Industrial Mathematics Group


Organizers: Ian Griffiths, Frances Kirwan, Ben Fehrman, Jason Lotay and Ric Wade


Fridays@4 is a programme for graduate students, postdoctoral research associates and research fellows that covers many of the important aspects of academic life that are not addressed elsewhere. Topics include:

  • How to make the most of supervisions and how best to work with your supervisor.
  • How to give a good talk, how this differs depending on the audience, and what not to do when presenting your research.
  • Imposter syndrome and how to manage this.
  • Tips for writing grant applications and preparing job applications.
  • Careers in academia and outside academia and the route to take to apply to jobs.
  • How to get involved in outreach and how to pitch your work at the right level for this.
  • We also run two sessions in each term named North Meets South where two early career researchers - one from Pure and one from Applied - give a talk on their research that is accessible to the entire department. These are organized and chaired by two early career researchers.

    The regular departmental colloquia and some named lectures also take place in this slot.

    Fridays@4 takes place in L1 4-5pm during term time and is followed by Happy Hour in the Common Room 5-6pm.

    You can see the upcoming talks in this series here and past talks in the series here.

    We are always open for new topics to be suggested. If you have ideas for what you would like us to cover you can email any of the organizing team.