20.10.2022, Versailles, France, PDE Seminar at Laboratoire de Mathématiques de Versailles, Nonlocal effects and degenerate Cahn-Hilliard equation, slides
11.08.2022, Warsaw, Poland, Recent Advances in Kinetic Theory and Fluid Dynamics Models, Degenerate Cahn-Hillard equation: from non-local to local, slides
30.06.2022, Będlewo, Poland, 30th birthday of Acta Numerica, Convergence of the EBT method for a non-local model of cell proliferation with discontinuous interaction kernel, slides
2.06.2022, Warsaw, Poland, Polish Society of Mathematics, Mathematical biology as a source of difficult problems in PDEs , slides, video
10.05.2022, Paris, France, GTT at LJLL, Fast reaction limit with nonmonotone reaction function, slides
18.03.2022, Berlin, German, SIAM Analysis PDE, Structured Population Models in the Spaces of Nonnegative Measures , slides
14.02.2022, Paris, France, Mathematical challenges in modelling population dynamics, Fast reaction limit with nonmonotone reaction function, slides
26.10.2021, Heidelberg, Germany, Applied Analysis Seminar, Absence of Lavrentiev phenomenon for double phase functionals , slides
20.09.2021, Będlewo, Poland, XII Forum of PDEs, Fast reaction limit with nonmonotone reaction function, slides
13.07.2021, Heidelberg, Germany, Applied Analysis Seminar Fast reaction limit with nonmonotone reaction function, slides
13.05.2021, IMPAN, Warsaw, Poland, Parabolic PDEs in Musielak - Orlicz spaces: growth controlled by a function discontinuous in time, slides
22-27.11.2020, BIRS Banff, Canada [online], Fast reaction limit with nonmonotone reaction function, video
Jan 2022, Institut Henri Poincare Fast reaction limit with nonmonotone reaction function, poster