Information and Inference Best Paper Prize for articles published in 2015 & 2016
The Information and Inference Best Paper Prize highlights the best articlespublished by early career researchers.
The second edition of prize, to be awarded on the 22nd of June 2017, celebrates
articles published in its 2015 & 2016 issues.
Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA publishes high quality
mathematically-oriented articles, furthering the understanding of the theory,
methods of analysis, and algorithms for information and data.
Shortlist and Programme
by Carlos Fernandez-Granda
by Nam H. Nguyen, Petros Drineas, and Trac D. Tran
by Jonathan D. Rosenblatt and Boaz Nadler
by Samuel Vaiter, Mohammad Golbabaee, Jalal Fadili, and Gabriel Peyre
by Noureddine El Karoui and Hau-tieng Wu

First Prize:
Super-resolution of point sources via convex programmingby Carlos Fernandez-Granda
Graph connection Laplacian and random matrices with random blocks
by Noureddine El Karoui and Hau-tieng Wu
Second Prize:
Tensor sparsification via a bound on the spectral norm of random tensorsby Nam H. Nguyen, Petros Drineas, and Trac D. Tran
On the optimality of averaging in distributed statistical learning
by Jonathan D. Rosenblatt and Boaz Nadler
Model selection with low complexity priors
by Samuel Vaiter, Mohammad Golbabaee, Jalal Fadili, and Gabriel Peyre
Robert Calderbank, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Duke UniversityDavid L. Donoho, Department of Statistics, Stanford University
John Shawe-Taylor, Department of Computer Science, University College London
Jared Tanner, Mathematics Institute, University of Oxford