Following on from the definition of the Stone-Cech compactification, here are a postscript and pdf version of an application of the Stone-Cech compactification of the integers to a question about arithmetic. This is not examinable.
One can of course study general topology in Oxford. The general topology group here has produced a large number of theses; topics people have studied in Oxford have included applications of set theory to topology and do the study of dynamical systems, applications of topology to algebra, and many more.
In the British Isles, there are topologists at Birmingham and in Belfast. UEA is also worth investigating.
There are many more opportunities in continental Europe or the USA than in the British Isles. One recent member of the Oxford group now works in Pittsburgh, PA. For an overview of topology throughout the world, with information on people, events and so on, see the Topology Atlas.
This page last modified
by R. W. Knight
2nd October 2018.
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