Ofer Arieli (The Academic College of Tel-Aviv): A tutorial on bilattices abstract and slides
Guram Bezhanishvili (New Mexico State University): An algebraic approach to Gelfand duality abstract and slides
Nick Bezhanishvili (Imperial College): Modal compact Hausdorff spaces* abstract and slides
Marcel Erné (Leibniz Universität Hannover): Dualities for locally hypercompact, stably hypercompact and hyperspectral spaces abstract and slides
Georges Hansoul (Université de Liège): Extending functions to the natural extension extended abstract
John Harding (New Mexico State University): Modal compact Hausdorff spaces* abstract and slides
Peter Jipsen (Chapman University): The categorical duality between complete (semi)lattices with operators and contexts with relations** abstract and slides
Klaus Keimel (Technische Universität Darmstadt): The duality between direct and predicate transformer semantics abstract and slides
Alexander Kurz (University of Leicester): Positive coalgebraic logic abstract and slides (from a related talk at ,CMCS 2012)
Jimmie Lawson (Louisiana State University): Dualities of stably compact spaces abstract and slides
Michael Mislove (Tulane University): Stone duality in unexpected places abstract and slides
M. Andrew Moshier (Chapman University): Categories of formal contexts** abstract and slides
Umberto Rivieccio (Birmingham University): Implicative twist structures abstract and slides
Sam van Gool (Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen): Topological duality for lattices via canonical extensions abstract and slides
* Linked talks under a common title
** Linked talks
Rukiye Cavus (Université de Liège): Dualities induced by canonical extensions abstract and extended abstract
Andrew Craig (University of Oxford): Beyond FOUR: representations of non-interlaced bilattices using natural duality abstract
Sebastian Kerkhoff and Friedrich Martin Schneider (Technische Universät Dresden): Banaschewski’s duality and cube bundles over compact Hausdorff spaces abstract and slides
Hilary Priestley (University of Oxford): Distributive bilattices and their cousins: representations via natural dualities abstract