Nick Trefethen One-page Summaries
Various topics
Trefethen publications
Moon tilt illusion
Me and the Faraday cage
BMI (Body Mass Index)
Transition to turbulence in channels and pipes
Life on planet Earth
Mathematics and numerical analysis
The Laplace equation
The physical meaning of nonsymmetric eigenvalue problems
Computing f(A) and in particular exp(A)
Fourier, Laurent, Chebyshev
Series solution of Laplace problems
Nonnormality and pseudospectra
Block operators and spectral discretizations
Exponential integrators for stiff PDEs
Minimax, CF, and Hankel norm approximation
Polynomials and multivariate polynomials
Gaussian elimination and low-rank approximation
Random functions and random differential equations
Chebyshev series
Rational functions
Ordinary differential equations
Structured eigenvalue perturbation analysis
See also the
LMS Newsletter columns
, each of which is just one page long.
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