Jason D. Lotay

Jason D. Lotay
Professor of Pure Mathematics
University of Oxford
Fellow at Balliol College



Academic talks

  1. G2-instantons, the heterotic G2 system and generalized geometry, 2024. [slides]

  2. Translators in Lagrangian mean curvature flow, 2024.

  3. Joyce conjectures for Lagrangian mean curvature flow with circle symmetry, 2023. [slides]

  4. Neck pinches in Lagrangian mean curvature flow of surfaces, 2023. [video] [slides]

  5. Geometric flows and special holonomy: past, present and future, 2023.

  6. Geometric flows, G2-structures and 3-Sasakian geometry, 2022. [slides]

  7. Gauge theory and special holonomy, minicourse for Introductory Workshop at Analytic and Geometric Aspects of Gauge Theory program at MSRI/SLMath, 2022. [video 1] [video 2] [video 3]

  8. Some remarks on contact Calabi-Yau 7-manifolds, 2021. [slides] [video]

  9. Recent progress in Lagrangian mean curvature flow of surfaces, 2021. [slides]

  10. Exceptional holonomy and gauge theory, expository talk for reading seminar on Fukaya-Seidel category and gauge theory, 2021. [pdf notes]

  11. Lagrangian mean curvature flow and the Gibbons-Hawking ansatz, 2021. [slides]

  12. Minimal Lagrangians and where to find them, 2020. [slides]

  13. Singularities in the G2-Laplacian flow, 2020. [slides] [video]

  14. Deformed G2 instantons, 2020. [slides]

  15. Minimal submanifolds, mean curvature flow and the Gibbons-Hawking ansatz, 2019.

  16. Bryant-Salamon metrics and coassociative fibrations, 2019. [video of talk by collaborator Spiro Karigiannis] [slides by collaborator Spiro Karigiannis]

  17. Ancient solutions in Lagrangian mean curvature flow, 2019.

  18. Lagrangian mean curvature flow, expository talks for Géométrie: échanges et perspectives, Paris, 2019.

  19. Global uniqueness of the Graham-Lee metrics on the 4-ball, (mainly) expository talk for Geometry Analysis reading seminar, 2019.

  20. The G2 Laplacian flow, 2018. [video]

  21. Remarks on the self-shrinking Clifford torus, 2018.

  22. An introduction to Gromov's compactness theorem for pseudoholomorphic curves, expository talk for Geometry Analysis reading seminar, 2018. [notes] (typeset by Chris Evans)

  23. Harmonic maps and topology, expository talk for Geometry Analysis reading seminar, 2018.

  24. Invariant coassociative 4-folds via gluing, 2017. [video]

  25. Laplacian flow and 4D geometry, expository talk for Workshop in G2 Geometry, Fields Institute, 2017. [video]

  26. Geometric flows of G2 structures, lecture for Mini-school in G2 Geometry, Fields Institute, 2017. [video] and [lecture notes]

  27. Calibrated submanifolds of G2 and Spin(7) manifolds with conical singularities, 2017. [video]

  28. Calibrated Geometry and Geometric Flows, lecture course for LTCC, 2017. [lecture notes]

  29. Gluing Eguchi-Hanson metrics and a question of Page, expository talk for Geometry Analysis reading seminar, 2017.

  30. Invariant G2 instantons, 2016-17. [video of talk by collaborator Goncalo Oliveira]

  31. The Laplacian flow in G2 geometry, 2015-17. [video of talk by collaborator Yong Wei] and [lecture notes by Yong Wei]

  32. Hyperkähler 4-manifolds with boundary, 2014-15. [video]

  33. Uniqueness of Lawlor necks, expository talk for Geometry Analysis reading seminar, 2014.

  34. Lagrangian mean curvature flow and symplectic topology, expository talk for Geometry Analysis reading seminar, 2014.

  35. Coupled flows and calibrated geometry, 2014. [slides] [video]

  36. Calibrated Submanifolds, lecture course for LMS--CMI Research School An Invitation to Geometry and Topology via G2, 2014. [lecture notes]

  37. Introduction to Lagrangian mean curvature flow, expository talks for Geometry Analysis reading seminar, 2014. [notes] (typeset by Tom Begley and Kim Moore)

  38. Coassociative conifolds, 2013. [talk 1 slides] [talk 2 slides]

  39. Stability, conifolds and G2 geometry, 2013. [slides]

  40. The Holonomic Approximation Theorem, expository talk for London h-principle learning seminar, 2013. [scanned notes] (taken by Chris Wendl)

  41. Uniqueness of Lagrangian self-expanders, 2012. [slides]

  42. Deforming G2 conifolds, 2012. [slides] [video]

  43. Associative submanifolds of the 7-sphere, 2011. [slides]

Public engagement

  1. Knotty problems, Balliol Online Lecture, Oxford, 2022.

  2. Me and My Maths - Part 4 , part of Me and My Maths series, Oxford, 2022. [video]

  3. Minimising shapes, part of What's on Your Mind, Oxford, 2021. [video]

  4. Covering geometric objects with smallest shapes, part of What's on Your Mind? - Series 2, Oxford, 2020. [video]

  5. The Shape of the Universe, Pint of Science, 20 May 2019.

  6. Adventures in the 7th Dimension, British Science Festival, Swansea, 6 September 2016; UCL Lunch Hour Lecture, 2 March 2017 and LMS Popular Lectures 2017. [video]

  7. Unwrapping our Modern World, talk aimed at artists, general public and maths teachers, 2015-16.

  8. Take Your Brain to Another Dimension, Science Cabaret, Goldsmiths, London, 3 June 2015 and MAPS PhesDival, UCL, 15 June 2016.

  9. Seeing in 4D, talk aimed at artists, general public and maths teachers, 2014. [photo] (taken during an art and maths workshop)

  10. Ancient Puzzles and Modern Solutions: What the Greeks did for us, talk for sixth form students at Maths in Action, 2012--2013.

  11. Tiny Oblong Fetish, stand-up comedy routine for Bright Club: Tiny, Wilmington Arms, London, 18 September 2012.

  12. Academic Stand-up and Cognitive Development, interview for Word of Mouth, Radio 4, 17 April 2012. [audio]

  13. Connections in Many Dimensions (with a Lightsaber), stand-up comedy routine for Bright Club: Connections, Wilmington Arms, London, 20 March 2012. [photo]