ASPECTS of Topology
17-19 December 2012, Oxford
The conference aims to gather leading researchers and to showcase topological ideas in a variety of current research developments. It marks and honours the 70th birthday of Graeme Segal.
- David Ben-Zvi, University of Texas at Austin, slides
- Kevin Costello, Northwestern University, slides
- Dan Freed, University of Texas at Austin, slides
- Nigel Hitchin, Oxford University, slides
- Michael Hopkins, Harvard University
- Soren Galatius, Stanford University
- Gregory Moore, Rutgers University slides
- Dennis Sullivan, Stony Brook University
- Constantin Teleman, Berkeley University. slides
On Monday late afternoon Michael Hopkins will give the Astor Lecture. This is followed by plenary talks on Tuesday and Wednesday. The conference dinner at Merton College on Wednesday evening will be in honour of Graeme Segal. A detailed schedule with titles and abstracts is in progress.
registration and accommodation
On line registration is now closed. There will be an opportunity to register for those who would like to come to the lectures at the conference. We ask participants to make their own reservations for alternative accommodation. There is a list of registered participants, which will be up-dated from time to time.
travel information
The conference will take place in the St. Giles Street building of the Mathematical Institute in Oxford. The dinner and conference accommodation will be at Merton College. Please contact the porter's lodge on 01865-276310 if you are arriving later than 22:30.
Heathrow is the most convenient airport, with regular buses direct to Oxford. The service from Gatwick is less frequent.
- directions to the Mathematical Institute
- directions to Merton College
This conference is sponsored through an EPSRC Platform Grant of the Mathematical Institute. The reception after the Astor Lecture will be sponsored by OUP.

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