I am a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at All Souls College and an affiliate researcher at the Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford. I recently completed my DPhil (PhD) in Mathematics at Oxford working in combinatorics. My thesis, on Graph Reconstruction and Structure, was supervised by Alex Scott. Previously, I was an undergraduate at the Australian National University, where my Honours thesis in graph theory was supervised by Brendan McKay. While syncing academic years between hemispheres, I enjoyed support from Catherine Greenhill.
17. Colouring t-perfect graphs, arXiv:2412.17735, submitted (with Maria Chudnovsky, Linda Cook, James Davies and Sang-il Oum)
16. On high genus extensions of Negami’s conjecture, arXiv:2412.04420, submitted (with Marcin Briański and James Davies)
15. Clustered Colouring of Graph Products, arXiv:2407.21360, submitted (with Rutger Campbell, J. Pascal Gollin, Kevin Hendrey, Thomas Lesgourgues, Bojan Mohar, Youri Tamitegama, and David R. Wood)
14. When t-intersecting hypergraphs admit bounded c-strong colourings, arXiv:2406.13402, submitted (with Kevin Hendrey, Freddie Illingworth and Nina Kamčev)
13. A note on graphs of k-colourings, arXiv:2402.04237, submitted (with Emma Hogan, Alex Scott and Youri Tamitegama)
12. Boundary rigidity of 3D CAT(0) cube complexes, arXiv:2309.04385, submitted (with John Haslegrave, Alex Scott and Youri Tamitegama)
11. Product structure of graph classes with bounded treewidth, arXiv:2206.02395, submitted (with Rutger Campbell, Katie Clinch, Marc Distel, J. Pascal Gollin, Kevin Hendrey, Robert Hickingbotham, Tony Huynh, Freddie Illingworth, Youri Tamitegama and David R. Wood)
10. On comparable box dimension, Proc. 38th International Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG) 2022, 38:1-38:14. DOI:10.4230/LIPIcs.SoCG.2022.38 (with Zdenek Dvorák, Daniel Goncalves, Abhiruk Lahiri and Torsten Ueckerdt)
9. Induced subgraphs of induced subgraphs of large chromatic number, arXiv:2203.03612, submitted (with António Girão, Freddie Illingworth, Emil Powierski, Michael Savery, Alex Scott and Youri Tamitegama)
8. Decomposing random permutations into order-isomorphic subpermutations, arXiv:2202.10789, submitted (with Carla Groenland, Tom Johnston, Dániel Korándi, Alexander Roberts and Alex Scott)
7. Counting partitions of G(n,1/2) with degree congruence conditions, arXiv:2105.12612, to appear in Random Structures and Algorithms (with Paul Balister, Emil Powierski and Alex Scott)
6. Reconstructing trees from small cards, arXiv:2103.13359, submitted (with Carla Groenland, Tom Johnston and Alex Scott)
5. Reconstructing the degree sequence of a sparse graph from a partial deck, arXiv:2102.08679, to appear in J. Combin. Theory Ser. B (with Carla Groenland, Tom Johnston, Andrey Kupavskii, Kitty Meeks and Alex Scott)
4. Graph pseudometrics from a topological point of view, Research in Computational Topology 2, Springer (2022). DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-95519-9_5 (with Ana Garcia-Pulido, Kathryn Hess, Kate Turner, Bei Wang and Naya Yerolemou)
3. A note on infinite antichain density, arXiv:2102.00246, SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 36 (2022) (with Paul Balister, Emil Powierski and Alex Scott)
2. Eulerian circuits and path decompositions in quartic planar graphs, arXiv:1910.02819, submitted.
1. Small 4-regular planar graphs that are not circle representable, Australas. J. Combin., 76 (2020), 428-435. (pdf)
- Upcoming: Scottish Combinatorics Meetinge, University of Glasgow, April 28-29
- Upcoming: Bristol Combinatorics Seminar, February 18
- October 2024, Groups and Geometry in South England (info) (slides)
- June 2024, Institute for Basic Science Discrete Math Seminar, Daejeon, Korea (website)
- May 2024, TU Graz Combinatorics Seminar (info)
- January 2024, University of Warwick Combinatorics Seminar (info)
- June 2023, Foundations of Computational Mathematics at Sorbonne, Paris (slides)
- May 2023, University of Birmingham Combinatorics Seminar (info)
- May 2023, Rutgers DIMACS Graduate Combinatorics Seminar (info)
- November 2022, QMUL Combinatorics Study Group (info)
- September 2022, Bordeaux Graph Theory Seminar (slides)
- July 2022, British Combinatorial Conference (slides)
- May 2022, Student Symposium in Combinatorics (info)
- March 2022, Barbados Graph Theory Workshop
- February 2022, UCL Combinatorics Seminar (info)
- November 2021, UCSD ABACUS Graduate Combinatorics Seminar (info) (board)
- November 2021, LSE PhD Seminar (info) (slides)
- July 2021, British Combinatorial Conference (slides)
- April 2021, MSI Colloquium at ANU (info) (slides)
- December 2019, 42ACCMCC at UNSW Sydney (slides)
- February 2019, Combinatorics Seminar at UNSW Sydney (info)
- December 2017, 5th International Combinatorics Conference at Monash University (slides)
I will be tutoring C8.3 Combinatorics in Michaelmas 2024.
Notes and projects
- A 10-step guide to the Serre spectral sequence
- My undergraduate Honours thesis on quartic planar graphs
- An introduction to computing stable stems, written as part of an AMSI summer project