I am a Professor of Mathematics at the University of Oxford and a fellow of Pembroke College. I have worked at the IAS (as a Member), at the Turing (as one of its first Research Fellows), at Penn (as a Postdoc), and at Rutgers (as a PhD student). Here is a brief CV. I currently serve as associate editor for the AMS Notices, the journal Advances in Applied Mathematics, and the ACM Transactions on Probabilistic Machine Learning.

Mathematical Institute,
University of Oxford,
Radcliffe Observatory Quarter,
Woodstock Rd,
Oxford OX2 6GG, UK.
Office: S3.04, Andrew Wiles Building
Email: viditnanda at gmail.com
Twitter: @viditnanda
I work at the interface of algebraic topology, geometry and data science. Within the Maths Institute at Oxford, I am a member of the Data Science and Topology groups. For more details about my work, you could consult this research statement (pdf, circa 2018), read some of my papers, or download some software. For fewer details, consider watching this short video (on YouTube).
The lecture notes for my computational algebraic topology course at Oxford cover basic algebraic topology, persistent homology, discrete Morse theory and cellular sheaf theory. These form the basis of a youtube video series on Foundations of Topological Data Analysis, which is a joint project with Robert Ghrist.
I teach Computational Algebraic Topology every Hilary Term (Jan-Mar) at Oxford. For information on courses that I've taught previously, please see the teaching page.
12 | Alexander Tanaka | 2022+ | (with A Asaad) |
11 | Tommi Muller | 2022+ | (with F Kirwan) |
10 | Marc Fersztand | 2021+ | (with U Tillmann) |
09 | Otto Sumray | 2020+ | (with H Harrington and Xin Lu) |
08 | Emile Jacquard | 2020+ | (with U Tillmann) |
07 | Mario Lezcano Casado | 2020-2021 | (with R Hauser) |
06 | Alex Keros | 2019-2023 | (with K Subr) |
05 | Ka Man Yim | 2019-2022 | (with P Grindrod) |
04 | Uzu Lim | 2019-2023 | (with H Oberhauser) |
03 | Tadas Temcinas | 2019-2023 | (with G Reinert) |
02 | Naya Yerolemou | 2018-2022 | (with U Tillmann) |
01 | Oliver Vipond | 2017-2021 | (with U Tillmann) |