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Workshop on Stochastic Modelling of Reaction-Diffusion Processes in Biology

9 - 11 July 2012, Oxford, United Kingdom


Steve Andrews: Beyond particle-based simulation: rule-based and filament modeling
Essentially all current biochemical modeling software focuses on the chemical reaction networks that animate living cells. These networks are important, of course. For example, metabolism, cellular signaling, and cell cycling all depend on complex reaction networks. Recent algorithm and software advances now enable researchers to explore the roles of intracellular stochasticity and spatial organization in biochemical reaction networks. For example, my Smoldyn software represents proteins as point-like particles that diffuse, react, and interact with membranes in 3-dimensional continuous space, much as proteins do in real cells. However, this focus on modeling reaction networks misses a large fraction of what really happens in real cells. Many, and perhaps most, real proteins don't act as individuals, but perform their work as components of transient multi-protein complexes. A special type of extended complex is the intracellular filament, such as actin and microtubules. I will briefly survey the state of the art in multimeric complex and filament modeling and I will present my recent work on these topics.

Ruth Baker: Models of cellular migration for cells of different shapes and sizes
Continuum, partial differential equation models are often used to describe the collective motion of cell populations, with various types of motility represented by the choice of diffusion coefficient, and cell proliferation captured by the source terms. Previously, the choice of diffusion coefficient has been largely arbitrary, with the decision to choose a particular linear or nonlinear form generally based on calibration arguments rather than making any physical connection with the underlying individual-level properties of the cell motility mechanism. In this talk I will discuss a series of individual-level models, which account for important cell properties such as varying cell shape and volume exclusion, and their corresponding population-level partial differential equation formulations. I will demonstrate the ability of these models to predict the population-level response of a cell spreading problem for both proliferative and non-proliferative cases. I will also discuss the potential of the models to predict long time travelling wave invasion rates.

Thomas Bartol: How to build a synapse from molecules, membranes, and Monte Carlo methods
Biochemical signaling pathways are integral to the information storage, transmission, and transformation roles played by neurons in the nervous system. Far from behaving as well-mixed bags of biochemical soup, the intra- and inter-cellular environments in and around neurons are highly organized reaction-diffusion systems, with some subcellular specializations consisting of just a few copies each of the various molecular species they contain. For example, glutamtergic synapses at dendritic spines in area CA1 hippocampal pyramidal cells contain perhaps 100 AMPA receptors, 20 NMDA receptors, 10 CaMKII complexes, and 5 free Ca++ ions in the spine head. Much experimental data has been gathered about the neuronal signaling pathways involved in processes such as synaptic plasticity, especially recently, thanks to new molecular probes and advanced imaging techniques. Yet, fitting these observations into a clear and consistent picture that is more than just a cartoon but rather can provide biophysically accurate predictions of function has proven difficult due to the complexity of the interacting pieces and their relationships. Gone are the days when one could do a simple thought experiment based on the known quantities and imagine the possibilities with any degree of accuracy. This is especially true of biological reaction-diffusion systems where the number of discrete interacting particles is small, the spatial relationships are highly organized, and the reaction pathways are non-linear and stochastic. Here I will present how biophysically accurate computational experiments performed on cell signaling pathways can be a powerful way to study such systems and can help formulate and test new hypotheses in conjunction with bench experiments. MCell is a Monte Carlo simulator designed for the purpose of simulating exactly these sorts of cell signaling systems. I will introduce fundamental concepts of cell signaling processes in the organized and compact spaces of synapses, and the insights that can be gained through building realistic models of neurotransmission.

Jon Chapman: Diffusion of finite size particles
Short range interactions such as volume exclusion or contact inhibition processes can play an important role in determining transport properties for diffusing particles. Often such interactions are modelled at a mean-field level using a phenomenological guess at a nonlinear diffusion coefficient, or via some closure assumption. Here we use matched asymptotic expansions to determine the effective diffusion coefficient for a system of small particles undergoing Brownian diffusion. The resulting equations compare favourably with stochastic simulations, and outperform both point particles and closure. The difference between self and collective diffusion is highlighted.

David Fange: From micro to macro using spatially discrete stochastic reaction-diffusion models
Spatially discrete stochastic reaction-diffusion models, based on the reaction-diffusion master equation (RDME) has been shown to give diverging results with increasing spatial resolution. The underlying reason is that RDME commonly uses macroscopic rate constants, which includes time for diffusional transport between reactions. However, for bi-molecular reactions, in a high spatial resolution RDME, the diffusional transport is modelled explicitly and should not be included in the rate constant.
Recently we have sought to resolve this issue by deriving rate constants based on a microscopic hard-sphere model. Here the amount of diffusional mixing within each lattice point depend on the spatial resolution of the simulations, and thus the reaction rate constants become scale dependent in a microscopic consistent manner.
By implementing the scale dependent reaction rate constants into MesoRD, we have now made it easy to perform physically consistent stochastic reaction-diffusion simulations down to a spatial resolution of the size of molecules while still retaining the speed gained when only low spatial resolution is needed. By using simple examples we have shown how strikingly important it is to choose a correct model framework for the problem at hand. For example, spatial correlations between reactive substrates can change the overall properties of the system, especially for molecules in two dimensional geometries such as cell membranes.

Mark Flegg: Matching stochastic reaction-diffusion simulation strategies over an interface
Traditionally reaction-diffusion phenomena have been modelled with the use of continuous distributions of chemicals in the form of partial differential equations (PDEs). In biology, there are cases where a continuous deterministic description, like PDEs, is appropriate. However, biological phenomena that are highly sensitive to small concentrations or critical processes are dependent and/or controlled by fluctuations in local concentrations. There are two fundamental classifications to the modelling of stochastic reaction-diffusion processes; on-lattice and off-lattice. Whilst both of these modelling processes are similar in that they describe a discrete number of molecules with the same stochastic macroscopic physical kinetics, neither approach has emerged as dominant amongst modellers. This is because the method that is most appropriate, whether this be a deterministic continuous PDE method or one of the two stochastic methods, depends on the particular biology that is being modelled. Often the biological phenomena occur on multiple scales for which a macroscopic (PDE), a mesoscopic (stochastic on-lattice), or microscopic (stochastic off-lattice) model is appropriate in different regions of the domain. In this talk I will discuss the ways of correctly coupling these regions. In particular I will discuss how an off-lattice model of a stochastic reaction-diffusion process should be coupled to an adjoining discrete (on-lattice) subdomain and/or to a subdomain that describes the molecules in an expected distribution sense and governed by a set of PDEs.

Martin Howard: Dissecting the noisy pom1p intracellular concentration gradient in fission yeast
Chemical gradients can generate pattern formation in biological systems. In the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, a cortical gradient of the kinase pom1p functions to position sites of cytokinesis and cell polarity, and to control cell length. Here, using quantitative imaging, fluorescence correlation spectroscopy and mathematical modelling, we study how its gradient distribution is formed. Pom1p gradients exhibit large cell-to-cell variability as well as dynamic fluctuations in each individual gradient. Our data lead to a two-state model for gradient formation where pom1p molecules associate with the plasma membrane at cell tips, and then diffuse on the membrane while aggregating into and fragmenting from clusters, before disassociating from the membrane. In contrast to a classical one-component gradient, this two-state gradient buffers against cell-to-cell variations in protein concentration. This buffering mechanism, together with time-averaging to reduce intrinsic noise, allows the pom1p gradient to specify positional information in a robust manner.

Samuel Isaacson: Stochastic reaction diffusion methods for studying the influence of subcellular structure on the dynamics of biochemical processes
We will discuss our work developing stochastic reaction-drift-diffusion methods and their application to the study of cellular processes. We will first describe our recent work constructing numerical methods for solving both spatially-discrete and spatially-continuous models. The methods we develop will then be applied to study how volume exclusion due to cellular substructure influences the dynamics of cellular processes. Our detailed three-dimensional simulations will be constructed using several different types of high-resolution imaging of the ultrastructure within mammalian cells.

Karen Lipkow: Towards a complete spatial model of bacterial chemotaxis - and the yeast nucleus
The chemotaxis system of Escherichia coli, which helps the bacteria to swim towards the most favourable environment, is arguably the best studied biological signal transduction pathway and as such a favoured subject of Systems Biology. We have pioneered a spatially detailed model using the particle-based software Smoldyn and studied the effects of (dynamic) molecule positioning on signalling properties such as speed, fidelity and robustness. While early models were restricted to the cytoplasm, we have recently added transmembrane reactions and complex interactions in the polar chemoreceptor cluster. This had led to surprising insights which are only possible to gain in a three-dimensional model of this resolution. In parallel, we developed a 2-dimensional Java-based model at slightly higher detail. We are currently testing our major modelling predictions in vivo. Time allowing, I will also present some of our Smoldyn simulations on transcription factor movement and genome organisation in the nucleus of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

Per Lotstedt: Multiscale simulation of stochastic processes in systems biology
In living cells, molecules are transported actively or by diffusion and react with each other when they are close. The molecules move and react in three space dimensions (3D), on two dimensional (2D) surfaces and on one dimensional (1D) structures. The surfaces can be the cell membrane or the nuclear membrane and the DNA and the microtubules are examples of one dimensional structures embedded in 3D. A molecule diffuses in 3D, attaches to the lower dimensional manifold, diffuses on the manifold and is released from it.
The cell domain is partitioned into voxels or compartments in 1D, 2D, and 3D in a mesoscopic model. The diffusion of the molecules is simulated by jumps between the voxels and these jumps and the reactions occur with a certain probability. At a finer, microscopic level, each individual molecule is tracked, it moves by Brownian motion and reacts with other molecules according to the Smoluchowski equation.
Algorithms for simulations with the mesoscopic, microscopic and meso-micro models in 1D, 2D, and 3D will be described and applied to systems in molecular biology.

Alan McKane: Stochastic pattern formation: the linear noise approximation and beyond
Models of biological systems are typically studied by analysing deterministic differential equations or by carrying out computer simulations. It is less common to analyse individual based models mathematically, although the tools required to do this frequently exist and several interesting and important mechanisms can be understood through their application. In this talk I will briefly review some aspects of the formalism that can be used to investigate stochastic effects in individual based models and then go on to apply these to study stochastic Turing patterns and stochastic travelling waves. These patterns exist outside of the region in which similar patterns are found in the corresponding deterministic system, and often occur for a wider range of parameter values. I will end by briefly discussing other instances of stochastic pattern formation which can only be understood by going beyond the previously used linear noise approximation.

Hans Othmer: A stochastic model of actin waves in Dictyostelium discoideum
In the absence of directional signals, neutrophils and Dictyostelium cells explore their environment randomly, and thus the signaling networks that control the cytoskeleton are tuned to produce this random movement. The balance between the RhoA and Rac pathways determines whether dendritic network formation or bundling of F-actin and myo-II-controlled contraction dominates, and the competition between them leads to complex patterns of traveling actin waves in the cortex in both cell types. Treatment of Dd with latrunculin, which acts as an F-actin depolymerizing agent, leads to dissolution of the cortex, and a variety of actin waves emerge during its reconstruction. First static spots of actin network arise, then some of these evolve into traveling spots, and some in turn give rise to full-fledged traveling waves. These waves propagate by treadmilling, as shown by actin recovery after bleaching. In this talk we discuss results from a detailed stochastic model of actin polymerization at the membrane that describes cortical re-construction and wave propagation, and predicts how different processes control the various behaviors.

Linda Petzold: Spatial stochastic amplification in cell polarization
Polarization is an essential behavior of living cells, yet the dynamics of this symmetry-breaking are not fully understood. Previously, noise was thought to interfere with this process; however, we show that stochastic dynamics play an essential role in robust cell polarization and the dynamic response to changing cues. We describe a spatial stochastic model of polarisome formation in mating yeast. The model is built on simple mechanistic components, but is able to achieve a highly polarized phenotype with a relatively shallow input gradient, and to track movement in the gradient. The spatial stochastic simulations are able to reproduce experimental observations to an extent that is not possible with deterministic simulation.
Spatial stochastic simulation is a challenging computational problem. We report on our progress to date on the development of accurate and efficient algorithms.

Wouter-Jan Rappel: Eukaryotic chemotaxis: modeling cell motion and gradient sensing
Understanding chemotaxis, during which cells move in the presence of chemical gradients, is a challenging and fascinating problem. Chemotaxis plays a crucial role in a number of biological processes, including neuronal patterning, wound healing, embryogenesis, and cancer metastasis. Even though many of the key biochemical components involved in chemotaxis are known, it remains a poorly understood process. In this talk, I will present our recent modeling efforts aimed towards a better quantitative and mechanistic understanding of chemotaxis.

Koichi Takahashi: Simulating cellular environments with E-Cell System Version 4
Predictive modeling of cellular behaviors bottom up from molecular interactions is a holy grail in computational systems biology. Although 'rigorous' chemical master equations exist since the midst of the 20th century, biochemical network simulations has been suffering from lack of quantitative bases. I argue that part of this lack of predictive power in systems biology is due to the negligence of the non-idealistic intracellular environments, including molecular crowding, spatial heterogeneity of proteins including localization and clustering in microdomains, and microscopic spatio-temporal correlations. Such an environment is beyond the scopes of classical theories such as Einstein-Smoluchowski theory of molecular diffusion and Michaelis-Menten's enzymatic reaction kinetics. The advent of advanced laser micro-/spectro-scopy that can directly observe macromolecules in living cells made us realize the need of modeling at the level of individual molecules and their internal states, instead of electrical circuit-like reaction networks. To fulfill this computational need, we have been developing high-performance and rule-based biochemical reaction network simulation platform E-Cell System Version 4 for supercomputing architectures that can potentially handle the enormous amount of computation required to reproduce macroscopic physiological responses of cellular systems from microscopic molecular events. I will introduce a few types of single-molecular simulation methods implemented on E-Cell 4, including (1) the enhanced Green's Function Reaction Dynamics, which is an exact and high-performance method for particle reaction-diffusion problems, (2) Spatiocyte, a massively parallel microscopic lattice method, and (3) a reaction Brownian Dynamics (BD) method. I will discuss some applications of these methods such as (a) the role of spatio-temporal correlations and molecular crowding on the MAP Kinase double-phosphorylation cycle using the eGFRD and BD, (b) PI3K/PTEN self-organized waves in Dictyostelium discoideum cAMP response pathway using Spatiocyte, and (c) a mechanism to generate cell-to-cell variations in signal response in human epidermal growth factor pathway using Spatiocyte.

Abstracts of Posters

Pavol Bauer: Parameter sweeps and sensitivity in stochastic simulations of chemical kinetics
Spatiotemporal stochastic models in the reaction-diffusion master equation formalism can be simulated by resolving the geometry using two or three dimensional unstructured meshes as in our modular software framework URDME. Thanks to its flexible structure and well-defined interfaces, new solvers may be developed in an independent manner and connected directly to the underlying layers of the simulation environment. We have developed a solver for stochastic sensitivity analysis allowing for a path-wise control of the processes occurring during the simulation of complex kinetic networks. This method allows us to compare single trajectories under arbitrary perturbations and calculate the difference and even derivative in the expected value to a reference simulation run. This new functionality in URDME enables outstanding possibilities to compare and optimize models under different configurations, including an accurate estimation of a system's response.

Tommaso Biancalani: Stochastic patterns in population models
A common starting point to understand pattern formation is formulating the problem in terms of reaction-diffusion partial differential equations; the emergence of patterns can then often be explained via a linear instability of an homogeneous state, as proposed by Turing in the 50s. However, using partial differential equations requires that every population is considered as continuous, which is not appropriate when the number of degrees of freedom is not macroscopic. To overcome this, stochastic models have been introduced: the finiteness of the degrees of freedom translates into an "intrinsic stochasticity" which can be successfully treated using techniques from the theory of stochastic processes. The research reported in this poster has been devoted to study the role of stochasticity in pattern forming systems. Specifically, we show that in stochastic models the parameter region for which patterns arise is greatly enlarged compared to the deterministic counterpart, and it does not require a separation of diffusivities. We carried out this analysis in a simple 2-species reaction-diffusion model which exhibits steady patterns and travelling waves. The stochastic patterns have been observed in numerical simulations and analytically characterised using a linear noise approximation.

Pascal Bochet: A representation of microtubules in lymphocytes using Smoldyn
Helper lymphocytes regulate the immune responses and are the targets of the HIV virus. One key regulators of the multiplication and differentiation of helper lymphocytes is interleukin-7 (IL-7). IL-7 signaling in helper lymphocytes is mediated by STAT5 which is phosphorylated by the IL-7 receptor signaling complex at the cell membrane and transported into the nucleus along microtubules. Smoldyn is a widely-used program which simulates the diffusion and the reactions of individual molecules at the cellular scale. However, so far, Smoldyn has no method for the representation of microtubules in simulations. Here we describe an implementation in Smoldyn of hundreds of microtubules bridging cytoplasmic and nuclear membranes and a simulation for the transport of several thousands signaling molecules carried by unidirectional molecular motors moving along those microtubules. With this simulation we represented signal transduction in helper lymphocytes. This simulation helps us to interpret experimental data on signal transduction in these cells. They showed that the transport of STAT5 assisted by molecular-motors is slower than simple Brownian diffusion. This leads to new hypothesis about the role of microtubules in intracellular signaling in this system. This is a joint work with Blanche Tamarit and Thierry Rose.

Katarina Bodova: The role of randomness in the collective food finding behavior and trail formation in ant colonies
Ants are able to form narrow paths between the nest and the food source using multiple pheromones to mark the trail. We designed a mathematical model based on a release of two different signalling pheromones where the motion of ants is governed by two main components - random direction change that improves food finding ability, and the systematic component, based on pheromone concentration, important for trail signalling. Numerical simulations show two phases of the trail formation: initial food search and trail refining. The randomness is crucial not only for finding the shortest trail but also for an ability of ants to simultaneously search for multiple food sources. This is a joint work with my student Miriam Malickova (Comenius University).

Maria Bruna: Excluded-volume effects in the diffusion of hard spheres
Excluded-volume effects can play an important role in determining transport properties in diffusion of particles. Here, the diffusion of finite-sized hard-core interacting particles in two or three dimensions is considered systematically using the method of matched asymptotic expansions. The result is a nonlinear diffusion equation for the one-particle distribution function, with excluded-volume effects enhancing the overall collective diffusion rate. An expression for the effective (collective) diffusion coefficient is obtained. Stochastic simulations of the full particle system are shown to compare well with the solution of this equation for two examples.

Niall Deakin: Stochastic multiscale models of cancer invasion
There are several important steps involved in the growth and spread of cancer. Local invasion of tissue is one of these steps or "hallmarks". The current work will focus on the local invasion of the host tissue achieved by the secretion of enzymes involved in proteolysis (tissue degradation). We present a mathematical model of cancer cell invasion of host tissue at both the macro- (tissue) and micro-scale (cell). The model considers cancer cells and a number of different matrix-degrading enzymes from the MMP family (matrix metalloproteinases) and their interaction with, and effect on, the extracellular matrix (ECM) in a 2D domain. While the macro-scale incorporates partial differential equations, the micro-scale operates over a smaller spatial and temporal scale, and as such stochastic properties can be useful in accurately modelling this scale of invasion. Also included will be work that focuses solely on the activation system of a specific MMP (MMP-2) at the cell level with a guide to its actions surrounding the individual cell.

Omer Dushek: Ultrasensitivity in multisite phosphorylation of membrane-anchored proteins
Cellular signaling is initially confined to the plasma membrane, where the cytoplasmic tails of surface receptors and other membrane-anchored proteins are phosphorylated in response to ligand binding. These proteins often contain multiple phosphorylation sites that are regulated by membrane-confined enzymes. Phosphorylation of these proteins is thought to be tightly regulated, because they initiate and regulate signaling cascades leading to cellular activation, yet how their phosphorylation is regulated is poorly understood. Ultrasensitive or switchlike responses in their phosphorylation state are not expected because the modifying enzymes are in excess. Here, we describe a novel mechanism of ultrasensitivity exhibited by multisite membrane-anchored proteins, but not cytosolic proteins, even when enzymes are in excess. The mechanism underlying this concentration-independent ultrasensitivity is the local saturation of a single enzyme by multiple sites on the substrate. Local saturation is a passive process arising from slow membrane diffusion, steric hindrances, and multiple sites, and therefore may be widely applicable. Critical to this ultrasensitivity is the brief enzymatic inactivation that follows substrate modification. Computations are presented using ordinary differential equations and stochastic spatial simulations. We propose a new role, to our knowledge, for multisite membrane-anchored proteins, discuss experiments that can be used to probe the model, and relate our findings to previous theoretical work.

Benjamin Franz: Multiscale modelling: Coupling Brownian dynamics with mean-field PDEs
We discuss two different situations where coupling Brownian dynamics simulations with mean-field PDEs can be advantageous. In many biological applications, a strongly inhomogeneous domain leads to the necessity of multiscale methods that allow the use of mean-field approaches in regions of high copy numbers, whilst exact particle dynamics need to be considered in other parts of the domain. We present an algorithm that achieves this coupling in a way that statistical properties are preserved. The algorithm provides exact particle tracking data in parts of the domain, whilst using quick continuum approaches everywhere else. In the second situation, we consider multi-species systems that have strong between-species differences in copy numbers, so that different approaches need to be applied for different species. We present how the coupling can be achieved and demonstrate its functionality on the example of bacterial chemotaxis.

Andreas Hellander: Multiscale simulation of reaction-diffusion kinetics in the URDME software framework
URDME is a flexible software framework for stochastic reaction-diffusion simulation. Using unstructured meshes, URDME is capable of handling realistic geometries. The framework is designed to combine an advanced modeling environment and an efficient built-in core simulation algorithm with the support for easy extensions of the software. Mesoscopic simulation based on the reaction-diffusion master equation (RDME) offers many computational challenges. Well resolved geometries lead to expensive simulations due to the large number of diffusion events. Furthermore, in the highly diffusion limited regime the RDME can give inaccurate results for fine meshes, as compared to microscopic particle tracking methods. We have recently shown that no local modification of the mesoscopic reaction rates in the classical RDME can rectify this problem. In this light we show how a microscopic-mesoscopic hybrid method that can achieve the accuracy of the microscopic modeling level at a much reduced cost was implemented in the URDME framework. In addition, URDME has been used to develop models of active transport, a mesoscopic-macroscopic hybrid simulation algorithm and approximate algorithms. We also report on recent work to extend URDME to allow for simulation in distributed computing environments such as Grids and Clouds and discuss the challenges involved in managing and handling the large amounts of simulation data that is generated by e.g. parameter sweeps.

Stefan Hellander: Multiscale simulation of reaction-diffusion processes
We have developed a multiscale method that makes it possible to simulate parts of the domain and subsets of the molecules at a microscopic, particle-tracking, level and the rest of the domain and the molecules at a mesoscopic level. For some problems we have been able to reduce the number of molecules simulated at the microscopic level by an order of magnitude without an appreciable loss of accuracy. In addition to this we are also able to represent general surfaces in an efficient and flexible manner, and are able to apply the multiscale method also to systems with reactions on membranes and microtubules. The multiscale method is based on splitting the mesoscopic and the microscopic variables during a global time step. It is crucial to choose this time step correctly to balance all errors. We will show some recent results concerning how to choose this time step optimally for a simple model problem.

Max Hoffmann: Spatial stochastic simulations of focal adhesions
Focal adhesions are cell-matrix contacts which transduce and integrate mechanical as well as biochemical cues from the environment. They consist of more than 170 proteins with more than 700 interactions (collectively known as the "adhesome"). Due to their association with the plasma membrane, focal adhesions are spatially organized in a layer-like manner. The layer of transmembrane receptors from the integrin family recruits a layer of cytoplasmic components like talin, paxillin and vinculin, which in turn connect to the actin cytoskeleton, which close to focal adhesions is also organized in a mainly horizontal manner.
In recent years, many aspects of this assembly process and the subsequent hierarchical structure have been investigated in detail. High throughput RNAi screens have revealed the effect of knocking down different fractions of the adhesome. However, to further understand these effects, it is important to place it in the context of the spatial organization of focal adhesions.
We present a spatial simulation of the focal adhesion assembly process, incorporating the main known features of focal adhesions. We especially focus on the maturation of focal complexes into focal adhesions and the signaling feedback loops that govern this process.

Hye-Won Kang: The effect of the signaling scheme on the robustness of boundary formation in development
Boundary formation between different cell types involves spatially-distributed signals called morphogens that influence the phenotypic identity of cells. Usually different cell types are spatially segregated, and the boundary between them may be determined by a threshold value of some state variable. Our question is how sensitive the boundary location is to variations in parameter values in the system, such as reaction and diffusion rates, size of the system, and input flux. In the poster, we analyze both deterministic and stochastic reaction-diffusion models to understand how the signaling scheme affects the variability of boundary determination between cell types.

Heinrich Klein: Brownian dynamics of direct and hierarchical virus assembly
The assembly of proteins into supra-molecular complexes is at the heart of many biological processes and the dynamic interplay of the different components ensures biological functionality. Their size ranges from the nanometer-scale (for example for bi-molecular complexes) through tens of nanometers (for example for viruses, which typically consist of multiples of 60 components) up to the micrometer scale (for example for the actin filament networks of the cytoskeleton). Even in steady state most biological complexes remain highly dynamic, with dissociation events being balanced by association events.
Studying bi-molecular association reaction has a long tradition in chemistry, physics and mathematics. Early approaches relied mainly on analytical solution, e.g. using the Smoluchowski equation. The advances in computational sciences now make it possible to address complex questions beyond those analytically tractable.
Here we present a computational approach to study the assembly of viruses based upon the overdamped Langevin equation (Brownian dynamics). As fundamental building blocks we use "patchy particles": hard spheres partly covered by reactive patches. The particles associate stochastically upon diffusional overlap of two patches, thus implementing the concept of an encounter complex. Similarly the dissociation of bound structures is treated stochastically based on intrinsic dissociation rates. We first study direct assembly from single particles for simple virus geometries and determine values for the association and dissociation rates that are optimal for fast and complete assembly. We then compare to the results for hierarchical assembly, when the rates change depending on the completed assembly of sub-complexes.

Richard Kollar: Mathematical modeling of macrophage motion in diffusive environment
We design and implement a mathematical model describing an immune reaction: motion of a macrophage and phagocytosis in a diffusive environment. The motion of a macrophage is modeled by a stochastic cellular Potts model. We capture both an internal diffusive dynamics of actin activators inside the macrophage and external dynamics of chemoattractant in the environment along with a chemotactic motion of bacteria. The key parameters influencing performance efficiency of macrophage are numerically studied. This is a joint work with my student Peter Dizo (Comenius University).

Anel Mahmutovic: Microscopically constrained reaction-diffusion processes
There exist a number of modeling frameworks for describing intracellular reaction processes, where each framework has its advantages and disadvantages. The key is knowing when it is appropriate to choose one framework over the other or when a certain framework breaks down. In order to show the drastic impacts that may arise if the spatial and stochastic aspects are not taken into account, we have analyzed three small, but instructive, reaction networks. Simulations were carried out using the MesoRD software, which has recently implemented microscopically consistent reaction kinetics. In the first example a spatial stochastic model is required to correctly describe local saturation of degradation enzymes, which lead to an increased number of substrate molecules when compared to a non-stochastic spatial model. In the following two examples, we show how spatial correlation between reactants in bimolecular reactions give changes in the overall model behavior when microscopic associations and dissociations are accounted for, as compared to when they are not. In 3D this effect is shown by reactant degradation affecting microscopic rebinding. In 2D we describe a system where long-range spatial correlations make the enzyme molecules apparently more effective in consuming its substrate. Consequently, using these simple examples, we have shown that it may be imperative to take into account both the stochastic and spatial aspects in a physically consistent manner when modeling intracellular processes.

Partha Sarathi Mandal: Noise regulated spatio-temporal pattern formation in a ratio-dependent prey-predator model
Spatio-temporal models of prey-predator interaction in presence of environmental fluctuations are receiving significant attention from researchers as it is evident that noise have ability to alter the resulting pattern significantly. Existence of spatio-temporal chaos for deterministic model are examined by some researchers but whether it will appear for the parameter values within Turing-Hopf domain or as a non-Turing pattern remain as a debatable question. In [Banerjee and Petrovskii, Theoretical Ecology 4, pp. 37-53, 2011], it was established that spatio-temporal chaos can be observed for parameter values within the Turing-Hopf domain for a ratio-dependent prey-predator model where both the species are distributed over two dimensional landscapes. Apart from spatio-temporal chaos, other two types of stationary patterns (cold spot and labyrinthine) were observed. In the present work, we have investigated the same model in presence of temporally correlated and spatially uncorrelated coloured noise terms. The noise terms are introduced to take care of the variability of intrinsic birth rate for the prey population and intrinsic death rate for the predators. Exhaustive numerical simulation reveals the role of environmental noise to modulate the abundance of both the species and they are capable to suppress the spatio-temporal chaos. Further, the strength and correlation time of noise terms are responsible for the irregular distribution of population over the two dimensional landscape but the magnitude of deterministic parameters regulate the chance of extinction of either species.

Lina Meinecke: Diffusion simulation on unstructured meshes via first exit times
Molecules move in biological cells by diffusion. For simulation of such diffusion, the cell is partitioned into compartments or voxels in a mesoscopic model. The number of molecules in a voxel is recorded and the molecules can jump between the voxels to model diffusion. In order to accurately represent the geometry of the cell it is helpful to use unstructured meshes for the voxels. The probability for a molecule to jump is determined by the diffusion coefficient and the geometry of the voxel and its neighbors. Algorithms simulating diffusion in discrete space based on finite element or finite volume methods sometimes encounter problems on these unstructured meshes in 3D. If the mesh is of poor quality the jump coefficients may be negative. We present a new approach to diffusion simulation using first exit times that for unstructured meshes guarantees positive jump coefficients. These first exit times can be sampled from the survival probability for molecules within a voxel. It will be shown that this approach yields similar results as the SSA on cartesian meshes.

Iwona Mroz: The lattice model of an evolving population
An individual-based lattice model of an evolving population is presented [Mroz, Pekalski and Sznajd-Weron, Phys Rev Lett 76, pp. 3025-3028, 1996; Mroz and Pekalski, Eur Phys J B 10, pp. 181-186, 1999; Mroz, Physica A 323, pp. 569-577, 2003]. The population is composed of individuals characterised by genotypes, phenotypes and ages. The individuals move over habitats represented by square lattices, mate, produce offsprings and die. The habitats are spatially separated. Each of the habitats is characterised by a "model phenotype" describing the phenotype of an individual that is fully adapted to it. Using computer simulations based on the standard Monte Carlo technique we investigate the conditions under which a model population can survive in a given habitat and is able to colonise a new habitat. The individual's probability of survival is related to the individual's adaptation to a given habitat. The individual's adaptation is defined basing on the individual's similarity to the "model phenotype": linear and power functions are used. The process of colonisation is observed in time and space. In particular we investigate formation of a hybrid zone [Mroz and Pekalski, Eur Phys J B 10, pp. 181-186, 1999] that can occur between populations living in the neighbouring habitats.

Andrew Mugler: Divide and conquer: the signaling benefit of spatial partitioning
Spatial heterogeneity is a hallmark of living systems, even at the molecular scale in individual cells. A key example is the spatial partitioning of membrane-bound proteins, either via lipid domain formation or cytoskeleton-induced corralling. Here we show that such partitioning can lead to improved signal propagation. We exactly solve a stochastic model describing a ubiquitous motif in membrane signaling: a species that switches between an inactive and an active state and drives the switching of a second species. The solution reveals that partitioning can reduce the noise in the signal by suppressing correlations between molecules. Moreover, an optimal partition density arises from the tradeoff between suppressing correlations and avoiding near-empty partitions. The predicted density agrees quantitatively with experimentally observed systems.

Tim Rogers: Demographic noise leads to the spontaneous formation of species
When a collection of phenotypically diverse organisms compete with each other for limited resources, the population can evolve into tightly localised clusters. Past studies have neglected the effects of demographic noise and studied the population on a macroscopic scale, where cluster formation is found to depend on the shape of the curve describing the decline of competition strength with phenotypic distance. I will show how including the effects of demographic noise leads to a radically different conclusion. Two situations are identified: a weak-noise regime in which the population exhibits patterns of fluctuation around the macroscopic description, and a strong-noise regime where clusters (species) appear spontaneously even in the case that all organisms have equal fitness.

Alexander Rush: Validity of a two-step model alternative to full spatial simulation of diffusion limited reactions
We explore the usefulness of a two-step diffusion limited differential and stochastic model as an alternative to expensive spatial simulations in modelling diffusion limited reactions, with applications to modelling diffusion limited processes on cell membranes. We use a Gillespie algorithm implementation of the two step differential model and compare the ordinary differential and stochastic results to those yielded by Smoldyn, a full spatial stochastic simulation using Smoldyn, looking in detail at the approach to equilibrium and the time series at steady state, via auto-correlation. We observe the two-step model is valid over a large range of diffusion constants and concentrations regimes. We discuss parameter regimes where the two step model begins to fail in predicting the behaviour up to and at equilibrium, predicting a different steady state altogether. With the scope of the model established, we use it to study the MAPK pathway and demonstrate both the processive and distributive behaviour established by recent, more expensive spatial simulations. Finally, we discuss the importance of these results in allowing for efficient computations that captures the spatial-temporal correlations that exists in diffusion limited reactions.

Michael Sadovsky: Smart diffusion in spatially distributed biological communities
Presented is a study of the dynamics of spatially distributed populations and communities. The study requires that each individual has detailed knowledge of the environmental conditions everywhere in order to simulate or model the spatial behaviour of each coupled population to determine the survivability of each population and the dynamics of the system as a whole. This process of collective reaction-diffusion behaviour is called smart diffusion. The high level of detail needed in this model requires the simulation of individuals. The work aims to implement a general model of such system. A community occupies a discrete space (lattice), so that migration is a transfer of N_{i,j} individuals out the node (i,j) to the nearest ones, or, reciprocally, a transfer of some number of individuals into the node. In practice, the direction a population is biased towards migrating in is determined by the relation between the net reproduction functions observed in the nodes; the transfer flux depends on the knowledge of the beings towards the environmental conditions in the nodes of immigration. We are interested to see how these migratory strategies can aid the survival of a population by comparing it to a pure reaction-diffusion model, whereby no migration strategy is chosen. This reaction-diffusion model is therefore simulated using the spatial Gillespie algorithm.

Matthew Simpson: Mean field descriptions of collective migration with strong adhesion
Random walk models based on an exclusion process with contact effects are often used to represent collective migration where individual agents are affected by agent-to-agent adhesion. Traditional mean field representations of these processes take the form of a nonlinear diffusion equation which, for strong adhesion, becomes ill-posed and does not predict the averaged discrete behaviour. Alternatively, we show that collective migration with strong adhesion can be accurately represented using a moment closure approach. The moment closure results are extremely robust. We obtain accurate results by incorporating nearest neighbour correlation effects meaning that the additional computational requirement of the moment closure approach is small. This is joint work with Dr Ruth Baker (Oxford) and Mr Stuart Johnston (Queensland University of Technology).

Thomas Sokolowski: Modelling Cell Polarization with eGFRD
Many intracellular processes such as cell polarization and locomotion require the establishment of localized concentrations of signaling proteins. Such accumulations typically arise due to an interplay between passive transport, i.e. cytosolic and membrane diffusion, and one-dimensional active transport on linear filaments such as microtubules. The underlying mechanisms and symmetry breaking effects however remain to be elucidated. To study how distinct modes of intracellular transport can give rise to polarized intracellular patterns we combine experiments in vivo and in microfabricated chambers with stochastic simulations. For our in silico approach we employ eGFRD (enhanced Green's Function Reaction Dynamics), a spatially resolved stochastic simulation technique which is both exact and efficient, to set up a whole-cell model. eGFRD partitions the simulation volume into simple sub-volumes and makes use of exact analytical solutions of the reaction-diffusion problem to implement an event-driven scheme with single-particle resolution. This technique is superior to brute-force Brownian Dynamics within a wide regime of biologically relevant system parameters. Here we present the results of our recent work which supplements the classical eGFRD framework by 2D-diffusion and 1D-diffusion with drift on confined structures as well as particle-structure interactions in a way that retains exacticity. These new features allow us to study the interplay between various stochastic transport modes and simulate reaction-diffusion systems in complex geometries with high efficiency. We apply the enhanced framework to model the localization of growth factors in fission yeast.

Marc Sturrock: Stochastic spatial modelling of the Hes1 pathway
Many intracellular signalling pathways exist where the low copy number and spatial distribution of molecular species (e.g. mRNA, proteins) cannot be neglected. These pathways often contain negative feedback loops and can exhibit oscillatory dynamics in space and time. One such pathway that embodies these properties is the Hes1 pathway, which is involved in the regulation of somitogenesis and is also implicated in cancer. We present a stochastic spatial model of the Hes1 negative feedback system and show that the observed experimental data can be more faithfully captured when such a model is used rather than a system of partial differential equations.

Bartosz Szczesny: Spiral waves and nonlinear diffusion in bacterial metapopulations
Stochastic metapopulation lattice model of three species cyclic dominance is enriched by adding two different mobility rates resulting in nonlinear diffusive terms. The model exhibits spiral waves which affect the biological landscape. Following the van Kampen expansion, the model can be approximated by simple PDEs. Then, instead of the usual mapping treatment, weakly nonlinear asymptotic analysis of the PDEs is performed to yield the Complex Ginzburg-Landau equation (CGLE). This well known amplitude equation predicts spiral wave patterns for certain parameter ranges and a connection is made to the biological parameters in the original stochastic model.

Thomas Woolley: Stochastic reaction and diffusion on growing domains: Understanding the breakdown of robust pattern formation
Biological patterns, from population densities to animal coat markings, can be thought of as heterogeneous spatiotemporal distributions of mobile agents. Many mathematical models have been proposed to account for the emergence of this complexity, but, in general, they have consisted of deterministic systems of differential equations, which do not take into account the stochastic nature of population interactions. One particular, pertinent criticism of these deterministic systems is that the exhibited patterns can often be highly sensitive to changes in initial conditions, domain geometry, parameter values, etc. Due to this sensitivity, we seek to understand the effects of stochasticity and growth on paradigm biological patterning models. Through Fourier analysis we are able to suggest a reason behind this lack of robustness and identify possible mechanisms by which to reclaim it.

Kit Yates: From microscopic to macroscopic descriptions of cell migration on growing domains
Cell migration and growth are essential components of the development of multicellular organisms. The role of various cues in directing cell migration is widespread, in particular, the role of signals in the environment in the control of cell motility and directional guidance. In many cases, especially in developmental biology, growth of the domain also plays a large role in the distribution of cells and, in some cases, cell or signal distribution may actually drive domain growth. There is a near-ubiquitous use of partial differential equations (PDEs) for modelling the time evolution of cellular density and environmental cues. In the last twenty years, a lot of attention has been devoted to connecting macroscopic PDEs with more detailed microscopic models of cellular motility, including models of directional sensing and signal transduction pathways. However, domain growth is largely omitted in the literature. In this poster, individual-based models describing cell movement and domain growth are studied, and correspondence with a macroscopic-level PDE describing the evolution of cell density is demonstrated. The individual-based models are formulated in terms of random walkers on a lattice. Domain growth provides an extra mathematical challenge by making the lattice size variable over time. A reaction-diffusion master equation formalism is generalised to the case of growing lattices and used in the derivation of the macroscopic PDEs.