The following is a list of my research contributions:
Inverse Hamiltonian reduction in type A and generalized slices in the affine Grassmannian (joint with Christopher Beem and Sujay Nair ) (2024) In preparation
Vertex algebras from divisors on Calabi-Yau threefolds (2023) [pdf | arxiv]
Perverse coherent extensions on Calabi-Yau threefolds and representations of cohomological Hall algebras (joint with Miroslav Rapcak) (2023) [pdf | arxiv]
Equivariant localization in factorization homology and vertex algebras from supersymmetric gauge theory (2021) [pdf | official]
Equivariant localization in factorization homology and applications in mathematical physics II: Gauge theory applications (2020) [pdf | arxiv]
Equivariant localization in factorization homology and applications in mathematical physics I: Foundations (2020) [pdf | arxiv]
Omega backgrounds and boundary theories in twisted supersymmetric gauge theories (2019) Unpublished
Degenerate classical field theories and boundary theories (joint with Philsang Yoo) (2016) [pdf | arxiv]
Scattering amplitudes in scale invariant quantum field theories and algebraic periods (2015) [pdf]