[1] Porter, Mason A. and Gleeson, James P. [2016]. Dynamical
Systems on Networks: A Tutorial. Frontiers in Applied
Dynamical Systems: Reviews and Tutorials, Volume 4 (Springer
International Publishing, Switzerland). [You can also download
an arXiv preprint.]
Papers in Research Journals, Papers Submitted to Research
Journals, and Working Papers
[117] Lustri, Christopher & Porter, Mason A. [2016]. Nanoptera in a Period-2 Toda
Chain, arXiv:1607.07065, submitted to SIAM Journal on Applied
Dynamical Systems.
[115] De Domenico, Manlio; Granell, Clara; Porter, Mason A.;
and Arenas, Alex [2016]. The
Physics of Spreading Processes in Multilayer Networks, Nature
Physics, Advance Online Publication (doi:10.1038/nphys3865),
[111] Birgit Brüggemeier; Porter, Mason A.; Vigoreaux, Jim
O.; and Goodwin, Stephen F. [2016]. Drosophila Song
Amplitude Structure is a Communication Signal, submitted.
[106] Taylor, Dane; Myers, Sean A.; Clauset, Aaron; Porter,
Mason A.; and Mucha, Peter J. [2016]. Eigenvector-based Centrality
Measures for Temporal Networks, submitted to Multiscale
Modeling and Simulation: A SIAM Interdisciplinary Journal,
[104] Kivelä, Mikko and Porter, Mason A. [2015]. Isomorphisms in Multilayer
Networks, submitted to Transactions on Network Science and
Engineering, arXiv:1506.00508.
[101] Gould, Martin D.; Porter, Mason A.; and Howison, Sam
D. [2015]. Quasi-Centralized Limit Order
Books, submitted to Quantitative Finance,
[94] Sotelo Herrera, Ma Dolores; San Martín,
Jesús; and Porter, Mason A. [2016]. Heterogeneous, Weakly Coupled Map
Lattices, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical
Simulation, Vol. 36: 549-563.
[84] Cozzo, Emanuele; Kivelä, Mikko; De Domenico, Manlio;
Solé, Albert; Arenas, Alex; Gómez, Sergio; Porter, Mason
A.; and Moreno, Yamir [2015]. Structure of Triadic Relations in
Multiplex Networks, New Journal of Physics, Vol. 17, No. 7:
[83] De Domenico, Manlio; Solé-Ribalta, Albert; Cozzo,
Emanuele; Kivelä, Mikko; Moreno, Yamir; Porter, Mason A.;
Gómez, Sergio; and Arenas, Alex [2013]. Mathematical Formulation of Multilayer
Networks, Physical Review X, Vol. 3, No. 4: 041022. [You
can also read the popular summary at the PRX
page for this article.]
[82] Bassett, Danielle S.; Wymbs, Nicholas F.; Porter, Mason
A.; Mucha, Peter J.; and Grafton, Scott T. [2014]. Cross-Linked Structure of Network
Evolution, Chaos, Vol. 24, No. 1: 013112.
[80] Gleeson, James P.; Cellai, Davide; Onnela, Jukka-Pekka;
Porter, Mason A.; and Reed-Tsochas, Felix [2014]. A Simple Generative Model of Collective
Online Behavior, Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences of the United States of America, Vol. 111, No. 29:
[71] Mantzaris, Alexander V.; Bassett, Danielle S.; Wymbs,
Nicholas F.; Estrada, Ernesto; Porter, Mason A.; Mucha, Peter J.;
Grafton, Scott T.; and Higham, Desmond J. [2013]. Dynamic Network Centrality Summarizes Learning
in the Human Brain, Journal of Complex Networks, Vol. 1,
No. 1: 83-92.
[67] Rombach, M. Puck; Porter, Mason A.; Fowler, James H.; and
Mucha, Peter J. [2014]. Core-Periphery Structure in
Networks, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, Vol. 74,
No. 1: 167-190. [I have posted the data for the London Underground
network --- which we use in this paper --- at this website.]
[60] Martin, Carla D. and Porter, Mason A. [2012]. The Extraordinary SVD, American Mathematical
Monthly, Vol. 119, No. 10: 838-851.
[59] Traud, Amanda L.; Mucha, Peter J.; and Porter, Mason
A. [2012]. Social
Structure of Facebook Networks, Physica A, Vol. 391,
No. 16: 4165-4180. (Note: I have taken down the data used for this paper.)
[58] Gould, Martin D.; Porter, Mason A.; Williams, Stacy;
McDonald, Mark; Fenn, Daniel J.; and Howison, Sam D. [2013]. Limit Order Books, Quantitative
Finance, Vo. 13, No. 11: 1709-1742.
[56] Fenn, Daniel J.; Porter, Mason A.; Williams, Stacy;
McDonald, Mark; Johnson, Neil F.; and Jones, Nick S. [2011]. Temporal Evolution of Financial Market
Correlations, Physical Review E, Vol. 84, No. 2:
[53] Bassett, Danielle S.; Wymbs, Nicholas F.; Porter, Mason
A.; Mucha, Peter J.; Carlson, Jean M.; and Grafton, Scott
T. [2011]. Dynamic Reconfiguration
of Human Brain Networks During Learning, Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,
Vol. 118, No. 18: 7641-7646.
[51] Onnela, Jukka-Pekka; Fenn, Daniel J.; Reid, Stephen;
Porter, Mason A.; Mucha, Peter J.; Fricker, Mark D.; and Jones, Nick
S. [2012]. Taxonomies of
Networks from Community Structure, Physical Review E,
Vol. 86, No. 3: 036104. [Our code is also
[47] Mucha, Peter J.; Richardson, Thomas; Macon, Kevin; Porter,
Mason A.; and Onnela, Jukka-Pekka [2010]. Community Structure in Time-Dependent,
Multiscale, and Multiplex Networks,
Science, Vol. 328, No. 5980: 876-878. [On NetWiki, you can
find code
(GenLouvain v2.0 by I. S. Jutla, L. G. S. Jeub, and P. J. Mucha) to
apply the Louvain method to multilayer networks of 'multislice'
[41] Fenn, Daniel J.; Porter, Mason A.; Mucha, Peter J.;
McDonald, Mark; Williams, Stacy; Johnson, Neil F.; and Jones, Nick
S. [2012]. Dynamical Clustering of
Exchange Rates, Quantitative Finance, Vol. 12, No. 10:
[39] Ponson, Laurent; Boechler, Nicholas; Lai, Yi Ming; Porter,
Mason A.; Kevrekidis, P. G.; and Daraio, Chiara [2010]. Nonlinear Waves in Disordered Diatomic
Granular Chains, Physical Review E, Vol. 82, No. 2:
[38] Richardson, Thomas; Mucha, Peter J.; and Porter, Mason
A. [2009]. Spectral Tripartitioning of
Networks, Physical Review E, Vol. 80, No. 3: 036111.
[19] Nistazakis, H. E.; and Porter, Mason A.; and Kevrekidis,
P. G.; and Frantzeskakis, D. J.; and Nicolin, A.; and Chin,
J. K. [2006] Fractional-Period
Excitations in Continuum Periodic Systems, Physical Review
A, Vol. 74, No. 6: 063617.
[6] Liboff, Richard L., Weimann, Nils, and Porter, Mason A. [2002].
Prime Quasientropy and
Quasichaos, International Journal of Theoretical Physics,
Vol. 41, No. 7: 1389-1395.
[4] Porter, Mason A. and Liboff, Richard L. [2001]. Quantum Chaos for the Vibrating Rectangular
Billiard, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos,
Vol. 11, No. 9: 2317-2337. (Note: Papers [3] and [4] constitute the
cover story of the 9/01 issue of
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos.)
[3] Porter, Mason A. and Liboff, Richard L. [2001]. Vibrating Quantum Billiards on
Riemannian Manifolds, International Journal of Bifurcation and
Chaos, Vol. 11, No. 9: 2305-2315. (Note: Papers [3] and [4]
constitute the cover story of the 9/01 issue of
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos.)
[10] van Gennip, Yves; Hu, Huiyi; Hunter, Blake; and Porter,
Mason A. [2012]. Geosocial
Graph-Based Community Detection, 12th IEEE International
Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW), 754-758
[6] Porter, Mason A. [2009]. Experimental Results Related to DNLS
Equations, in P. G. Kevrekidis, Discrete Nonlinear
Schrödinger Equation: Mathematical Analysis, Numerical
Computations, and Physics Perspectives, 175-189, Springer Tracts
in Modern Physics (Springer-Verlag).
[5] Porter, Mason A.; Centurion, Martin; Pu, Ye; Kevrekidis,
P. G.; Frantzeskakis, D. J.; and Psaltis, Demetri [2008]. Nonlinearity Management in Optics,
Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Vol. 7,
No. 1: 2030029-2030030 [Special Issue: Sixth International Congress on
Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM07) and GAMM Annual Meeting,
Zurich 2007].
[4] Daraio, C.; Porter, Mason A.; Herbold, Eric B.;
Szelengowicz, I.; and Kevrekidis, Panayotis G. [2008]. Highly Nonlinear Waves in Periodic Media,
in International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics XXII,
Adelaide, Australia, 25-29 August 2008 [refereed].
[3] Das, Atin; Marko, M.; Probst, Andrej; Porter, Mason A.; and
Gershenson, Carlos [2008]. Neural Net Model for Featured Word
Extraction, in Ali A. Minai and Yaneer Bar-Yam
(Editors), Unifying Themes in Complex Systems: Volume IV
(Springer-Verlag): 352-362. [Here is the arXiv version.]
[1] Porter, Mason A. and Liboff, Richard L. [2001]. The Radially Vibrating Spherical
Quantum Billiard, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical
Systems, 310-318. Y2K International Conference on Differential
Equations and Dynamical Systems (May, 2000) [refereed].
[9] Porter, Mason A. [2014]. 88 Lines About 44
Mathematicians, to appear in Journal of Humanistic
Mathematics [refereed]. (A slightly different version is available
at my
[7] Zabusky, Norman J. and Porter, Mason A. [2010]. Soliton, Scholarpedia, Vol. 5, No. 8: 2068
[6] Porter, Mason A.; Onnela, Jukka-Pekka; and Mucha, Peter
J. [2009]. Communities in
Networks, Notices of the American Mathematical Society,
Vol. 56, No. 9: 1082-1097, 1164-1166.
[5] Porter, Mason A.; Zabusky, Norman J.; Hu, Bambi; and
Campbell, David K. [2009]. Fermi,
Pasta, Ulam and the Birth of Experimental Mathematics, American
Scientist, Vol. 97, No. 3: 214-221. (May-June issue.) [This
article has been translated for the Italian, Spanish,
and German
versions of Scientific American.]
[4] Porter, Mason A. and Lansel, Steven [2006]. Mushroom
Billiards, Notices of the American Mathematical Society,
Vol. 53, No. 3: 334-337 (cover
[1] Porter, Mason A. and Liboff, Richard L. [2001]. Chaos on the Quantum Scale, American
Scientist, Vol. 89, No. 6: 532-537. [This paper was the
cover story of the November-December 2001 issue of American
Scientist. In 2003, it was reprinted as part of the compilation
PowerWeb: Conceptual Physics. In 2003, it was also translated
into German and Spanish for the respective versions of
Scientific American. This paper grew out of the
manuscript An
Introduction to Quantum Chaos, though it was rewritten entirely
and would not be recognizable in my unpublished preprint.]
[12] Cramer, Catherine; Porter, Mason A.; Sayama, Hiroki;
Sheetz, Lori; and Uzzo, Stephen (Eds.) [2015]. Network Literacy: Essential
Concepts and Core Ideas. [This document has been translated into 15
languages as of 3/24/16.]
[10] Harrington, Heather A.; Beguerisse-Díaz, Mariano;
Rombach, M. Puck; Keating, Laura M.; and Porter, Mason
A. [2013]. Commentary: Teach
Network Science to Teenagers, Network Science, Vol. 1,
No. 2: 226-247 [refereed]. (Teaching materials are available at this website as well as
in the online supplementary information at the
journal's website.)
[9] Stumpf, Michael P. H. and Porter, Mason A. [2012]. Critical Truths About Power
Laws, Science, Vol. 335, No. 6069: 665-666. [I am also the
sole author of a brief
addendum (viXra:1403.0931) on allometric scaling.]
[1] Mayer-Kress, Gottfried and Porter, Mason
A. [2001]. Remarks on Whale Cultures from a Complex Systems
Perspective, Behaviorial and Brain Sciences Vol. 24, No. 2: