Jason D. Lotay

Jason D. Lotay
Professor of Pure Mathematics
University of Oxford
Fellow at Balliol College



Recent and upcoming events

29 June -- 4 July 2025

Differentialgeometrie im Grossen

MFO Oberwolfach

19 -- 23 May 2025

Geometric Moduli Spaces -- Rigidity, Genericity, Stability

ICMS, Edinburgh

31 March -- 4 April 2025

New Directions in G2 Geometry

AIM, Pasadena, California

27 -- 31 January 2025

Geometric Flows and Quantization of Kähler Metrics

VUB, Brussels

18 -- 22 November 2024

Geometry and Analysis of Special Structures on Manifolds

SLMath, Berkeley, California

21 -- 25 October 2024

Recent Progress on Geometric Analysis and Riemannian Geometry

SLMath, Berkeley, California

27 -- 29 September 2024

16th Panhellenic Geometry Conference

Athens, Greece

3 -- 6 September 2024

Introductory Workshop: Special Geometric Structures and Analysis

SLMath, Berkeley, California

26 -- 30 August 2024

Introductory Workshop: New Frontiers in Curvature

SLMath, Berkeley, California

21 -- 23 August 2024

Connections Workshop: New Frontiers in Curvature and Special Geometric Structures and Analysis

SLMath, Berkeley, California

19 August -- 20 December 2024

Special Geometric Structures and Analysis

SLMath, Berkeley, California

23 -- 26 July 2024

Joint Meeting AMS-UMI 2024

Palermo, Sicily

22 -- 26 July 2024

XXI School of Differential Geometry

Diamantina, Brazil

15 -- 19 July 2024

9th European Congress of Mathematicians

Seville, Spain

13 -- 14 July 2024

EMS Council

Granada, Spain

1 -- 5 July 2024

BRIDGES: Special geometries and stability

IESC (Institut d'Etudes Scientifiques de Cargèse), Corsica

10 -- 14 June 2024

Copenhagen Geometry Conference 2024


10 -- 14 June 2024

String Math 2024

ICTP, Trieste

27 May -- 7 June 2024

Topology, representation theory and higher structures

Gaelic College, Sabhal Mor Ostain, Skye

20 May 2024

G2-instantons, the heterotic G2 system and generalized geometry

Geometry and Analysis seminar, Oxford

13 -- 17 May 2024

Simons Collaboration on Special Holonomy: Final meeting


22 -- 26 April 2024

Special Riemannian metrics in dimensions 6, 7, 8

CRM, Montreal

18 -- 22 March 2024

2024 National PDE Network Meeting: Nonlinear PDEs of Mixed Type in Geometry and Mechanics / 13th Oxbridge PDE Conference


11 -- 15 March 2024

Special Holonomy and Complex Geometry

IMPA, Rio de Janeiro

18 January 2024

Translators in Lagrangian mean curvature flow

Differential Geometry seminar, Hannover

9 January 2024

Translators in Lagrangian mean curvature flow

Geometry seminar, IST Lisbon

26 October 2023

Joyce conjectures for Lagrangian mean curvature flow with circle symmetry

Geometry seminar, Kiel

29 September 2023

Knotty problems

Edinburgh Mathematical Society Popular Lecture

11 -- 15 September 2023

Geometric flows on complex manifolds

Cortona, Italy

7 -- 8 September 2023

Simons Collaboration on Special Holonomy: Annual Meeting 2023

Simons Foundation, New York

Past events


24 -- 28 July 2023

34th Brazilian Mathematics Colloquium

IMPA, Rio de Janeiro

10 -- 14 July 2023

Geometric Flows and Applications

ICMS, Edinburgh

4 -- 7 July 2023

29th Nordic Congress of Mathematicians


5 -- 9 June 2023

Workshop and school on Complex Lagrangians, Integrable Systems, and Quantization


28 May -- 2 June 2023

Spinorial and octonionic aspects of G2 and Spin(7) geometry

BIRS, Banff

18 April 2023

Neck pinches in Lagrangian mean curvature flow of surfaces

Analysis and Geometry seminar, Paris

3 -- 6 April 2023

British Mathematical Colloquium


1 April 2023

AMS Special Session on Gauge Theory, Geometric Analysis, and Low-Dimensional Topology

AMS 2023 Spring Eastern Sectional Meeting, Virtual

20 March 2023

Minimal Lagrangians and where to find them

Colloquium, Waterloo

13 -- 17 March 2023

Physics and Special Holonomy

KITP, Santa Barbara

9 -- 13 January 2023

Algebraic Geometry, Gauge Theory and the Swampland Conjectures


12 December 2022

Stability and neck pinches in Lagrangian mean curvature flow

Gauge Theory (Semi)Virtual, SLMath

5 December 2022

Minimal Lagrangians and where to find them [POSTPONED]

Colloquium, Waterloo

18 November 2022

Geometric flows, G2-structures and 3-Sasakian geometry

Geometry and Topology seminar, FIU, Miami

3 November 2022

Geometric flows, G2-structures and 3-Sasakian geometry

Analysis seminar, Northwestern

2 November 2022

Minimal Lagrangians and where to find them

Colloquium, Chicago

24 -- 28 October 2022

New four-dimensional gauge theories

SLMath, Berkeley

4 October 2022

Geometric flows, G2-structures and 3-Sasakian geometry

Differential Geometry seminar, BIMSA, Beijing

11 -- 14 September 2022

Simons Collaboration on Special Holonomy: Progress and Open Problems 2022

Simons Center, Stony Brook

8 -- 9 September 2022

Simons Collaboration on Special Holonomy: Annual Meeting 2022

Simons Foundation, New York

29 August -- 2 September 2022

Introductory Workshop: Analytic and Geometric Aspects of Gauge Theory

MSRI/SLMath, Berkeley


19 July 2022

Knotty problems

Balliol Online Lecture, Oxford

11 -- 15 July 2022

Geometric Flows and Applications [POSTPONED]

ICMS, Edinburgh

13 -- 17 June 2022

Generalized Geometry in Interaction

ICMAT, Madrid

6 -- 10 June 2022

Geometry, Topology and Singular Special Holonomy Spaces


25 -- 29 April 2022

Stability in Mirror Symmetry

American Institute of Mathematics

24 March 2022

Minimal Lagrangians and where to find them

Colloquium, Texas Tech

14 -- 18 March 2022

SIAM Conference on Analysis of Partial Differential Equations

TU Berlin

1 March 2022

Minimal Lagrangians and where to find them

Math Colloquium, Haifa University

10 -- 14 January 2022

Connections between String Theory and Special Holonomy

Oxford (Virtual)

7 -- 12 November 2021

New Directions in Geometric Flows

BIRS, Banff

29 October 2021

Lagrangian mean curvature flow and the Gibbons-Hawking ansatz

Analysis & PDE Seminar, Stanford

25 -- 29 October 2021

Stability in Mirror Symmetry [POSTPONED]

American Institute of Mathematics

13 October 2021

Some remarks on contact Calabi-Yau 7-manifolds

Joint Harvard-CUHK-YMSC Differential Geometry Seminar

11 -- 15 October 2021

Special Geometries on Riemannian Manifolds

CRM, Montreal

23 September 2021

Some remarks on contact Calabi-Yau 7-manifolds

Complex Analyis and PDE seminar, Columbia

12 -- 15 September 2021

Simons Collaboration on Special Holonomy: Progress and Open Problems 2021

Simons Center, Stony Brook

9 -- 10 September 2021

Simons Collaboration on Special Holonomy: Annual Meeting 2021

Simons Foundation, New York


20 -- 26 June 2021

8th European Congress of Mathematicians

Slovenia (Virtual)

21 -- 25 June 2021

Trends in Modern Geometry [CANCELLED]

Tsinghua, Beijing

24 -- 28 May 2021

Numerical and Geometric Methods for Ricci-flat Metrics and Flows


17 -- 21 May 2021

Special Geometries on Riemannian Manifolds [POSTPONED]

CRM, Montreal

23 March 2021

Lagrangian mean curvature flow and the Gibbons-Hawking ansatz

Geometry/Topology seminar, Stony Brook

26 January 2021

Deformed G2-instantons

Pangolin seminar

11 -- 15 January 2021

Donaldson-Thomas Invariants and Resurgence


7 -- 11 December 2020

Stability in Mirror Symmetry

American Institute of Mathematics (Virtual)

1 December 2020

Minimal Lagrangians and where to find them

PRIN seminar, Turin

24 November 2020

Deformed G2-instantons

Geometry, Analysis and Mathematical Physics seminar, York

26 -- 30 October 2020

Special Holonomy and Branes

American Institute of Mathematics (Virtual)

14 -- 18 September 2020

Special Holonomy: Progress and Open Problems 2020


3 September 2020

Deformed G2-instantons

Webinar AmSur/AmSul


25 August 2020

GeoTop Geometry Day


10 July 2020

Lagrangian mean curvature flow and the Gibbons-Hawking ansatz

Geometry and Topology seminar, Waterloo

5 -- 11 July 2020

8th European Congress of Mathematicians: Geometric analysis and low-dimensional topology [POSTPONED: 2021]


22 -- 26 June 2020

Trends in Modern Geometry [POSTPONED: 2021]

Tsinghua, Beijing

1 -- 5 June 2020

Moduli of Special Holonomy Metrics and their Periods

Imperial College, London (Virtual)

28 May 2020

Brussels-London Geometry Seminar: Algebraic Geometry


27 May 2020

Minimal Lagrangians and where to find them

Maths Colloquium, Surrey

18 -- 22 May 2020

Special Geometries on Riemannian Manifolds [POSTPONED: 2021]

CRM, Montreal

15 May 2020

Lagrangian mean curvature flow and the Gibbons-Hawking ansatz

London Analysis Seminar

7 May 2020

Brussels-London Geometry Seminar: Symplectic Geometry


23 April 2020

Brussels-London Geometry Seminar: Algebraic Geometry [POSTPONED]

UCL, London

29 March -- 3 April 2020

New Directions in Geometric Flows [CANCELLED]

BIRS, Banff

19 March 2020

Brussels-London Geometry Seminar: Symplectic Geometry [POSTPONED]

ULB, Brussels

18 March 2020

Minimal surfaces, mean curvature flow and the Gibbons-Hawking ansatz [CANCELLED]

KCL/UCL Geometry Seminar, UCL

1 -- 8 March 2020

Mini-Geometry Gathering

UFF, Rio de Janeiro

17 January 2020

Minimal surfaces, mean curvature flow and the Gibbons-Hawking ansatz

Geometry Seminar, Cologne

10 January 2020

The Shape of the Universe

Watford Grammar School for Boys

6 -- 10 January 2020

Geometry and Analysis of Moduli Spaces

Imperial College, London

13 December 2019

Brussels-London Geometry Seminar: Ricci Flow

QMUL, London

18 November 2019

Minimal surfaces, mean curvature flow and the Gibbons-Hawking ansatz

PDE Seminar, Oxford

10 -- 11 October 2019

Oxford Days in Grenoble

Institut Fourier, Grenoble

7 October 2019

Minimal submanifolds, mean curvature flow and the Gibbons-Hawking ansatz

Differential Geometry Seminar, Münster

23 -- 27 September 2019

Summer School: Special Holonomy -- Geometry and Physics


20 September 2019

Brussels-London Geometry Seminar: Willmore Energy

ULB, Brussels

12 -- 13 September 2019

Third Annual Meeting: Simons Collaboration on Special Holonomy in Geometry, Analysis, and Physics

Simons Foundation, New York

12 September 2019

Ancient solutions in Lagrangian mean curvature flow

Complex Geometry and PDE Seminar, Columbia

8 -- 11 September 2019

Special Holonomy: Progress and Open Problems 2019

Simons Center, Stony Brook


9 August 2019

PROMYS Europe Guest Lecture

Mathematical Institute, Oxford

29 July -- 2 August 2019

12th ISAAC Congress

Aveiro, Portugal

30 June -- 6 July 2019

Differentialgeometrie im Grossen

Oberwolfach, Germany

17 June 2019

Bryant-Salamon metrics and coassociative fibrations

Geometry and Analysis Seminar, Oxford

3 -- 7 June 2019

Special Holonomy and Calibrated Geometry


20 May 2019

Pint of Science: Atoms to Galaxy

Farr's School of Dancing, Dalston

16 May 2019

Lagrangian mean curvature flow

IHP, Paris

5 -- 10 May 2019

G2 Geometry and Related Topics

BIRS-CMO, Oaxaca, Mexico

8 -- 12 April 2019

Physics and Special Holonomy

KITP, Santa Barbara

12 March 2019

Remarks on the self-shrinking Clifford torus

Geometry Seminar, Bath

25 February 2019

The Laplacian flow in G2 geometry

String Theory Seminar, Oxford

19 February 2019

Brussels-London Geometry Seminar: Conformal Geometry


4 -- 15 February 2019

Differential Geometry in the Large


7 -- 11 January 2019

Special Holonomy and Algebraic Geometry


4 December 2018

"All the world's a stage": actors' skills for maths communication

Math Education Research Seminar, Tübingen

3 December 2018

Minimal Lagrangians and where to find them

Colloquium, Tübingen

3 December 2018

A short tour in complex projective space

Pre-Colloquium, Tübingen

26 November 2018

Brussels-London Geometry Seminar: Geometric analysis on metric spaces

ULB, Brussels

30 October 2018

Minimal Lagrangians and where to find them

Colloquium, Leeds

26 October 2018

Minimal Lagrangians and where to find them

Colloquium UAM-ICMAT, Madrid

25 October 2018

The G2 Laplacian flow

Geometry Seminar, ICMAT, Madrid

16 October 2018

Remarks on the Clifford torus

Pure Maths Seminar, Leicester

21 September 2018

Brussels-London Geometry Seminar: Teichmüller Theory and Hyperbolic Geometry


13 -- 14 September 2018

Second Annual Meeting: Simons Collaboration on Special Holonomy in Geometry, Analysis, and Physics

Simons Foundation, New York

9 -- 12 September 2018

Special Holonomy: Progress and Open Problems 2018

Simons Center, Stony Brook


30 June 2018


Shrewsbury High School

27 June 2018

Brussels-London Geometry Seminar: Riemannian Geometry

ULB, Brussels

10 -- 16 June 2018



4 -- 8 June 2018

Geometric Flows and Special Holonomy


28 May -- 1 June 2018

Geometric Analysis

ICMS, Edinburgh

10 May 2018

LMS Reps Day

De Morgan House

2 -- 5 May 2018

Pluripotential theory, geometric analysis and calibrated geometry


22 -- 24 April 2018

Nearly Kaehler 6-manifolds


16 April 2018

Adventures in the 7th Dimension


9 -- 13 April 2018

Structure of Collapsed Special Holonomy Spaces


27 March 2018

Remarks on the self-shrinking Clifford torus

Geometry Seminar, ULB

20 March 2018

Brussels-London Geometry Seminar: General Relativity


1 March 2018

Adventures in the 7th Dimension [CANCELLED]


23 February 2018

Adventures in the 7th Dimension

Science Lecture, UCL

3 -- 5 February 2018

MIST 2018: Symposium on Geometric Analysis

CUHK, Hong Kong

28 January -- 2 February 2018

Young Geometric Analysts' Forum 2018

Tsinghua Sanya International Mathematics Forum

22 -- 26 January 2018

SCGAS Winter School: Geometric Flows

UC Irvine

8 -- 12 January 2018

Gauge Theory


4 -- 5 January 2018

Lagrangian Mean Curvature Flow: Progress and Problems


9 December 2017


Shrewsbury High School

29 November 2017

Natural Sciences Faculty Lecture

Goodenough College

23 -- 27 October 2017

Geometry of Manifolds

Simons Center, Stony Brook

20 September 2017

LMS Popular Lectures

University of Birmingham

14 -- 15 September 2017

First Annual Meeting: Simons Collaboration on Special Holonomy in Geometry, Analysis, and Physics

Simons Foundation, New York

10 -- 13 September 2017

Progress and Problems

Simons Center, Stony Brook


30 August 2017

Geometric Analysis Colloquium

Fields Institute, Toronto

21 August 2017

Public Lecture: Adventures in the 7th Dimension

Fields Institute, Toronto

21 -- 25 August 2017

Workshop on G2 Manifolds and Related Topics

Fields Institute, Toronto

19 -- 20 August 2017

Minischool on G2 Manifolds and Related Topics

Fields Institute, Toronto

14 -- 18 August 2017

Symplectic Geometry - celebrating the work of Simon Donaldson

INI, Cambridge

28 June 2017

LMS Popular Lectures

Institute of Education, London

22 June 2017

Laplacian Flow in G2 Geometry

Seminar on Differential Geometry and Analysis, Hannover

20 -- 23 June 2017

Geometric Flows


5 -- 9 June 2017

Constructions in Exceptional Holonomy: Past, Present and Future


31 May 2017

Brussels-London Geometry Seminar: Geometric Flows


8 -- 10 May 2017

Geometry -- in honour of Mario Micallef's 60th birthday


1 -- 5 May 2017

Open Problems in G2 Geometry and Related Topics

Centro De Giorgi, Pisa

2 -- 9 April 2017

Laplacian Flow in G2 Geometry

Tsinghua, Beijing

2 March 2017

Adventures in the 7th Dimension

Lunch Hour Lecture, UCL

8 February 2017

Seeing in 4D

City of London Academy

3 February 2017

Invariant G2-instantons

Geometry and Topology Seminar, Imperial

28 -- 31 January 2017

Minimal Lagrangians and negative KE manifolds

SNS, Pisa, Italy

26 -- 28 January 2017

Perspectives in Geometry

Florence, Italy

19 January 2017

The Shape of the Universe

UCL Academy

9 -- 14 January 2017

Construction of Collapsed Special Holonomy Spaces


4 -- 7 January 2017

UK-Japan Winter School: Singularities, symmetries and submanifolds


12 -- 16 December 2016

Geometric PDEs


9 December 2016

Invariant G2-instantons

UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro

5 -- 7 December 2016

Second Brazilian Meeting of Young Researchers in Maths

Unicamp, Campinas

8 November 2016

Invariant G2-instantons


3 November 2016

Brussels-London Geometry Seminar: Gauge Theory


17 October 2016

Invariant G2-instantons

Geometry and Analysis Seminar, Oxford

19 -- 23 September 2016

Geometric Flows and the Geometry of Space-Time


10 September 2016

Hong Kong Geometry Colloquium

CUHK, Hong Kong

8 -- 15 September 2016

G2 Geometry

CUHK, Hong Kong

6 -- 9 September 2016

British Science Festival



3 August 2016

Adventures in the 7th Dimension

Colloquium, University of Western Ontario

31 July -- 7 August 2016

Hyperkähler and G2 Geometry


6 July 2016

Laplacian Flow in G2 Geometry

Geometry seminar, Turin

4 -- 8 July 2016

Geometric Flows


27 June -- 1 July 2016

Extremal Kähler metrics, reductive group compactifications and stationary Lagrangians

Anogia, Crete

25 June 2016

Maths Arts and Crafts


20 -- 25 June 2016

Gravity, Twistors and Amplitudes

INI, Cambridge

15 June 2016

MAPS PhesDival


1 June 2016

LMS Reps Day

De Morgan House, London

2 -- 6 May 2016

Geometric Flows in Riemannian and Complex Geometry


6 April 2016

Hyperkähler 4-Manifolds with Boundary

Geometry Seminar, MSRI

21 -- 25 March 2016

Kähler Geometry, Einstein Metrics, and Generalizations


19 -- 20 March 2016

AMS Eastern Sectional Meeting

SUNY, Stony Brook

8 March 2016

Hyperkähler 4-Manifolds with Boundary

Geometry Seminar, UC Irvine

10 February 2016

Laplacian Flow in G2 Geometry

Differential Geometry Seminar, Stanford

18 -- 22 January 2016

Modern Riemannian Geometry


14 -- 15 January 2016

Connections for Women: Differential Geometry


12 January 2016

Brussels-London Geometry Seminar: Lower Bounds on Ricci Curvature

ULB, Brussels

11 January -- 20 May 2016

Differential Geometry


5 -- 8 January 2016

Geometric Flows, their applications, and related topics

Queen Mary

14 -- 18 December 2015

End of the Year London Geometry Conference


7 -- 12 December 2015

School & Workshop on Geometric Analysis

KIAS, Seoul

4 December 2015

Art and Maths Workshop: Unwrapping our Modern World

Chadwick G08, UCL

2 December 2015

Ancient Puzzles and Modern Solutions

South Hampstead High School

11 November 2015

Laplacian Flow in G2 Geometry


6 -- 12 November 2015

G2 Geometry

McGill, Montreal

4 November 2015

Yorkshire Durham Geometry Day


23 October 2015

Seeing in 4D

Haldane Room, UCL

29 September 2015

Laplacian Flow in G2 Geometry

Geometry Seminar, ULB, Brussels

21 -- 25 September 2015

G2 Geometry


17 September 2015

Laplacian Flow in G2 Geometry

Geometry/Analysis Seminar, Columbia

14 -- 18 September 2015

Lagrangian Mean Curvature Flow


3 September 2015

Brussels-London Geometry Seminar: Geometric Group Theory and Low-Dimensional Topology