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*Some papers can be found in multiple categories*

Growth and elasticity


D.E. Moulton & H. Oliveri; The Mathematics and Mechanics of Tug of War. Math and Mech of Solids (2023)


B Kaczmarski, D.E. Moulton, A Goriely & E Kuhl; Bayesian design optimization of biomimetic soft actuators. Computer Methods in Applied Mech and Eng (2023)


B Walker, G.L. Celora, A Goriely, D.E. Moulton & H Byrne; Minimal Morphoelastic Models of Solid Tumour Spheroids: A Tutorial. Bulletin math bio (2023)


B Kaczmarski, A Goriely, E Kuhl & D.E. Moulton,; A simulation tool for physics-informed control of biomimetic soft robotic arms. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (2023)


B Kaczmarski, D.E. Moulton, E Kuhl & A Goriely; Active Filaments I: curvature and torsion generation. J Mech Phys Solids (2022)


A. Goriely, D.E. Moulton & A. Mihai; A rod theory for liquid crystalline elastomers. J Elasticity (2023)


D.E. Moulton, A. Goriely & R. Chirat; The physical basis of mollusk shell chiral coiling. PNAS (2021)


D.E. Moulton, A. Goriely & R. Chirat; The physical basis of mollusk shell chiral coiling – Supplementary information . PNAS (2021)


D.E. Moulton, H. Oliveri, & A. Goriely; Multiscale integration of environmental stimuli in plant tropism produces complex behaviors. PNAS (2020)


D.E. Moulton, H. Oliveri, & A. Goriely; Multiscale integration of environmental stimuli in plant tropism produces complex behaviors - Supplementary information. PNAS (2020)


A. Almet, H.M. Byrne, P.K. Maini, & D.E. Moulton; The role of mechanics in the growth and homeostasis of the intestinal crypt. Biomech and Modeling in Mechanobiology (2020)


D.E. Moulton, T. Lessinnes, & A. Goriely; Morphoelastic Rods III: Differential Growth and Curvature Generation in Elastic Filaments. J Mech Phys Solids (2020)


D.E. Moulton, A. Goriely & R. Chirat; Mechanics unlocks the morphogenetic puzzle of interlocking bivalved shells . PNAS (2019)


D.E. Moulton, A. Goriely & R. Chirat; Mechanics unlocks the morphogenetic puzzle of interlocking bivalved shells - Supplementary Material. PNAS (2019)


S Rudraraju, D.E. Moulton, R. Chirat., A. Goriely & K. Garikipati; Seashell morphogenesis: A computational framework for the three-dimensional evolution of surface and volumetric growth in gastropods. PLOS (2019)


A. Erlich, D.E. Moulton, & A. Goriely; Are homeostatic states stable? Dynamical stability in morphoelasticity. Bulletin Math Bio (2019)


A.A. Almet, H.M. Byrne, P.K. Maini, & D.E. Moulton; Post-buckling behaviour of a growing elastic rod. J Theor Biology (2018)


D.E. Moulton, P. Grandgeorge & S. Neukirch. ; Stable elastic knots with no self-contact. J Mech Phys Solids (2018)


M. Gomez, D.E. Moulton, & D. Vella ; Passive Control of Viscous Flow via Elastic Snap-Through. Physical Review Letters (2018)


M. Gomez, D.E. Moulton, & D. Vella ; Critical slowing down in purely elastic `snap-through' instabilities. Nature Physics (2017)


A. Erlich, D.E. Moulton, Goriely, A, & R. Chirat; Morphomechanics and developmental constraints in the evolution of ammonites shell form. J Exp Zoology B (2016)


M. Gomez, D.E. Moulton, & D. Vella ; The shallow shell approach to Pogorelov's problem and the breakdown of `mirror buckling'. Proc Roy Soc A (2016)


T. Lessinnes, D.E. Moulton, & A. Goriely ; Morphoelastic rods: Part II: Growing birods. J Mech Phys Solids (2015)


D.E. Moulton, R. Chirat., & A. Goriely; The morpho-mechanical basis of ammonite form. J Theor Biology (2015)


A. Pandey, D.E. Moulton, D. Vella, & D.P. Holmes; Dynamics of snapping beams and jumping poppers. Europhys. Lett. (EPL) (2014)


R. Chirat, D.E. Moulton, and A. Goriely;The mechanical basis of morphogenesis and convergent evolution of spiny seashells, PNAS (2013)


S. O'Keefe, D.E. Moulton, S. Waters, and A. Goriely;Growth-induced axial buckling of a slender elastic filament embedded in an isotropic elastic matrix, Int. J. Nonlinear Mech (2013)


D.E. Moulton, T. Lessinnes, and A. Goriely;Morphoelastic rods Part I: A single growing elastic rod, J. Mech. Phys. Solids (2012)


D.E. Moulton and A. Goriely;Surface growth kinematics via local curve evolution; J. Math Bio (2012)


D.E. Moulton, A. Goriely and R. Chirat; Mechanical growth and morphogenesis of seashells; J. Theor. Bio (2012)


D.E. Moulton and A. Goriely; Circumferential buckling instability of a growing
cylindrical tube;
J. Mech. Phys. of Solids (2011)


D.E. Moulton and A. Goriely; Anticavitation and differential growth in elastic shells; J. Elasticity (2010)


A. Goriely, D.E. Moulton and R. Vandiver; Elastic cavitation, tube hollowing, and differential growth in plants and biological tissues; EPL (2010)



D.E. Moulton, A. Goriely & R. Chirat; The physical basis of mollusk shell chiral coiling. PNAS (2021)


D.E. Moulton, A. Goriely & R. Chirat; The physical basis of mollusk shell chiral coiling - Supplementary information . PNAS (2021)


D.E. Moulton, A. Goriely & R. Chirat; Mechanics unlocks the morphogenetic puzzle of interlocking bivalved shells . PNAS (2019)


D.E. Moulton, A. Goriely & R. Chirat; Mechanics unlocks the morphogenetic puzzle of interlocking bivalved shells - Supplementary Material. PNAS (2019)


S. Rudraraju, D.E. Moulton R. Chirat., A. Goriely & K. Garikipati. ; Seashell morphogenesis: A computational framework for the three-dimensional evolution of surface and volumetric growth in gastropods. PLOS (2019)


A. Erlich, D.E. Moulton, Goriely, A, & R. Chirat; Morphomechanics and developmental constraints in the evolution of ammonites shell form. J Exp Zoology B (2016)


A. Erlich, R. Howell, A. Goriely, R. Chirat., & D.E. Moulton; Mechanical feedback in seashell growth and form. The ANZIAM Journal (2018)


D.E. Moulton, R. Chirat., & A. Goriely; The morpho-mechanical basis of ammonite form. J Theor Biology (2015)


R. Chirat, D.E. Moulton, and A. Goriely;The mechanical basis of morphogenesis and convergent evolution of spiny seashells, PNAS (2013)


D.E. Moulton and A. Goriely;Surface growth kinematics via local curve evolution; J. Math Bio (2012)


D.E. Moulton, A. Goriely and R. Chirat; Mechanical growth and morphogenesis of seashells; J. Theor. Bio (2012)

Robotics, biomimetics


B Kaczmarski, D.E. Moulton, A Goriely & E Kuhl; Bayesian design optimization of biomimetic soft actuators. Computer Methods in Applied Mech and Eng (2023)


B Kaczmarski, A Goriely, E Kuhl & D.E. Moulton,; A simulation tool for physics-informed control of biomimetic soft robotic arms. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (2023)


B Kaczmarski, D.E. Moulton, E Kuhl & A Goriely; Active Filaments I: curvature and torsion generation. J Mech Phys Solids (2022)


A. Goriely, D.E. Moulton & A. Mihai; A rod theory for liquid crystalline elastomers. J Elasticity (2023)

Snap-through instabilities


M. Gomez, D.E. Moulton, & D. Vella ; Dynamics of viscoelastic snap-through. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids (2019)


M. Gomez, D.E. Moulton, & D. Vella ; Passive Control of Viscous Flow via Elastic Snap-Through. Physical Review Letters (2018)


M. Gomez, D. Vella, & D.E. Moulton; Pull-in dynamics of overdamped microbeams. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering (2018)


M. Gomez, D.E. Moulton, & D. Vella ; Critical slowing down in purely elastic `snap-through' instabilities. Nature Physics (2017)


M. Gomez, D.E. Moulton, & D. Vella ; Delayed pull-in transitions in overdamped MEMS devices. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering (2017)


Pandey, A., D.E. Moulton, D. Vella, & Holmes, D. P.; Dynamics of snapping beams and jumping poppers. Europhys. Lett. (EPL) (2014)



B Walker, G.L. Celora, A Goriely, D.E. Moulton & H Byrne; Minimal Morphoelastic Models of Solid Tumour Spheroids: A Tutorial. Bulletin math bio (2023)


A. Almet, H.M. Byrne, P.K. Maini, & D.E. Moulton; The role of mechanics in the growth and homeostasis of the intestinal crypt. Biomech and Modeling in Mechanobiology (2020)


D.E. Moulton, Sulzer, V, Apodaca, G, Byrne, H.M.,& Waters, S.L.; Mathematical modelling of stretch-induced membrane traffic in bladder umbrella cells. J Theor Biology (2016)


L.G. Bowden, H.M. Byrne, P.K. Maini, & D.E. Moulton ; A morphoelastic model for dermal wound closure. Biomech and Modeling in Mechanobiology (2015)


L.G. Bowden, P.K. Maini, D.E. Moulton, J.B. Tang, X.T. Wang, P. Liu, & H.M. Byrne; An ordinary differential equation model for full thickness wounds and the effects of diabetes J Theor Biology (2014)


D.E. Moulton and A. Goriely; Possible role of differential growth in airway wall
remodeling in asthma
; J. Appl. Physiology (2011)


A. Goriely, D.E. Moulton and R. Vandiver; Elastic cavitation, tube hollowing, and differential growth in plants and biological tissues; EPL (2010)

Continuum mechanics in nature


D.E. Moulton, H. Oliveri, A. Goriely, & C. Thorogood; Mechanics reveals the role of peristome geometry in prey capture in carnivorous pitcher plants (Nepenthes) PNAS (2023)


D.E. Moulton, H. Oliveri, A. Goriely, & C. Thorogood; Supplementary material for: Mechanics reveals the role of peristome geometry in prey capture in carnivorous pitcher plants (Nepenthes) PNAS (2023)


Hofhuis, H. et. al; Morphomechanical Innovation Drives Explosive Seed Dispersal. Cell (2016)


D.E. Moulton, T. Lessinnes, S. O'Keeffe, L. Dorfmann, & A. Goriely; The elastic secrets of the chameleon tongue. Proc Royal Soc A (2016)

Fluids and biomedical devices


H.C.A. Reynolds, B.W. Turney, S.L. Waters & D.E. Moulton; Harnessing oscillatory fluid behaviour to improve debris wash-out in ureteroscopy; Frontiers in Urology (2023)


J.G. Williams, A.A. Castrejon-Pita, B.W. Turney, P.E. Farrell, S.J. Tavener, D.E. Moulton & S.L. Waters; Cavity flow characteristics and applications to kidney stone removal; J. Fluid Mechanics (2020)


J.G. Williams, L. Rouse, B.W. Turney, S.L. Waters , & D.E. Moulton; A lumped parameter model for kidney pressure during stone removal; IMA J. Applied Math (2020)


J.G. Williams, B.W. Turney, D.E. Moulton, & S.L. Waters; The effect of geometry on resistance in elliptical coaxial pipe flows; J. Fluid Mechanics (2020)


J.G. Williams, B.W. Turney, N.J. Rauniyar, T.P. Harrah, S.L. Waters, & D.E. Moulton; The Fluid Mechanics of Ureteroscope Irrigation; J. Endourology (2019)

Ecological dynamics


Blonder et. al Predictability in community dynamics; Ecology Letters (2017)

Magnetic thin films


D.E. Moulton and J. Lega; Effect of disjoining pressure in thin film equations with non-uniform forcing; Eur. J. Appl. Math (2013)


D.E. Moulton and J.A. Pelesko; Reverse draining of a magnetic soap film; PRE (2010)


D.E. Moulton and J. Lega; Reverse draining of a magnetic soap film - Analysis and simulation of a thin film equation with non-uniform forcing; Physica D (2009)

Electrostatics and mean curvature surfaces


D.E. Moulton and J.A. Pelesko; Catenoid in an electric field; SIAM J. Appl. Math (2009)


D.E. Moulton and J.A. Pelesko; Theory and experiment for soap-film bridge in an electric field; J. Colloid Interface Sci (2008)


D.E. Moulton (PhD Thesis); Mathematical Modeling of Field Driven Mean Curvature Surfaces; University of Delaware (2008)