Michael Savery

I am studying for a DPhil (PhD) in Mathematics at the University of Oxford under the supervision of Alex Scott. I work in combinatorics, more specifically extremal and probabilistic combinatorics. Before coming to Oxford I completed four years of undergraduate study in mathematics at Queens' College, Cambridge.

Email: lastname [at] maths.ox.ac.uk
Office: N0.07
My departmental webpage can be found here.


Publications and preprints

10.  Game connectivity and adaptive dynamics, submitted (with Tom Johnston, Alex Scott, and Bassel Tarbush)
9.  Chromatic number is not tournament-local, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 168 (2024), 86-95 (with António Girão, Kevin Hendrey, Freddie Illingworth, Florian Lehner, Lukas Michel, and Raphael Steiner)
8.  Flashes and rainbows in tournaments, Combinatorica 44 (2024), 675-690 (with António Girão, Freddie Illingworth, Lukas Michel, and Alex Scott)
7.  A note on interval colourings of graphs, European Journal of Combinatorics 120 (2024), 103956 (with Maria Axenovich, António Girão, Lawrence Hollom, Julien Portier, Emil Powierski, Youri Tamitegama, and Leo Versteegen)
6.  Invertibility of digraphs and tournaments, SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 38 (2024), 327-347 (with Noga Alon, Emil Powierski, Alex Scott, and Elizabeth Wilmer)
5.  Improved bounds for 1-independent percolation on ℤn, submitted (with Paul Balister, Tom Johnston, and Alex Scott)
4.  Induced subgraphs of induced subgraphs of large chromatic number, Combinatorica 44 (2024), 37-62 (with António Girão, Freddie Illingworth, Emil Powierski, Alex Scott, Youri Tamitegama, and Jane Tan)
3.  Planar graphs with the maximum number of induced 6-cycles, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 30 (2023), P4.6
2.  Planar graphs with the maximum number of induced 4-cycles or 5-cycles, Graphs and Combinatorics 40 (2024), 46
1.  Chromatic number is Ramsey distinguishing, Journal of Graph Theory 99 (2022), 152-161

I have had the pleasure of co-authoring with Noga Alon, Maria Axenovich, Paul Balister, António Girão (4), Kevin Hendrey, Lawrence Hollom, Freddie Illingworth (3), Tom Johnston (2), Florian Lehner, Lukas Michel (2), Julien Portier, Emil Powierski (3), Alex Scott (5), Raphael Steiner, Youri Tamitegama (2), Jane Tan, Bassel Tarbush, Leo Versteegen, and Elizabeth Wilmer.

Invited talks


I have been involved in delivering a variety of undergraduate courses at the University of Oxford as detailed below.
