Nick Trefethen Talks (selection)
A reasonably complete list of all the talks throughout my
career and be found
Adventures with the BMI
(Pi Day, KU Leuven, March 2022)
of quadrature formulas
(One World Numerical Analysis, Dec 2020)
Approximation on complex
domains and Riemann surfaces
(CAVID online lecture, November 2020)
Corner singularities
(Applied math seminar, U. Toronto, September 2020)
Rational functions (von Neumann
Prize lecture)
(SIAM Annual Meeting, July 2020)
Vandermonde with Arnoldi
(E-NLA online seminar, June 2020)
numerical analysis, and me (video)
(University of Manchester,
May 2019)
Discrete or continuous? (video)
(Australian Mathematical
Sciences Institute, May 2018)
Ten things
you should know about quadrature (video)
(Stanford University, May 2016)
a new ODE textbook
(British Applied Maths Colloq, April 2016)
A page summarizing
my history with the Faraday cage problem
(Oxford, April 2015)
Chebfun as a software project
(ICMS 2014, Korea, July 2014)
From iterative
Gaussian elimination to Chebfun2
(OCCAM Conference, Oxford, July 2013)
Chebfun (video)
(SIAM Past-President's Address, July 2013)
to Chebfun (video)
(U. of Cambridge, July 2011 -- starts at 2:40)
Six myths of polynomial interpolation
(IMA/Royal Society, June 2011)
Chebfun: A new kind of numerical computing
(U. of Heidelberg, May 2010)
CF approximation 30 years later
(ETH Zurich, August 2009)
and EigTool (video)
(U. of Cambridge, March 2009)
Continuous analogues of QR, SVD, and LU
(Householder Symposium, June 2008)
Speeding up numerical computations via conformal maps
(Texas Tech University, October 2007)
Is Gauss quadrature better than Clenshaw-Curtis?
(SIAM Annual Meeting, July 2006)
Lewy-Hörmander nonexistence and pseudospectra
(SIAM PDE Meeting, July 2006)
Talbot quadratures and rational approximations
(SIAM/GAMM Applied Linear Algebra, July 2006)
Spectra and Pseudospectra
(Householder Symposium, May 2005)
Who invented the great numerical algorithms?
(Various places since 2005)
Eigenmodes of drums and physics
Nobel Prizes
(Rice University, November 2005)
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