Oxford Centre for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (OCIAM)

Mathematical Institute

Radcliffe Observatory Quarter




Paul J. Dellar

University Lecturer

Fellow of Corpus Christi College

Picture of me






+44 1865 276775

+44 1865 615164


Teaching Information

Lecture notes (last updated 16th January 2023) and problem sheet for Part 1 of MMathPhys Advanced Fluid Dynamics (course page)

Lectures for HT24 are 10–11 on Mondays and 12–1 on Tuesdays in the Lindemann Lecture Theatre

The class will be 4–6pm on Tuesday of 5th week (13th February 2024) in the Lindemann Lecture Theatre.

Homework is due by 11:59pm on Friday of 4th week (9th February 2024). Please hand in work via the course page on Canvas.
In case of problems, please email a scan to the TA and cc to mmathphys@maths.ox.ac.uk

In HT24 Complex and non-Newtonian Fluids will be lectured first. Resources for this part of the course are here.

Research Interests

Lattice Boltzmann methods and kinetic theory

Magnetohydrodynamics and plasma physics

Geophysical fluid dynamics

Variational and Hamiltonian methods in hydrodynamics

Scientific computation and applications of GPUs

Industrial applied mathematics through the "study group" format

Recent and Forthcoming Seminars

15 November 2013, seminar at MACSI, University of Limerick, A lattice Boltzmann formulation for viscoelastic fluids and implementation on GPUs

30 October 2013, Oxford Many-Core seminar, Experiences with porting spectral and lattice Boltzmann fluids codes using CUDA Fortran

Recent and Forthcoming Meetings

4 November 2013, Centre for Innovation: Accelerating research for Industry Event at UCL about the Emerald GPU cluster

6 to 9 August 2013, International Workshop on Applied Mathematics in Multi-Scale and Multi-Physics Problems, Tianjin University

22 to 26 July 2013, 10th International Conference for Mesoscopic Methods in Engineering and Science (ICMMES 2013) at St Anne's CollegeOxford

15 to 19 July 2013, 22nd Discrete Simulation of Fluid Dynamics (DSFD) Conference, Yerevan, Armenia

Recent papers (with a full list here)

P. J. Dellar (2025) Lattice Boltzmann formulation for eight-wave magnetohydrodynamics AIAA Journal doi:10.2514/1.J064227

P. J. Dellar (2024)
A magic two-relaxation-time lattice Boltzmann algorithm for magnetohydrodynamics 
Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems Series S 17 3155–3173 (reprint)

P. J. Dellar (2023)
Hyperbolic divergence cleaning in lattice Boltzmann magnetohydrodynamics Commun. Comput. Phys. 33 245–272 (reprint)

P. J. Dellar (2022) Vector lattice Boltzmann equations: From magnetohydrodynamics to active matter, in Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2021, pages 407–416, Springer (preprint)

P. J. Dellar (2019) Relativistic properties and invariants of the Du Fort–Frankel scheme for the one-dimensional Schrödinger equation
J. Comput. Phys. X 2 (2019) 100004 (reprint)