Welcome Pedro, Adam and Hamid to Oxford!
Welcome Iris and Piotr to the group!
Congrats Agnese, Renee, Gill and Bernadette on fellowships and next positions.
Welcome Kate Benjamin, Oliver Gafvert, Gill Grindstaff and Rob McDonald!
Congratulations! Renee Hoekzema awarded Veni grant.
Congratulations! Greg Henselman-Petrusek joins Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)!
Summer 2022. Enhancing Diversity in Graduate Education (EDGE) 2022 Oxford
Summer 2022. Algebraic Topology: Methods, Computation and Science (ATMCS) 2022 Oxford
Welcome Otto Sumray, Greg Henselman-Petrusek and Renee Hoekzema!
Virtual meetings in 2020.
Congratulations Michael Adamer received DPhil and postdoc position with Bernd Sturmfels, MPI Leipzig
Congratulations Agnese Barbensi wins 3 minute PhD talk competition!
Congratulations Michael Adamer wins poster prize at 2018 European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology
Join the Applied Algebra and Geometry in the UK network. (Photo from Nottingham, Feb 2017 meeting)
6-9 April 2021. BMC/BAMC 2020 Glasgow, Scotland
18-19 September 2019. Philip Maini Birthday Conference Oxford
9-12 July 2019 SIAM Conference on Applied Algebraic Geometry Universität Bern, Switzerland
15-19 July 2019. International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics Valencia, Spain
19-23 May 2019. SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems, TDA mini-symposium Snowbird, California
30-31 May 2019. Applied Algebra and Geometry Glasgow, Scotland
March 2019. AIM SQuaRE (with L Garcia-Puente, E Gross, N Meshkat, A Shiu) San Jose, California
February 2019. Symposium on Machine Learning for Dynamical SystemsImperial College London
January 2019. Applied Topology Session, Joint Math Meetings
Congratulations Heather Harrington awarded LMS Whitehead Prize
Congratulations Nina Otter for postdocs at MPI Leipzig (July - Dec 2018) and UCLA (from 2019)!!
Centre for Topological Data Analysis (Supported by EPSRC grant New Approaches to Data Science: Application Driven Topological Data Analysis EP/R018472/1) Directors: Heather Harrington and Ulrike TillmannCongratulations Heather Harrington awarded LMS Whitehead Prize
Congratulations Nina Otter for postdocs at MPI Leipzig (July - Dec 2018) and UCLA (from 2019)!!
Centre for Topological Data Analysis (Supported by EPSRC grant New Approaches to Data Science: Application Driven Topological Data Analysis EP/R018472/1) Directors: Heather Harrington and Ulrike TillmannSeptember - December 2018. ICERM Semester Program on Nonlinear Algebra Brown
11-14 September 2018. Dragon Applied Topology Conference Swansea
4-8 June 2018. Macaulay2 for the Sciences Workshop MPI Leipzig, Germany
19-23 February 2018. Linking Topology with Algebraic Geometry and Statistics (TAGS) MPI Leipzig, Germany
31 January 2018. Applied Algebra and Geometry meeting University of Nottingham, UK
21-27 January 2018. Statistics for Data with Geometric Structure Oberwolfach, Germany
21 September 2017. Applied Algebra and Geometry meeting University of Oxford, UK
18-19 May 2017. Applied Algebra and Geometry meeting University of Edinburgh, UK
16 - 22 April 2017. Workshop in Algebraic Statistics Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Germany.
3 - 6 April 2017. British Mathematics Colloquium Durham University, UK.
23 - 24 March 2017. Alan Turing Workshop on Computational and Statistical Aspects of Topological Data Analysis Alan Turing Institute, London, UK.
21 February 2017. Applied Algebra and Geometry meeting University of Nottingham, UK
5 January 2017. AMS special session on theory and applications of numerical algebraic geometry, Joint Mathematics Meetings, Atlanta, GA USA.
18 November 2016. North-meets-South Colloquium Friday 4pm Speakers: James Maynard and Thomas Wolley Mathematical Institute, Univ of Oxford.
4 November 2016. North-meets-South Colloquium Friday 4pm Speakers: Emilie Dufresne and Robert Van Gorder Mathematical Institute, Univ of Oxford.
3 November 2016. Henry Schenck (University of Illinois) OCIAM Seminar, Thursday 4pm. Mathematical Institute, Univ of Oxford.
21 September 2016. LMS Popular Lectures 2016. Lecture. Birmingham University, Birmingham, UK.
12 - 16 September 2016. Topological, Geometric, and Statistical Techniques in Biological Data Analysis MBI, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA.
22 - 26 August 2016. Applications and Statistics of Multidimensional Persistence EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
15 July 2016. Minisymposium (Co-organizing with Nicolette Meshkat) Algebraic Approaches for Investigating Biological Systems I, Algebraic Approaches for Investigating Biological Systems II, SIAM Annual Meeting, Boston, MA USA.
11 July 2016. Emilie Dufresne speaking at Algebraic Statistics Mini-symposium, SIAM Annual Meeting, Boston, MA USA.
29 June 2016. LMS Popular Lectures 2016, Institute of Education, London.
Fridays@4 weekly Mathematical Institute Event for Early Career Researchers during term Co-organizer of North meets South Colloquium.
3 June 2016. Bernd Sturmfels will be the colloquium speaker, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford.
5 - 8 April 2016. British
Applied Mathematics Colloquium 2016, University of Oxford.
Mini-symposia Co-organizer (with Ulrike Tillmann)
I. Applied
and Computation Algebra,
II. Applied and Computational Topology
Slides available here.
21 - 25 March 2016. MBI Semester on Network Dynamics and Control, Workshop 3: Generalized Network Structures and Dynamics, Mathematical Biosciences Institute, Ohio State Univ, Columbus, OH, USA.
14 March 2016. Workshop on Topological Data Analysis in Material Science and Engineering, Strathclyde University, Glasgow.
29 February 2016. Wolfson Centre for Mathematical Biology (Oxford) Minisymposium. Speakers from ASB group: Barbara Mahler, Bernadette Stolz and Emilie Dufresne.
15 - 16 January 2016. Algebraic and Topological Methods in Biological Networks, Warren Center for Network and Data Sciences, Univ of Penn, USA.
6 -9 January 2016. Joint Mathematics Meetings , Seattle, Washington, US Bernadette Stolz giving a talk titled Analysis of fMRI data using methods from network theory and persistent homology.
7 - 11 December 2015. Nina and Heather speaking at School and Conference on Computational Topology, Geometry and Stochastic Topology, UNAM Queretaro, Mexico.
Co-organizer of North meets South Colloquium weeks 3 and 5 of Fridays@4. (with Julio Bueno De Andrade, Brent Pym, and Thomas Woolley) This term speakers include: Ian Griffiths, How magnets and mathematics can help solve the current water crisis (Oxford Centre for Industrial and Applied Mathematics), Pavel Safronov, Derived geometry and approximations (Geometry and Representation Theory), Jennifer Balakrishnan, Finding rational points on curves. (Number Theory), and Francois Lafond (Institute for New Economic Thinking).
4 November 2015. Nina Otter and Heather Harrington speaking at UC Berkeley in the Applied Algebra Minisymposium.
2 November 2015. Nina Otter and Heather Harrington attend Women in Data Science Conference, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, USA.
7 - 11 September 2015. LMS Computational Algebraic Topology Research School
10 - 11 September 2015. Nina Otter gives tutorial on Persistent Homology Software in CAT Alan Turing Institute Workshop.2 - 8 August 2015. Bernadette Stolz and Heather Harrington give talks at SIAM Conference on Applied Algebraic Geometry, Daejeon, South Korea.
16 July 2015. Network Geometry Workshop, Queen Mary, London, UK.
1 - 10 July 2015. Current Trends on Groebner Bases, Osaka, Japan.
26 May 2015. Algebraic and Combinatorial Approaches in Systems Biology, Center for Quantitative Medicine, Univ of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, CT USA.
Co-organizer of Computational Algebraic Topology Workshops at Oxford: February 2015, June 2015.
January 11, 2015.Co-organizer of Special Session on Algebraic and Geometric Methods in Applied Discrete Mathematics at Joint Math Meetings Co-editing AMS Contemporary Mathematics Volume on same named session (joint with Matthew Wright and Mohamed Omar)