Approaching to Modelling Cancer
Ecosystems. (Joint with Jon Chapman and David Basanta. Basanta is
from our industrial partner Moffitt Cancer Center.) [Summer
Fabian Ying,
Industrially Focused Mathematical Modelling (InFoMM) Centre for
Doctoral Training, University of Oxford, Spatio-temporal Patterns
Among Shoppers. (Joint with Mariano Beguerisse Díaz and Sam
Howison. Our industrial partner is Tesco.)
Masters Students
Walid Ahmad, Masters in Mathematical Modelling and Scientific
Computation (MMSC), Continuous-Time Analysis of Temporal
Networks. (Joint with Mariano Beguerisse Díaz.) [Spring
2016--Sumer 2016]
Alexandra Darmon, Masters in Mathematical Modelling and
Scientific Computation (MMSC), Algorithmic Classification of
Writing Styles via Time-Series Analysis of Punctuation. (Joint
with Sam Howison.) [Spring 2016--Summer 2016]
Karan Jain, Masters in Mathematical Modelling and Scientific
Computation (MMSC), Learning Strategies for an Iterated Game with
Unknown Asymmetry. (Joint with Marian Dawkins and Cameron Hall.)
[Spring 2016--Summer 2016]
Lena Mangold, Masters in Mathematical Modelling and Scientific
Computation (MMSC), Network Analysis of Political Discussions on
Twitter. [Spring 2016--Summer 2016]
Leo Speidel, Systems Biology Doctoral Training
Centre, Spreading Dynamics in Spatial Networks. (Joint with
Heather Harrington and Jon Chapman.) [Spring 2016--Summer
2016. Starting in Fall 2016, Leo will be a doctoral student in
Statistics at University of Oxford.]
Luc Stultiens, Masters in Mathematical Foundations of Computer
Science (MFoCS), TBD topic in political networks. [Spring
2016--Summer 2016]
Undergraduate Students
Ta Chu ("Calvin") Kao, 4th year, Physics, University of
Oxford, Multilayer Networks. [Fall 2015--Winter 2016]
Xianglin ("Flora") Meng, 4th year, Mathematics, University of
Oxford, Opinion Models on Networks Based on Game Theory. (Joint
with Robert Van Gorder) [Fall 2015--Winter 2016. Starting in Fall
2016, Flora will be a Ph.D. student in Electrical Engineering at
Joseph Pollard, 4th year, Mathematics & Computer
Science, Effect of Environment on Delta-Kicked Oscillators
[Fall 2015--Winter 2016. Starting in Fall 2016, Joe will be a
Ph.D. student in the Complexity Science Doctoral Training Centre at
University of Warwick.]
Martín Buldú, Centro de Tecnología Biomédica, UPM - Montegancedo,
Spain. [6/16--9/16]