Homepage of H A Priestley

Professor Hilary Priestley

Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford

Senior Research Fellow, St Anne's College, Oxford

Contact details

Mathematical Institute
Andrew Wiles Building
Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
Woodstock Road
Oxford OX2 6GG

Email: hap(at)maths.ox.ac.uk


Research interests

Lattice theory, ordered topological structures, and related areas; applications in logic and computer science. Specifically, my work has involved Priestley duality for distributive lattices, topological dualities for varieties of distributive lattices with additional operations and the theory of natural dualities.

I have recent and current collaborative projects on natural dualities, including their connections to other constructions, with

For a number of years I have been working, in collaboration with Mai Gehrke, on duality and canonical extensions. In particular, we are preparing a research monograph,n Lattices in Logic, for Oxford University Press.

A Research Case Study

Free Sugihara algebras: demonstrating the power of duality theory to solve problems in logic and algebra [.pdf] (November 2019)

Recent preprints and publications

Research publications

List of publications (as of September 2018) [pdf]

Slides of conference talks

Events organised
