Recent papers
- Generation patterns, modified $\gamma - Z$ mixing, and hidden
sector with dark matter candidates as framed standard model
results, IJMP A33 (2018) 1830034, DOI: 10.1142/S0217751X1830034X;
jointly with Jose Bordes and Chan Hong-Mo.
- A closer study of the framed standard model yielding testable
new physics plus a hidden sector with dark matter candidates, IJMP
(1918) 33, 1850195, DOI: 10.1142/S0217751X18501956;
arXiv:1806.08268, jointly with Jose Bordes and Chan Hong-Mo.
- The $Z$ boson in the framed standard mdel. IJMP (2018) 33,
1850190, DOI: 10.1142/S0217751X18501907; arXiv:1806.08271,
jointly with Jose Bordes and Chan Hong-Mo.
- Topological Defects in a Deformed Gauge Theory, Nuclear
Physics B 942 (2017) 588-602, DOI: 10.1016/j.nuclphysb.2017.09.011,
arXiv: 1711.07498, jointly with Mir Faizal.
- The Framed Standard Model (II) - A first Test against
Experiments, invited talk (by Tsou Sheung Tsun) at the Conference
on 60 Years of Yang-Mills Gauge Field Theories, 25-28 May 2015,
Singapore, to be published in the Proceedings, ed. Lars Brink and
Kok Khoo Phua; arXiv:1508.04273.
jointly with Chan Hong-Mo.
- Supersymmetric Duality in Deformed Superloop Space,
Found. Phys. DOI 10.1007/s10701-015-9915-4, arXiv:1506.03372,
jointly with Mir Faizal.
- The Framed Standard Model (I) - A Physics Case for Framing the
Yang-Mills Theory?, invited talk (by Chan Hong-Mo) at the Conference
on 60 Years of Yang-Mills Gauge Field Theories, 25-28 May 2015,
Singapore, to be published in the Proceedings, ed. Lars Brink and
Kok Khoo Phua; arXiv:1505.05472,
jointly with Chan Hong-Mo.
- Supersymmetric Duality in Superloop Space, EJPC (to appear), arXiv:1412.7594,
jointly with Mir Faizal.
- A First Test of the Framed Standard Model against Experiment,
IJMPA 30 (2015) 1550051;
arXiv:1410.8022, jointly with Jose Bordes and Chan Hong-Mo.
- Monopoles in superloop space, EPL 107 (2014) 20008 (5 pages),
jointly with Mir Faizal.
- Polyakov Loops for the ABJ Theory, IJTP (2015) 54, 896-909, arXiv:1402.6802,
jointly with Mir Faizal.
- A Comprehensive Mechanism Reproducing the Mass and Mixing
Parameters of Quarks and Leptons, IJMP A28 (2013) 1350070 (29
pages), arXiv:
1206.0199, jointly with Michael J Baker, Jose Bordes and Chan
- Developing the Framed Standard Model,
IJMP A27 (2012) 1250087 (45 pages), arXiv:1111.5591,
jointly with Michael J Baker, Jose Bordes and Chan Hong-Mo.
- Exploring Framed Gauge Theory as a Basis for Physical Models,
IJMP A27 (2012) 1230002 (29 pages), arXiv:1111.3832,
jointly with Chan Hong-Mo.
- On the Corner Elements of the CKM and PMNS Matrices,
EPL 102 (2013) 41001,arXiv:1110.5951,
jointly with Michael J Baker, Jose Bordes and Chan Hong-Mo.
- Mass Hierarchy, Mixing, CP-Violation and Higgs Decay --- or Why
Rotation is Good for Us, arXiv:1103.5615,
Int. J. Mod. Phys. A26 (2011) 2087-2124, jointly with Michael J Baker,
Jose Bordes and Chan Hong-Mo.
- The rotating mass matrix, the strong CP problem and Higgs decay,
Eur. Phys. J. C70; 1009, 2010, DOI 10.1140/epjc/s100052-010-1506-0,
jointly with Michael J Baker.
- A Solution of the Strong CP Problem Transforming the theta-angle
to the KM CP-violating Phase, arXiv:1002.3542,
Int. J. Mod. Phys.
A25 (2010) 5897-5911. jointly with Jose Bordes and Chan Hong-Mo.
- The Interface of Mathematics and Particle Physics--an Oxford
Conference, Oxford University Press, 1990, edited jointly with D.G.
Quillen and G.B. Segal.
- Some Elementary Gauge Theory Concepts, World Scientific
Publ. Company, 1993, jointly with Chan Hong-Mo.
- The Geometric Universe, Oxford University Press, edited
jointly with S. Huggett, L.J. Mason, K.P. Tod and N.M.J. Woodhouse.
- Twistor Symmetries and Particle Physics, Cambridge
University Press, to appear 2005, jointly with R. Penrose,
G.A.J. Sparling and M. Sheppard.
- Proceedings of the EWM Workshop on Moduli Spaces,
Oxford, July 1998, Mathematical Institute September 1999, jointly
with Frances Kirwan
and Sylvie Paycha.
- Mini-Workshop on Geometry and Duality in String Theory,
Oberwolfach Reports, May 2004, organized jointly with Xenia de la
Ossa and Sylvie Paycha.
- Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics, edited jointly with
Jean-Pierre Francoise and Greg Naber, in 5 volumes, Elsevier, May 2006.
Full publications list
This can be found here.
Updated: 14.01.20.