Ulrike Tillmann
Algebraic Topology 2013
Some relevant notes
Notes on finitely generated abelian groups.
Please read!
Hatcher's book. This is the main reference for the course.
Wikipedia page for Homology Theory.
It's improving.
Cohomology Theories
Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Physics, (2006), 545-553.
An article I wrote some years ago.
It gives a sketchy introduction to cohomology theory from a slightly different
angle than the course. It goes far beyond the course but might be useful to put the course material into perspective.
Lecture notes for B3.1a Topology and Groups. Although B3.1a is not a prerequisite for
Algebraic Topology there is a close connection between the two courses and on occasion these will be pointed out in lectures. If you have not taken B3.1a, you may find it useful to have a look at section I.2, I.3,
II.1, and III.1 of the lecture notes.
Copies of the LECTURE NOTES for Algebraic Topology will be made available
when and as far as they are ready
is a link to a movie on the Snake Lemma with Michael Douglas. Thanks to Tobias for this!
Problem Sheets