Wanna make slides by Latex

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Latex is a powerful typesetting tools for scientific documents. However, documents are not the only things for us. We need slides to present our research.  Microsoft Powerpoint is a excellent tools for slides. Unfortunately, when there are lots of mathematical symbols and formulae, we may be tired and miss the Latex.

In fact, Latex is also powerful for making slides. We can make our slides vivid and attractive, and what is more important for us, we can copy those formulae from original paper.

Many free packages of Latex are available for making slides, such as Beamer, Prosper and Texpoint. I used Prosper only for one week. You can have a look on my first presentation file made by Prosper. This is generated by the tex file Jin_MR.tex.

To make your first slide, this guideline maybe useful. Another book, pstbook, is also useful when you want to draw some figure in your slides. You can also find a demo file prosper_demo.tex in your Latex system. Only one thing I need to remind you: when you try to learn from this demo file, please follow these steps to generate the final PDF slides:

(1)generate the dvi file by  Latex prosper_demo.tex ,

(2) generate the ps file by dvips prosper_demo.dvi

(3) generate the pdf file by ps2pdf prosper_demo.ps.

For a beginner, the demo file prosper_demo.tex may be a little long. Here I designed a small file for those beginners. In the file Jin_style_prosper.tex, I defined some useful commands. And at the end of this file, I attached a short example for one slide.

As I mentioned, I am also a beginner for Prosper. If you have some good ideas on making slides, or encounter any problems, you can share with me via email at matjinh@nus.edu.sg.

Here is the files for the presentation given in the Biweekly Gathering of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management dept.

Tex file

PDF file

This tex file has included the style file  Jin_style_prosper.tex, please down it and save the style file in the same directory