UK - Durham

The goal of this project was to understand why commercial modeling software predicts two seperate peaks in chemical concentration for a single application of said chemical. Using simple continuum models we were able to emulate the commercial software and explain the observed behaviour.

Study group report available here (not yet)

UK - Bath

Investigated the mechanics of Phytophonics's novel design for a hydroponic system and subsequently optimized the design to support greater plant-mass.

Study group report available here (not yet)

Optimising the Design of Polythene Hydroponics Beds

A. Champneys, I. Hewitt, William T. Lee, A. Leida, M. Mcphail, E. Murphy, J. Ockendon, L. Parkin, L. Roberts.

Portugal - Barreira

Constructed a model for runner density in marathons that accounts for different release strategies, running abilities, and possible choke points in the course. We trained this model using real race data and used the model to optimize marathon starting strategy (for race coordinators).

Study group report available here (or contact me directly)

Managing start waves for mass running events

A. Paula, S. Barbeiro, R. Barreira, L. Cavique, J. Correia, M. Cruz, R. Enguiça, N. Lopes, M. McPhail, J. Santos, P. Simões, F. Wechsung.

Ireland - Dublin

Modelled the deposition and spread of a droplet over a microstructured surface. Goal was to structure the surface for optimal spreading/wicking rate.

Study group report available here

Liquid Wicking in Hierarchical Microstructures

L. Ò Nàraigh, C. Deverapu, J. Herterich, D. Flynn, M. McPhail, D. Lunz, J.Dewynne.

South Africa -Cape Town (AIMS)

Using models for fish population we were able to determine criteria for stable populations. Also determined how sensitive these criteria are to different habitat geometry and carrying capacity.

Study group report here (not yet)