CUDA programming on NVIDIA GPUs
(introduction to CUDA programming at Imperial College workshop, Sept 17-18, 2008)
Financial computing on NVIDIA GPUs
(talk at Oxford-Man Institute, December 20, 2008)
Computational Finance using CUDA on NVIDIA GPUs
(research talk at SIAM Computational Science and Engineering Conference, March 2-6, 2009)
Financial computing on GPUs
(overview talk at TradeTech finance conference, April 22-23, 2009)
Financial computing on GPUs
(3 lectures given at Financial Engineering Summer School, Barcelona,
June 30-July 1, 2009)
Some opinions on HPC and the use of GPUs
(talk at a workshop in Birmingham, July 2-3, 2009)
Monte Carlo and finite difference computations on GPUs
(talk at a Thalesian Workshop on GPUs in Finance at Imperial College, Sept 11, 2009)
GPUs for Scientific Computing
(talk at NAG AGM in Oxford, Sept 25, 2009)
GPUs for Computational Finance
(talk at Intel Finance Forum, Canary Wharf, Oct 8, 2009)
GPUs for Scientific Computing
(talk at University of Bristol HPC Symposium, Oct 21, 2009)
GPUs for Computational Finance
(talk at NAG/Wilmott event, London, Oct 22, 2009)
Computational finance on GPUs
(talk at SIAM PP10 conference in Seattle, Feb 26, 2010)
A framework for parallel unstructured grid applications on GPUs
(talk at SIAM PP10 conference in Seattle, Feb 26, 2010)
An introduction to GPU programming
(tutorial session at SIAM PP10 conference in Seattle, Feb 27, 2010)
Using GPUs for computational finance
(talk at JP Morgan, London, March 8, 2010)
A framework for parallel unstructured grid applications on GPUs
(talk at BAESystems, March 10, 2010)
Using GPUs for computational finance
(talk at Fields Institute workshop on Computational Methods in Finance, Toronto, March 23, 2010)
OP2: an active library for unstructured grid
applications on GPUs
(seminar at University of Warwick, May 7, 2010)
Runners and riders in GPU steeplechase
(presentation at NAG Technical Forum, Oxford, June 24, 2010)
Computational finance using GPUs
(workshop at Stefan Banach International Mathematical Center, Warsaw, August 18, 2010)
OP2: an open source library for
unstructured grid applications
(seminar at Daresbury Laboratory, Sept 28, 2010)
OP2: an open source library for
unstructured grid applications
(seminar at Stanford University, Nov 17, 2010)
OP2: an open source library for
unstructured grid applications
(presentation at 2nd UK GPU Computing Conference in Cambridge, Dec 13, 2010)
OP2: an open source library for
unstructured grid applications
(presentation at IMA workshop on HPC and Emerging Architectures, Minnesota,
Jan 10-14, 2011)
GPUs: what are they good for?
(seminar at Fujitsu European Research Laboratories, Feb 1, 2011)
OP2: an open source library for
unstructured grid applications
(Numerical Analysis Group seminar, Oxford University, Feb 10, 2011)
Optimising the OP2 framework for
GPU architectures
(MRSC11 conference, Bristol, Apr 12, 2011)
OP2: an open source library for
unstructured grid applications
(ENUMATH conference, Leicester, Sept 7, 2011)
GPU computing for real-time
de-dispersion in astrophysics
(talk at Oxford-Man Institute, Sept 29, 2011)
Tackling a new GPU application
Real-time de-dispersion in astrophysics
Efficient sparse matrix-vector products on Fermi GPUs
OP2 -- an open-source library for
unstructured grid applications
(four talks at Edinburgh University, Jan 9-10, 2012)
OP2 -- an open-source library for
unstructured grid applications
(talk at Sandia National Laboratory, Feb 6, 2012)
Efficient sparse matrix-vector products on Fermi GPUs
(talk at RAL, March 6, 2012)
Flamingo: parameter auto-tuning for parallel programs
(talk at ASEArch workshop in OeRC, April 5, 2012)
GPUs and emerging architectures
(talk at STFC eXtreme Data workshop, April 19-20, 2012)
OP2: an active library framework
for solving unstructured mesh-based applications on multi-core
and many-core architectures
(talk at InPar '12, May 13-14, 2012)
GPUs and emerging computer architectures
(talk at Oxford-Stanford Conference on Big Data, Nov 28-29, 2012)
Trends in HPC: hardware complexity and software challenges
(talk at MIT, March 13, 2013)
Future of HPC: trends, opportunities and challenges
(talk at Bath University HPC Symposium, June 4, 2013)
Tsunami simulation using the OP2 parallel framework
(25th Biennial Conference on Numerical Analysis, Glasgow, June 25, 2013)
Trends in HPC: hardware complexity
and software challenges
(talk at UK Turbulence Consortium Annual Review, Sept 9, 2013)
Using GPUs for Monte Carlo and
Finite Difference Computations
(talk at HPC Finance conference, Feb 12, 2014)
Trends in HPC: hardware complexity
and software challenges
(talk at i-like workshop in Oxford, March 20, 2014)
GPU implementation of explicit
and implicit finite difference methods in finance
Fast evaluation of the
inverse Poisson CDF
(talks at NVIDIA GTC conference, March 25/26, 2014)
Computing logarithms and
other special functions
(talk at Napier 400 Symposium, April 2, 2014)
GPU implementation of explicit
and implicit finite difference methods in finance
(talk at workshop on New Trends in Computational Finance,
Edinburgh, April 24/25, 2014)
Implementing PDE solvers on GPUs
(talk at STAC Summit, London, June 4, 2014)
Some reflections on automated code generation
(talk at NAIS Workshop on Automated Code Generation, Edinburgh, July 1, 2014)
Trends in HPC: hardware complexity
and software challenges
(talk at Schlumberger Applied Mathematics Workshop, Nov 7, 2014)
GPU Implementation of Finite Difference Solvers
(talk at WHPCF, SC'14, New Orleans, November 16, 2014)
Implementation of PDE methods on GPUs
(talk at Global Derivatives, Chicago, November 20, 2014)
Full fat or skinny? How do you like your compute nodes?
(talk in OeRC Many-Core Computing seminar series, May 6, 2015)
Trends in HPC: hardware complexity
and software challenges
(ACCU talk in Oxford, June 30, 2015)
Use of GPUs for explicit and implicit finite difference methods
(talk at QuanTech, London, April 22, 2016)
Some trends in HPC, and 3 questions
(talk at IFIP WG 2.5 meeting, Oxford, August 4, 2016)