Slides & Videos

Sur la conjecture de Manin-Mumford (Genève, 2003)

Über die Manin-Mumford Vermutung (Münster, 2003; rédigé en allemand)

On the conjecture of Beauville and Catanese over function fields (Milan, 2003)

(with V. Maillot) A new approach to elliptic units. Slides of a talk given at the RIMS in Kyoto on Sept. 15th, 2006.

(with V. Maillot) PIMS distinguished lectures. Slides of three lectures given at the Pacific Institute of Mathematics in Vancouver in September 2007.
(1) Nori's approach to the Riemann-Roch theorem (2) The Adams-Riemann-Roch theorem and applications (3) Deligne's functorial Riemann-Roch theorem.

On the Mordell-Lang conjecture for curves over function fields of positive characteristic (according to J.-F. Voloch and A. Buium). Slides of a talk given at the university of Durham on July 24th, 2009. Video of the talk

Video of the talk Conjectures on the logarithmic derivatives of Artin L-functions given on December 15th 2009 at the Newton Institute in Cambridge.

Histoire et préhistoire de la géométrie d'Arakelov. Exposé informel fait le 3 décembre 2010 à l'occasion de la journée "Emile Picard" de l'institut de mathématiques de Toulouse.

On the generalized Mordell-Lang conjecture over function fields of positive characteristic. Exposé fait au séminaire de théorie des nombres du CMAT à Madrid le 30 novembre 2011. Cet exposé simplifie et corrige (à la suite de remarques de O. Gabber) un exposé fait sur le même thème sur l'île d'Oléron en juin 2011. Video of a talk at IHP on the same subject

On a canonical class of Green currents associated with the unit sections of abelian schemes. Exposé fait à Orsay le 29 mai 2013 dans le cadre d'une conférence en l'honneur de Jean-Michel Bismut. Video of the talk

Autour de la correspondance Grothendieck-Serre. Exposé fait dans le cadre de l'école thématique “Mathématiques et Philosophie Contemporaines” II, Saint-Flour, 3-7 juin 2013.

On the group of purely inseparable points of an abelian variety defined over a function field of positive characteristic. Talk given at the MSRI in Berkeley on May 16th 2014. Video of the talk

Perfect points on abelian varieties in positive characteristic. Talk given at the IHP in Paris on the 24th of June 2019. Video of the talk

On a conjecture of Esnault and Langer. Online talk given on the 2nd of December 2021 in the framework of a conference in honour of Atsushi Moriwaki.

The Chowla-Selberg formula. A historical sketch. Slides of a talk given on the 3rd of July 2024 in the Seminar on History of Mathematics (org. C. Hollings, R. Wilson) at The Queen's College Oxford.

Is Philosophy useful for Mathematics and/or vice versa? Online talk given in the Conference Is Philosophy Useful for Science, and/or Vice Versa? (Chapman University, Jan. 29 - 2 Feb. 2024, org. Marco Panza). Text of the talk