- 2013 - current: University Lecturer/Associate Professor in Numerical Optimization,
Mathematical Institute (Numerical Analysis Group) and
Balliol College,
University of Oxford.
- 2007 - 2013: Lecturer (tenured assistant professor, permanent post),
School of Mathematics,
Operations Research Group,
University of Edinburgh, Scotland.
- 2006 - 2007: Research Scientist in Numerical Analysis (permanent post),
STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory,
Numerical Analysis Group,
CSE Department, Oxfordshire, UK.
- 2004 - 2006: EPSRC Postdoctoral Researcher,
PI: Dr Raphael Hauser,
Numerical Analysis Group,
University of Oxford.
- 2005: PhD in Mathematics, University of Cambridge.
Supervisor: Prof Michael J.D. Powell, FRS.
- 1999: Part III of the Mathematical Tripos, University of
- 1998: BSc in Mathematics,
Babeș-Bolyai University,
Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
- Associate Member of NAXYS,
The Namur Research Centre on Complex Systems (2010--present)
- Visiting Scientist at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory,
Numerical Analysis Group (2007--present)
Prizes and awards
- Leslie Fox Prize in Numerical
Analysis, Second Place, IMA, UK, 2005. (Awarded for my PhD research)
- Churchill College Pochobradsky
Scholarship, University of Cambridge. (Fully-funded PhD place)
- Shell Centenary Scholarship, University of Cambridge.
Part III place)
Using Optimisation Algorithms to tune Climate Models (OptClim), NERC NE/L012146/1 (co-PI), 2014 - 2015.
Optimal Newton-type algorithms for large-scale nonlinear optimization, EPSRC EP/I028854/1 (PI), 2011 - 2013.
- Royal Society International Joint Project (PI), 2010 - 2012.
- Development of parallel search
algorithms, EPSRC EP/F01130X/1 (coPI), 2007 - 2009.
- Other grant income: Mathematical Institute
EPSRC Platform Grant (research collaboration visits for Prof Philippe Toint (Namur, Belgium) and
Prof Katya Scheinberg (Lehigh, USA)), NAIS (one year of postdoc time, PI),
Bridging the Gaps grants (PI, with UoE GeoScience and with UoE Engineering), CASE Studentship (co-PI, with Selex Galileo and J
Tanner), MAXIMATHS (PI, Parameter estimation for climate modelling),
Maxwell Institute (Cucker Colloquium and Workshop),
ICMS (SPARS'11), etc.
Nonlinear Optimization (4th year and MSc level class),
Global and Derivative-Free Optimization (MSc level class),
SMSTC PhD course/MSc in Maths
Applied Math Methods (optimization lectures),
Facets of Applied Maths (year 2 class,
operations research lectures).
MSc dissertation supervision for the OR MSc programmes.
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