Multilevel Monte Carlo research
In this page I attempt to list the research groups working on multilevel
Monte Carlo methods, and the main papers that I am aware of, grouped by topic.
Research groups
Adelaide (Zivanovic)
-- reliability analysis
Angers (Panloup)
-- invariant distributions
-- high performance parallel MLMC software
-- elliptic SPDEs, sparse grids, multilevel QMC
-- SDEs, Lévy-driven SDEs, stochastic reaction networks,
quantum field theory
-- SPDEs, stochastic rounding in reduced-precision computing
-- SPDEs, failure analysis
Colorado, Boulder (Ketelson)
-- MCMC, low rank methods
Colorado, PNNL (Ganesh)
-- moving-domain FEM approximation
-- fractional Brownian motion, elliptic PDEs
-- Gaussian random fields
-- Bermudan and American options
-- SDEs, stochastic reaction networks, numerical analysis, inverse methods
-- stochastic collocation, SPDEs, function approximation
-- unbiased MCMC
ETH Zürich
-- SPDEs, multilevel QMC
Exeter (Dodwell)
-- Bayesian inverse problems
Florida State (Gunzburger,
-- elliptic SPDEs, stochastic collocation, walk on spheres, applications to material science
Fraunhofer ITWM (Iliev)
-- SPDEs in engineering
Heidelberg (Scheichl,
-- elliptic SPDEs, MCMC, quantum field theory, forward and inverse UQ, sparse grids
Heriott-Watt (Haji-Ali)
-- multi-index Monte Carlo, risk estimation
IIT Chicago (Hickernell)
-- SDEs, infinite-dimensional integration, complexity analysis
Imperial College (Cotter,
-- particle filters, ensemble forecasts, multi-index Monte Carlo, FPGA implementation
Jyväskylä (Vihola)
-- randomized MLMC
-- finance, SDEs, parametric integration, complexity analysis
KAUST (Jasra)
-- sequential Monte Carlo
KIT (Krumscheid)
-- function approximation, complex computational models
Lawrence Livermore National Lab
-- elliptic SPDEs, MCMC
Leuven (Nuyens,
-- numerical analysis, uncertainty quantification, multilevel QMC, multi-index QMC
-- numerical analysis, multilevel extrapolation, finance applications
-- elliptic SPDEs
-- finance applications, elliptic SPDEs, stochastic collocation, inverse methods
Mannheim (Neuenkirch)
-- numerical analysis, fractional Brownian motion
MIT (Marzouk)
-- uncertainty quantification, SPDEs, Bayesian inverse problems
Munich (Ullmann)
-- uncertainty quantification, SPDEs
Münster (Jentzen)
-- machine learning, stochastic analysis, numerical analysis, PDEs
NTNU (Eidsvik)
-- geoscience
NYU (Xiao)
-- neuroscience
Oden Institute
(Webster, Willcox)
-- elliptic SPDEs, inverse methods, multi-fidelity analysis
Oldenburg (Chernov)
-- numerical analysis, elliptic SPDEs, contact and obstacle problems, density estimation
Oslo (Hoel)
-- SDEs, SPDEs, Kalman filtering
Osnabrück (Gnewuch)
-- randomized multilevel QMC
-- SDEs, SPDEs, numerical analysis, finance applications,
stochastic reaction networks, nested simulation
Passau (Müller-Gronbach)
-- infinite-dimensional integration, complexity analysis, stochastic approximation
Princeton (Weinan E)
-- machine learning
Queensland (Dang)
-- jump-diffusion models
Rutgers (Wang)
-- randomized MLMC, MCMC
RWTH Aachen (Tempone)
-- adaptive time-stepping, stochastic reaction networks, Multi-Index MC, sequential Monte Carlo
Sandia National Lab (Eldred)
-- multi-fidelity, optimisation under uncertainty
Sorbonne (Kebaier)
-- SDEs, numerical analysis, importance sampling
-- numerical analysis, randomized/debiased multilevel,
engineering uncertainty quantification, groundwater flow
Stuttgart (Barth)
-- SPDEs
Texas A&M (Efendiev)
-- SPDEs in engineering
Tokyo (Goda,
-- partial perfect information, expected value of sample information, machine learning
UCL (Beskos,
-- Bayesian statistics, sequential design, UQ for natural hazards, machine learning, fractional Brownian motion
UIUC (Chen)
-- stochastic optimization
-- multilevel QMC
UPC (Principe)
-- elliptic SPDEs
Utah (Kirby,
-- SPDEs
Utrecht (Oosterlee)
-- finance applications
Vienna (Heitzinger)
-- SPDEs and systems of SPDEs with applications in nanotechnology
Warwick (Kyprianou,
-- Lévy processes, stochastic gradient methods in Big Data
Waterloo (Ricardez-Sandoval)
-- chemical engineering
-- rough paths, fractional Brownian motion, Bermudan options
Wisconsin (Anderson)
-- numerical analysis, stochastic reaction networks
WWU (Dereich)
-- Lévy-driven SDEs, stochastic approximation
Research areas
- M.B. Giles.
`Multilevel Monte Carlo methods'. pp.83-103 in
Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods 2012, Springer, 2013.
- M.B. Giles.
`Multilevel Monte Carlo methods'.
Acta Numerica, 24:259-328, Cambridge University Press, 2015.
- F.Y. Kuo, D. Nuyens.
'Application of Quasi-Monte Carlo methods to elliptic PDEs with
random diffusion coefficients: a survey of analysis and implementation'.
Foundations of Computational Mathematics, 16(6):1631-1696, 2016.
- R. Schmidt, M. Voigt, M. Pisaroni, F. Nobile, P. Leyland, J. Pons-Prats,
G. Bugeda.
'General introduction to Monte Carlo and multi-level Monte Carlo methods'.
Uncertainty Management for Robust Industrial Design in Aeronautics,
pp.265-278, 2019.
- R. Tempone, S. Wolfers.
'Smolyak's algorithm: a powerful black box for the acceleration of
scientific computations'.
Sparse Grids and Applications, LNCSE Vol.123, Springer, pp.201-228, 2018.
Early research
- A. Brandt, M. Galun, D. Ron.
'Optimal multigrid algorithms for calculating thermodynamic limits'.
Journal of Statistical Physics, 74(1-2):313-348, 1994.
- A. Brandt, V. Ilyin.
'Multilevel Monte Carlo methods for studying large scale
phenomena in fluids'.
Journal of Molecular Liquids, 105(2-3):245-248, 2003.
- M. Emsermann.
'Variance reduction with quasi control variates'.
PhD thesis, University of Colorado at Denver, 2000.
- M. Emsermann, B. Simon.
'Improving simulation efficiency with quasi control variates'.
Stochastic Models, 18(3):425-448, 2002.
- S. Heinrich.
'Monte Carlo complexity of global solution of integral equations'.
Journal of Complexity, 14(2):151-175, 1998.
- S. Heinrich, E. Sindambiwe.
'Monte Carlo complexity of parametric integration'.
Journal of Complexity, 15(3):317-341, 1999.
- S. Heinrich.
'The multilevel method of dependent tests'.
In Advances in Stochastic Simulation Methods, Springer, 2000.
- S. Heinrich.
'Multilevel Monte Carlo methods'.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2179:58-67, 2001.
- S. Heinrich.
'Monte Carlo approximation of weakly singular integral operators'.
Journal of Complexity, 22(2):192-219, 2006.
- A. Kebaier.
'Statistical Romberg extrapolation: a new variance reduction
method and applications to option pricing'.
Annals of Applied Probability, 15(4):2681-2705, 2005.
- A. Keller.
'Hierarchical Monte Carlo image synthesis'.
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 55(1-3):79-92, 2001.
- Q. Li.
'N-dimension numerical solution of stochastic differential equations'.
PhD thesis, Edinburgh University, 2007.
Key developments
- M.B. Giles.
`Multilevel Monte Carlo path simulation'.
Operations Research, 56(3):607-617, 2008.
- M.B. Giles, B.J. Waterhouse.
'Multilevel quasi-Monte Carlo path simulation'.
pp.165-181 in
Advanced Financial Modelling,
in Radon Series on Computational and
Applied Mathematics, de Gruyter, 2009.
- A.L. Haji-Ali, F. Nobile, R. Tempone.
'Multi-index Monte Carlo: when sparsity meets sampling'.
Numerische Mathematik, 132(4):767-806, 2016.
- V. Lemaire, G. Pagès.
'Multilevel Richardson-Romberg extrapolation'.
Bernoulli, 23(4A):2643-2692, 2017.
- C.-H. Rhee, P.W. Glynn.
'Unbiased estimation with square root convergence for SDE models'.
Operations Research, 63(5):1026-1043, 2015.
Other algorithmic developments
- C.A. Beschle, A. Barth.
'Complexity analysis of quasi continuous level Monte Carlo'.
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis,
58(6):2287-2316, 2024.
- J.H. Blanchet, P.W. Glynn.
'Unbiased Monte Carlo for optimization and functions of
expectations via multilevel randomization'.
Proceedings of the 2015 Winter Simulation Conference.
- R.R. Callens, M.G.R. Faes, D. Moens.
'Multilevel Quasi-Monte Carlo for interval analysis'.
International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification, 12, 42022, 2022.
- A. Chernov, E.M. Schetzke.
'A simple, bias-free approximation of covariance functions by the
multilevel Monte Carlo method having nearly optimal complexity'.
SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification, 11(3):941-969, 2023.
- N. Collier, A.-L. Haji-Ali, F. Nobile, E. von Schwerin, R. Tempone.
'A Continuation Multilevel Monte Carlo algorithm'.
BIT Numerical Mathematics, 55(2):399-432, 2015.
- M. Croci, K.E. Willcox, S.J. Wright.
'Multi-output multilevel best linear unbiased estimators
via semidefinite programming'.
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,
413:116130, August 2023.
- P.W. Glynn, C.-H. Rhee.
'Exact estimation for Markov chain equilibrium expectations'.
Journal of Applied Probability, 51A:377-389, 2014.
- A.-L. Haji-Ali, F. Nobile, E. von Schwerin, R. Tempone.
'Optimization of mesh hierarchies in multilevel Monte Carlo samplers'.
Stochastics and PDEs: Analysis and Computations, 4(1):76-112, 2016.
- D. Schaden, E. Ullmann.
'On multilevel best linear unbiased estimators'.
SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification,
8(2):601-635, 2020.
- D. Schaden, E. Ullmann.
'Asymptotic analysis of multilevel best linear unbiased estimators'.
SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification,
9(3):953-978, 2021.
- D. Schaden.
'Variance reduction with multilevel estimators'.
PhD thesis, TU München, 2021.
- M. Vihola.
'Unbiased estimators and multilevel Monte Carlo'.
Operations Research, 66(2):448-462, 2018.
- Z. Zheng, J. Blanchet, P. W. Glynn.
'Rates of convergence and CLTs for subcanonical debiased MLMC'.
Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods. MCQMC 2016.
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 241:465-479, 2018.
Brownian SDEs -- finance applications
- M.B. Alaya, A. Kebaier.
'Multilevel Monte Carlo for Asian options and limit theorems'.
Monte Carlo Methods and Applications, 20(3):181-194, 2014.
- M. Altmayer, A. Neuenkirch.
'Multilevel Monte Carlo quadrature of discontinuous payoffs in the
generalized Heston model using Malliavin integration by parts'.
SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics, 6(1):22-52, 2015.
- R. Avikainen.
'On irregular functionals of SDEs and the Euler scheme'.
Finance and Stochastics, 13(3):381-401, 2009.
- D. Belomestny, F. Dickmann, T. Nagapetyan.
'Pricing Bermudan options via multilevel approximation methods'.
SIAM Journal of Financial Mathematics, 6(1):448-466, 2015.
- D. Belomestny, J. Schoenmakers, F. Dickmann.
'Multilevel dual approach for pricing American style derivatives'.
Finance and Stochastics, 17(4):717-742, 2013.
- F. Bourgey, S. De Marco.
'Multilevel Monte Carlo simulation for VIX options in the rough Bergomi model'.
Journal of Computational Finance, 26(2):53-82, 2022.
- S. Burgos, M.B. Giles.
`Computing Greeks using multilevel path simulation'. pp.281-296
in Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods 2010, Springer, 2012.
- S. Burgos.
`The computation of Greeks with multilevel Monte Carlo'.
PhD thesis, University of Oxford, 2014.
- F. Dickmann.
`Multilevel approach for Bermudan option pricing'.
PhD thesis, Universitat Duisburg-Essen, 2015.
- R. Gasparotto.
'Optimised Importance Sampling in Multilevel Monte Carlo'.
MSc thesis, University of Oxford, 2015.
- T. Gerstner, M. Noll.
'Randomized multilevel quasi-Monte Carlo path simulation'.
In Recent Developments in Computational Finance,
World Scientific / Imperial College Press, 2013.
- M.B. Giles.
`Multilevel Monte Carlo path simulation'.
Operations Research, 56(3):607-617, 2008.
- M.B. Giles.
`Improved multilevel Monte Carlo convergence using the Milstein scheme'.
pp.343-358, in Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods 2006,
Springer, 2008.
- M.B. Giles, D.J. Higham, X. Mao.
'Analysing multilevel Monte Carlo for options with non-globally
Lipschitz payoff'.
Finance and Stochastics, 13(3):403-413, 2009.
- M.B. Giles, B.J. Waterhouse.
'Multilevel quasi-Monte Carlo path simulation'.
pp.165-181 in
Advanced Financial Modelling,
in Radon Series on Computational and
Applied Mathematics, de Gruyter, 2009.
- M.B. Giles.
`Multilevel Monte Carlo for basket options'.
Proceedings of 2009 Winter Simulation Conference.
- M.B. Giles, L. Szpruch.
'Multilevel Monte Carlo methods for applications in finance'.
In Recent Developments in Computational Finance,
World Scientific / Imperial College Press, 2013.
- M.B. Giles, K. Debrabant, A. Roessler.
'Analysis of multilevel Monte Carlo path simulation
using the Milstein discretisation'.
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems -- series B,
24(8):3881-3903, 2019.
- M.B. Giles, O. Sheridan-Methven.
'Analysis of nested multilevel Monte Carlo using approximate Normal random variables'.
SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification, 10(1):200-226, 2022.
- M.B. Giles, A.-L. Haji-Ali.
'Multilevel path branching for digital options'.
Annals of Applied Probability, 34(5):4836-4862, 2024.
- D. Giorgi, V. Lemaire, G. Pagès.
'Limit theorems for weighted and regular Multilevel estimators'.
Monte Carlo Methods and Applications, 3(1):43-70, 2017.
- D. Giorgi.
'Théorèmes limites pour estimateurs multilevel avec et sans poids.
Comparaisons et applications'.
PhD thesis, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, 2017.
- Q. Han, S. Ji.
'Solving BSDEs based on novel multi-step schemes and multilevel
Monte Carlo'.
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 4171:114543, 2023.
- N. Kahalé.
'General multilevel Monte Carlo methods for pricing discretely monitored Asian options'.
European Journal of Operational Research, 287(2):739-748, 2020.
- C. Mbaye, G. Pagès, F. Vrins.
'An antithetic approach of multilevel Richardson-Romberg extrapolation
estimator for multidimensional SDES'.
Numerical Analysis and its Applications, 2017.
- C.X. Pang, X.J. Wang.
'Antithetic multilevel Monte Carlo method for approximations of SDEs with
non-globally Lipschitz continuous coefficients'.
Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 178:104467, 2024.
- O. Sheridan-Methven.
`Nested multilevel Monte Carlo methods and a modified Euler-Maruyama scheme
utilising approximate Gaussian random variables suitable for vectorised hardware
and low-precisions'.
PhD thesis, University of Oxford, 2021.
- A.L. Speight.
'A multilevel approach to control variates'.
PhD thesis, Carnegie-Mellon University, 2007.
- A.L. Speight.
'A multilevel approach to control variates'.
Journal of Computational Finance, 12(4):3-27, 2009.
- A.L. Speight.
'Multigrid techniques in economics'.
Operations Research, 58(4):1057-1078, 2010.
- P. Turkedjiev.
'Numerical methods for backward stochastic differential equations
of quadratic and locally Lipschitz type'.
PhD thesis, Humboldt University, 2013.
- A. Zeng, J. Xue.
'Multilevel Monte Carlo method for path-dependent barrier interest rate derivatives'.
SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics, 10(1):214-242, 2019.
- C. Zheng.
'Multilevel Monte Carlo using approximate distributions of the CIR process'.
BIT Numerical Mathematics, 63(2):38, 2023.
- C. Zheng.
'Multilevel Monte Carlo simulation for the Heston stochastic volatility model'.
Advances in Computational Mathematics, 49(6):81, 2023.
Brownian SDEs -- other applications
- A. Abdulle, A. Blumenthal.
'Stabilized multilevel Monte Carlo method for stiff stochastic
differential equations'.
Journal of Computational Physics, 251:445-460, 2013.
- A. Abdulle, A. Blumenthal.
'Improved stabilized multilevel Monte Carlo method for stiff stochastic
differential equations'.
Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering,
103:537-545, 2015.
- M.B. Alaya, A. Kebaier.
'Central limit theorem for the multilevel Monte Carlo Euler method'.
Annals of Applied Probability, 25(1):211-234, 2015.
- M.B. Alaya, A. Kebaier. T.B.T. Ngo.
'Central limit theorem for the antithetic multilevel Monte Carlo
Euler method'.
Annals of Applied Probability, 32(3):1970-2027, 2022.
- H. Alzubaidi, T. Shardlow.
'Improved simulation techniques for first exit time of neural diffusion models'.
Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 2013.
- D.F. Anderson, D.J. Higham, Y. Sun.
'Multilevel Monte Carlo for stochastic differential equations
with small noise'.
SIAM Journal of Numerical Analysis, 54(2):505-529, 2016.
- P. Andersson, A. Kohatsu-Higa.
'Unbiased simulation of stochastic differential equations using
parametrix expansion'.
Bernoulli, 23(3):2028-2057, 2017.
- J. Blanchet, F. Zhang.
'Exact simulation for multivariate Ito diffusions'.
Advances in Applied Probability, 52(4):1003-1034, 2020.
- A. Bocchinfuso, D.M. Rogers, C. Alves, J. Ramirez,
D.N. Asthagiri, T.L. Beck, J.M. Restrepo.
'Multi-level Monte Carlo methods in chemical applications with
Lennard-Jones potentials and other landscapes with isolated singularities'.
Computer Physics Communications, 309:109477, 2025.
- K. Debrabant, A. Ghasemifard, N.C. Mattsson.
'Weak antithetic MLMC estimation of SDEs with the Milstein scheme
for low-dimensional Wiener processes'.
Applied Mathematics Letters, 91:22-27, 2019.
- K. Debrabant, A. Roessler.
'On the acceleration of the multi-level Monte Carlo method'.
Journal of Applied Probability, 52(2):307-322, 2015.
- F. Dickmann, N. Schweizer.
'Faster comparison of stopping times by nested conditional Monte Carlo'.
Journal of Computational Finance 20(2):101-123, 2016.
- W. Fang, M.B. Giles.
'Adaptive Euler-Maruyama method for SDEs with non-globally Lipschitz drift'.
pp.217-234 in
Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods 2016, Springer, 2018.
- W. Fang, M.B. Giles.
'Multilevel Monte Carlo method for ergodic SDEs without contractivity'.
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,
476(1):149-176, 2019.
- W. Fang, M.B. Giles.
'Adaptive Euler-Maruyama method for SDEs with non-globally Lipschitz drift'.
Annals of Applied Probability, 30(2):526-560, 2020.
- W. Fang.
'Adaptive timestepping for SDEs with non-globally Lipschitz drift'.
PhD thesis, University of Oxford, 2019.
- A. Al Gerbi, B. Jourdain, E. Clément.
'Ninomiya-Victoir scheme: strong convergence, antithetic version
and application to multilevel estimators'.
Monte Carlo Methods and Applications, 22(3):197-228, 2016.
- A. Al Gerbi, B. Jourdain, E. Clément.
'Ninomiya-Victoir scheme: multilevel Monte Carlo estimators and
discretization of the involved ordinary differential equations'.
ESIAM Proceedings and Surveys, 59:1-14, 2017.
- T. Gerstner, S. Heinz.
'Dimension- and time-adaptive multilevel Monte Carlo methods'.
pp.107-120 in Sparse Grids and Applications,
Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Volume 88, 2013.
- A. Ghasemifard, M. Tahmasebi.
'Multilevel path simulation to jump-diffusion process with superlinear drift'.
Applied Numerical Mathematics, 144:176-189, 2019.
- M.B. Giles, L. Szpruch.
'Antithetic multilevel Monte Carlo estimation for multidimensional SDEs'.
pp.367-384 in
Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods 2012, Springer, 2013.
- M.B. Giles, L. Szpruch. 'Antithetic multilevel Monte Carlo estimation
for multi-dimensional SDEs without Lévy area simulation'.
Annals of Applied Probability, 24(4):1585-1620, 2014.
- M.B. Giles, C. Lester, J. Whittle.
'Non-nested adaptive timesteps in multilevel Monte Carlo computations'.
Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods 2014, Springer, 2015.
- M.B. Giles, F. Bernal.
'Multilevel estimation of expected exit times and other functionals
of stopped diffusions'.
SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification, 6(4):1454-1474, 2018.
- M.B. Giles, M.B. Majka, L. Szpruch, S.J. Vollmer, K.C. Zygalakis.
'Multi-level Monte Carlo methods for the approximation of
invariant measures of stochastic differential equations'.
Statistics and Computing, 30:507-524, 2020.
- P.W. Glynn.
'Exact simulation vs. exact estimation'.
Winter Simulation Conference, 2016.
- Q. Guo, W. Liu, X. Mao, W. Zhan.
'Multi-level Monte Carlo methods with the truncated Euler-Maruyama
scheme for stochastic differential equations'.
International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 95(9):1715-1726, 2019.
- D.J. Higham, X. Mao, M. Roj, Q. Song, G. Yin.
'Mean exit times and the multilevel Monte Carlo method'.
SIAM Journal on Uncertainty Quantification, 1(1):2-18, 2013.
- D.J. Higham, M. Roj.
'Computing mean first exit times for stochastic processes using
multi-level Monte Carlo'.
Proceedings of 2012 Winter Simulation Conference, 2013.
- H. Hoel, E. von Schwerin, A. Szepessy, R. Tempone.
'Adaptive multilevel Monte Carlo simulation'.
Numerical Analysis of Multiscale Computations, 82:217-234, 2012.
- H. Hoel, E. von Schwerin, A. Szepessy, R. Tempone.
'Implementation and analysis of an adaptive multilevel
Monte Carlo algorithm'.
Monte Carlo Methods and Applications, 20(1):1-41, 2014.
- M. Hutzenthaler, A. Jentzen, P. Kloeden.
'Divergence of the multilevel Monte Carlo method for nonlinear
stochastic differential equations'.
Annals of Applied Probability, 23(5):1913-1966, 2013.
- O. Iliev, T. Nagapetyan, K. Ritter.
'Monte Carlo simulation of asymmetric flow field flow fractionation'.
pp.115-123 in Monte Carlo Methods and Applications: Proceedings of
the 8th IMACS Seminar on Monte Carlo methods, de Gruyter, 2013.
- B. Jourdain, A. Kebaier.
'Non-asymptotic error bounds for the multilevel Monte Carlo Euler method
applied to SDEs with constant diffusion coefficient'.
Electronic Journal of Probability, 24,12, 2019.
- G. Katsiolides, E.H. Müller, R. Scheichl, T. Shardlow, M.B. Giles,
D.J. Thomson.
'Multilevel Monte Carlo and improved timestepping methods in atmospheric
dispersion modelling'.
Journal of Computational Physics, 354(1):320-343, 2018.
- S. Mancini, F. Bernal, J.A. Acebron.
'An efficient algorithm for accelerating Monte Carlo
approximations of the solution to boundary value problems'.
Journal of Scientific Computing, 66(2):577-597, 2016.
- C. Mbaye, G. Pagès, F. Vrins.
'An antithetic approach of multilevel Richardson-Romberg extrapolation
estimator for multidimensional SDES'.
In Numerical Analysis and Its Applications (NAA 2016),
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10187. Springer, 2017.
- E.H. Müller, R. Scheichl, T. Shardlow.
'Improving multilevel Monte Carlo for stochastic differential equations with
application to the Langevin equation'.
Royal Society Proceedings A, 2015.
- A. Neuenkirch, L. Szpruch.
'First order strong approximations of scalar SDEs defined in a domain'.
Numerische Mathematik, 128(1):103-136, 2014.
- G. Pagès, F. Panloup.
'Weighted multilevel Langevin simulation of invariant measures'.
Annals of Applied Probability, 28(6):3358-3417, 2018.
- S. Pauli, R.N. Gantner, P. Arbenz, A. Adelmann.
'Multilevel Monte Carlo for the Feynman-Kac formula for the Laplace equation'.
BIT Numerical Mathematics, 55(4):1125-1143, 2015.
- T. Primozic.
'Estimating expected first passage times using multilevel
Monte Carlo algorithm'. MSc thesis, University of Oxford, 2011.
- C.-H. Rhee, P.W. Glynn.
'Unbiased estimation with square root convergence for SDE models'.
Operations Research, 63(5):1026-1043, 2015.
- J. Su, C. Hou, Y. Ma, Y. Wang.
'Multilevel Monte Carlo method for the Brownian configuration field of polymer fluids'.
AIP Advances, 10:095013, 2020.
Lévy processes and Lévy-driven SDEs
- M.B. Alaya, K. Hajji, A. Kebaier.
'Importance sampling and statistical Romberg method
for Lévy processes'.
Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 126(7):1901-1931, 2016.
- D. Belomestny, T. Nagapetyan.
'Multilevel path simulation for weak approximation schemes
with application to Lévy-driven SDEs'.
Bernoulli, 23(2):927-950, 2017.
- J.I.G. Cázares , A. Mijatovic, G.U. Bravo.
'Geometrically Convergent Simulation of the Extrema of Lévy Processes'.
Mathematics of Operations Research, November 2021.
- J.I.G. Cázares, A. Mijatovic.
'Simulation of the drawdown and its duration in Lévy models
via stick-breaking Gaussian approximation'.
Finance and Stochastics, 26(4):671-732, 2022.
- J.I.G. Cázares, A. Mijatovic.
'A Monte Carlo algorithm for the extrema of tempered stable processes'.
Advances in Applied Probability, 55(4):1362-1389, 2023.
- D.-M. Dang.
'A multi-level dimension reduction Monte-Carlo method for
jump-diffusion models'.
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 324:49-71, 2017.
- S. Dereich.
'Multilevel Monte Carlo algorithms for Lévy-driven SDEs with
Gaussian correction'.
Annals of Applied Probability, 21(1):283-311, 2011.
- S. Dereich, F. Heidenreich.
'A multilevel Monte Carlo algorithm for Lévy-driven
stochastic differential equations'.
Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 121(7):1565-1587, 2011.
- S. Dereich, S. Li.
'Multilevel Monte Carlo for Lévy-driven SDEs:
Central limit theorems for adaptive Euler schemes'.
Annals of Applied Probability, 26(1):136-185, 2016.
- S. Dereich, S. Li.
'Multilevel Monte Carlo Implementation for SDEs Driven by
Truncated Stable Processes'.
Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods, 2016.
- A. Ferreiro-Castilla, A.E. Kyprianou, R. Scheichl, G. Suryanarayana.
'Multi-level Monte-Carlo simulation for Lévy processes based on the
Wiener-Hopf factorisation'.
Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 124(2):985-1010, 2014.
- A. Ferreiro-Castilla, K. van Schaik.
'Applying the Wiener-Hopf Monte Carlo simulation technique
for Lévy processes to path functionals'.
Journal of Applied Probability, 52(1):129-148, 2015.
- M.B. Giles, Y. Xia.
'Multilevel Monte Carlo For Exponential Lévy Models'.
Finance and Stochastics, 21(4):995-1026, 2017.
- H. Marxen.
'The Multilevel Monte Carlo method used on a Lévy driven SDE'.
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Other applications
- G. Aitken, L. Beevers, M.A. Christie.
'Multi-level Monte Carlo models for flood inundation uncertainty
Water Resources Research, 58(11):e2022WR032599, 2022.
- S. Baynes, S.L. Cotter, P.T. Russell, E.M. Ryan, T.W. Waite.
'Efficient forecasting and uncertainty quantification for large-scale
account level Monte Carlo models of debt recovery'.
Journal of RSS, Series C -- Applied Statistics, 2023.
- C. Bayer, P.K. Friz, S. Riedel, J. Schoenmakers.
'From rough path estimates to multilevel Monte Carlo'.
SIAM Journal of Numerical Analysis, 54(3):1449-1483, 2016.
- F. Beiser, H.H. Holm, K.O. Lye, J. Eidsvik.
'Multi-level data assimilation for simplified ocean models'.
Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, January 2024.
- F. Beiser, H.H. Holm, K.O. Lye, J. Eidsvik.
'Multi-level data assimilation for ocean forecasting using the
shallow-water equations'.
Journal of Computational Physics, 524, 2025.
- S. Berrone, C. Canuto, S. Pieraccini, S. Scialo.
'Uncertainty quantification in discrete fracture network models:
stochastic geometry'.
Water Resources Research, 54(2):1338-1352, 2018.
- N.-Y. Chiang, Y. Lin, Q. Long.
'Efficient propagation of uncertainties in manufacturing supply
chains: Time buckets, L-leap, and multilevel Monte Carlo methods'
Operations Research Perspective, 7:100144, 2020.
- M.C.A. Clare, M.D. Piggott, C.J. Cotter.
'Assessing erosion and flood risk in the coastal zone through the
application of multilevel Monte Carlo methods'.
Coastal Engineering, 174:104118, 2022.
- M.C.A. Clare, T.W.B. Leijnse, R.T. Mccall, F.L.M. Diermanse,
C.J. Cotter, M.D. Piggott.
'Multilevel multifidelity Monte Carlo methods for assessing
uncertainty in coastal flooding'.
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 22(8):2491-2515, 2022.
- A. Ehara, S. Guillas.
'An adaptive strategy for sequential designs of multilevel computer experiments'.
International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification, 13(4):61-98, 2023.
- I.G. Graham, M.J. Parkinson, R. Scheichl.
'Error analysis and uncertainty quantification for the heterogeneous
transport equation in slab geometry'.
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 41(4):2331-2361, 2021.
- K.M. Hamdia, H. Ghasemi, X. Zhuang, T. Rabczuk.
'Multilevel Monte Carlo method for topology optimization of flexoelectric
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Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 134:412-418, 2022.
- A.-L. Haji-Ali, F. Nobile, L. Tamellini, R. Tempone.
'Multi-index stochastic collocation convergence rates for random PDEs
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Foundations of Computational Mathematics,16(6):1555-1605, 2016.
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'Multi-index stochastic collocation for random PDEs'
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 306:95-122, 2016.
- M. Hobbs, H. Rappel, T. Dodwell.
'A probabilistic peridynamic framework with an application to the
study of the statistical size effect'.
Applied Mathematical Modelling, 128:137-153, 2024.
- M. Hoerger, H. Kurniawati, A. Elfes.
'Multilevel Monte-Carlo for solving POMDPs online'.
Springer Proceedings in Advanced Robotics, 20:174-190, 2022.
- A. Jasra, J. Heng, Y. Xu, A.N. Bishop.
'A multilevel approach for stochastic nonlinear optimal control'.
International Journal of Control, 95(5):1290-1304, 2022.
- N. Kahalé.
'On the effective dimension and multilevel Monte Carlo'.
Operations Research Letters, 50(4):415-421, 2022.
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'Unbiased time-average estimators for Markov chains'.
Mathematics of Operations Research, 9(4):2136-2165, 2024.
- P. Kloeden, A. Neuenkirch, R. Pavani.
'Multilevel Monte Carlo for stochastic differential
equations with additive fractional noise'.
Annals of Operations Research, 189(1):255-276, 2011.
- F. Menhorn, G. Geraci, D.T. Seidl, Y.M. Marzouk, M.S. Eldred, H.-J. Bungartz.
'Multilevel Monte Carlo estimators for derivative-free optimization under uncertainty'.
International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification, 14(3):21-65, 2024.
- P. Mycek, M. de Lozzo.
'Multilevel Monte Carlo covariance estimation for the computation of Sobol indices'.
SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification, 7(4):1323-1348, 2019.
- S. Pieraccini.
'Uncertainty quantification analysis in discrete fracture network flow simulations'.
International Journal on Geomathematics, 11(1):12, 2020.
- A. Richard, X. Tan, F. Yang.
'Discrete-time simulation of Stochastic Volterra equations'.
Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 141:109-138, 2021.
- M.G. Rudolph, T. Wohling, T. Wagener, A. Hartmann.
'Extending GLUE with multilevel methods to accelerate statistical
inversion of hydrological models'.
Water Resources Research, 60(10):e2024WR037735, 2024.
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'A multilevel Monte Carlo algorithm for stochastic differential equations driven
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Applied Numerical Mathematics, 206:141-160, 2024.
- J. Sukys, U. Rasthofer, F. Wermelinger, P. Hadjidoukas, P. Koumoutsakos.
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simulations of cloud cavitation'.
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 40(5):B1361-B1390, 2018.
- A.L. Teckentrup, P. Jantsch, C.G. Webster, M. Gunzburger.
'A multilevel stochastic collocation method for partial differential
equations with random input data'.
SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification, 3(1):1046-1074, 2015.
- P. Vanmechelen, G. Lombaert, G. Samaey.
'Multilevel MCMC with level-dependent data in a model case of structural
damage assessment'.
pp.643-658 in Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods 2022,
Springer, 2024.
- F. Watson, Ø. Klemetsdal, K.O. Lye.
'Multifidelity multilevel Monte Carlo method for rapid uncertainty
quantification in CO2 storage applications'.
ECMOR, Sept 2024.
- Z.-C. Xiao, K.K. Lin.
'Multilevel Monte Carlo for cortical circuit models'.
Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 50(1):9-15, 2022.
- C. Ye, X.A. Luo.
'Multilevel Monte Carlo approach for a stochastic optimal control problem
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Applied Math, 3:98-116, 2023.
- Z. Zhou, G. Wang, J.H. Blanchet, P.W. Glynn.
'Unbiased optimal stopping via the MUSE'.
Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 166:104088, 2023.
- X.J. Zhu, L. Di Rienzo, X.K. Ma, L. Codecasa.
'Multilevel Monte Carlo FDTD Method for Uncertainty Quantification'.
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 21(10):2030-2034, 2022.
- X.J. Zhu, L. Di Rienzo, X.K. Ma, L. Codecasa.
'Enhanced multilevel Monte Carlo Method applied to FDTD for
probability distribution estimation'.
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 71(10):8390-8395, 2023.
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