Nick Trefethen Essays
- A bifurcation in Moore's Law?
(SIAM News, Sept. 2023)
- Trefethen and Bau 25th anniversary
(SIAM News, June 2022)
- Rational functions and beyond
(SIAM News, Dec. 2020)
Inverse Yogiisms
(Notices AMS, Dec. 2016)
Surprises of the Faraday Cage
(SIAM News, July-Aug. 2016)
Review of The Princeton Companion to Applied Mathematics
(SIAM Review, Sept. 2015)
Why have SIAM journal papers grown so long?
(SIAM News, Aug. 2015)
(see also this)
Review of Wegert's Visual Complex Functions
(SIAM Review, Dec. 2013)
GH Hardy, Applied Mathematician
(SIAM News, Apr. 2008)
- Numerical analysis
Companion to Mathematics, 2008)
- Gene Golub obituary
(Nature, 13 Dec. 2007)
- Ten digit algorithms
(Mitchell Lecture, Dundee, June 2005)
- An American at Oxford
(Oxford Magazine, May 2003)
- Predictions for scientific computing 50 years from now
(Mathematics Today, 2000)
- Maxims about numerical mathematics,
computers, science, and life
(SIAM News, Jan/Feb 1998)
(Spanish translation)
- The
definition of numerical analysis
(SIAM News, Nov 1992)
LMS Newsletter "Notes of a Numerical Analyst":
- Feb 2025: Designer non-uniqueness
- Dec 2024: Silly digits
- Sept 2024: PDEs and integrals
- May 2024: The meaning of eigenvalues
- Feb 2024: Discrete and continuous
- Dec 2023: From dice to adjoints
- Sept 2023: Which is smaller, O(n2) or O(n3)?
- July 2023: Double exponential bump functions
- May 2023: Dribbling a ball
- Mar 2023: Randomness and certainty
- Jan 2023: Analytic continuation
- Nov 2022: Nonsmooth landscapes
- Sept 2022: What's the degree of xn?
- July 2022: Random Fibonacci sequences
- May 2022: A picture worth 2000 words
- Mar 2022: Is everything a rational function?
- Jan 2022: Hermite polynomial surprises
- Nov 2021: Floating point arithmetic
- Sept 2021: Random smoothies
- July 2021: The universe speaks in numbers?
- May 2021: Multivariate polynomials
- Mar 2021: At the edge of infinity
- Nov 2020: Two cubes
- Sept 2020: What we learned from Galois
SIAM News President's columns:
- Jan/Feb 2011: On transitions, traditions, and a mathematical trend
- March 2011: Data mining: 100 feet of SIAM journals
- April 2011: Conditions at the pure/applied boundary
- May 2011: For the prize of a pizza
- June 2011: Let's have some letters to the editor!
- July/Aug 2011: A new paper from every conference?
- Sept 2011: Seeing new connections
- Oct 2011: A couple of steps removed from weather prediction
- Nov 2011: What's in a name?
- Dec 2011: Favorite eigenvalue problems
- Jan/Feb 2012: Parallel progressions
- March 2012: Distracting digits
- April 2012: Culture change in store for SIAM journals
- May 2012: Discrete or continuous?
- June 2012: What lasts?
- July/Aug 2012: Nutty about writing
- Sept 2012: A talent for making things happen
- Oct 2012: What's so special about complex variables?
- Nov 2012: The smart money's on numerical analysis
- Dec 2012: Reflections on a SIAM presidency
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