Duration: 16 hours
Linear Theory: Spaces involving
time; Second-order
hyperbolic equations, hyperbolic
systems of first-order equations, examples; Weak solutions, well-posedness;
Galerkin method, Vanishing viscosity method, energy methods, Fourier transform
Nonlinear Theory II – One-Dimensional Systems of Conservation
Laws: Riemann problem,
Cauchy problem; Elementary waves: shock waves, rarefaction waves, contact discontinuities;
Lax entropy conditions; Glimm scheme, front-tracking, BV solutions; *Compensated compactness,
entropy analysis, Lᵖ solutions, vanishing viscosity methods; *Uniqueness
and continuous dependence.
Nonlinear Theory III – Noninear Wave
Equations: Local existence and energy estimates, Galerkin
method; Global existence of
semi-linear wave equations with small data (Quasilinear
case could be similarly treated);
Lower regularity results for large data; *Littlewood-Paley
theory and Strichartz estimates.
*Nonlinear Theory IV - Multidimensional Systems of Conservation
Laws: Basic
features/phenomena (re-visit); Local existence and stability; formation of
singularities; Discontinuities and free boundary problems; Stability of shock
waves, rarefaction waves, vortex sheets, entropy waves.
Introduction to PDE foundation module and Analysis of
PDEs, Parts 1 and 2
Lecture Notes:
Homework Problem Sets: