Current: Announcements and deadlines
The final exams have been graded (see canvas for your score out of 200; the average was 171 so in general people did rather well). Your course grades have been assigned and should now be accessible. If you want to see your final exam, send me a message and we'll schedule an appointment in mid-January. In the meantime, here is the grade distribution for our class.
In the "pics or it didn't happen" department, you might be interested in this tweet from the day of the final and this video from the last day of class. Have a wonderful break!
Assignments: Homeworks and practice problems
Homework assignments will consist of a few multiple-choice questions on Canvas (PennKey login required). A wealth of practice problems is available on the PennCalc wiki and solutions to those problems might appear, depending on your efforts, at our class's Piazza forum.
Homework Assignment 1 (due Fri Sep 4th)
Homework Assignment 2 (due Fri Sep 11th)
Homework Assignment 3 (due Fri Sep 18th)
Homework Assignment 4 (due Fri Sep 25th)
Homework Assignment 5 (due Fri Oct 2nd)
Homework Assignment 6 (due Mon Oct 12th)
Homework Assignment 7 (due Wed Oct 28th)
Here are the two handouts on sequences and series: death by series and discrete calculus. The problems here will not be collected or graded, but you are encouraged to solve them while preparing for exams.
Logistics: Location, schedule and grading
Location: We will meet every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9 AM to 10 AM in Room A8 of the DRL building. In addition, you must attend a recitation on Tuesday or Thursday (depending on which section of this course you are enrolled in).
Our Schedule will be divided into five pieces: functions, derivatives, integrals, applications and discretization. For a tentative day-by-day schedule (including holidays and exam days), download the pdf here.
Your Grades will be available on this class's Canvas page. This is how you will be graded:
Canvas Homework | 10% |
Recitation Quizzes | 20% |
Three In-Class Midterms | 45% |
Comprehensive Final Exam (Gaah!!) | 25% |
Material: Videos, wiki and lectures
It is mandatory to watch two 15-minute videos before coming to each class. The next lecture's videos will be announced in the "Current: Announcements and Deadlines" tab above.
There is no need to purchase a textbook for this course, but you should feel free to buy any standard textbook should you need a reference and practice problems. (But note that many problems can be freely accessed at the PennCalc Wiki).
You may (and should!) use the following class notes as an outline for reviewing the material.
Day 01: Functions
Day 02: Taylor Series
Day 03: Convergence, Expansion Points
Day 04: Limits
Day 05: L'Hopital and Big O
Day 06: Derivatives (by Prof Rimmer)
Day 07: Linear Approximation (by Prof Rimmer)
Day 08: Higher Derivatives, Optimization
Day 09: Differentials
Day 10: Exam 1 Review, no lecture notes.
Day 11: Antiderivatives, ODEs
Day 12: Integrating factors, Equilibria
Day 13: Substitution, Int. by Parts
Day 14: Trig Subs, Partial Fractions
Day 15: Definite Integrals, FTIC
Day 16: Improper and Trig Integrals
Day 17: Exam 2 Review, no lecture notes.
Day 18: Simple and Complex areas
Day 19: Volumes of Revolution
Day 20: More Volumes
Day 21: Arclength, Surface Area
Day 22: Work, Elements
Day 23: Averages, Centroids
Day 24: Moments of Inertia
Day 25: Probability
Day 26: Expectation, Variance
Day 27: Exam 3 Review, no lecture notes.
Day 28: Sequences, Limits
Day 29: Discrete Calculus
Day 30: Infinite Series
Day 31: More Convergence
Day 32: Power Series
Day 33: Approximation and Error
Archive: Quizzes, exams and solutions
Here is the first quiz, and here are its solutions.
Here is the first exam and solutions. With the solutions you will also find a rubric that highlights which steps are worth how much partial credit.
Here is the second quiz. It won't be graded, but you are encouraged to take it in an exam-like environment and compare your answers to the official solutions.
Here is the second exam and solutions. With the solutions you will also find a rubric.
Here is the third quiz, and here are its solutions.
You can find the deadly third exam here, and seek solace in its solutions (which contain the rubric as usual).
Here is the fouth quiz, and here are its solutions.
Here is a final exam study-guide. You might also want to look at old exams for Math 104 at Penn, located here.
Instructors: Contact information, office hours

My name is Vidit Nanda, and I'm a post-doc here at Penn. The easiest way to get in touch with me is via email to vnanda at sas dot upenn dot edu. Please be sure to include "Math 104" in the email title.
My office hours for Fall 2015 are Mon 11-12 and Wed 12-1 in Room 3C5 of the DRL building (where we have class, but on the third floor).
The TAs for our course are Wanjun Li (Recitation sections 261-263, Office hours Tue and Thu 2-3 in DRL 1N1) and Supraj Akileti (Recitation sections 264-266, Office hours Fri 11-1 in DRL 3W8).
Resources: Additional help and useful links
Come to class, watch the videos before-hand, and ask questions fearlessly during lectures. Please don't hesitate to send me email or come to my office hours whenever you feel stuck on a problem or confused by a concept. If you need help with studying or problem-solving outside of class and office hours, you can find official Penn tutoring here. If you find yourself struggling, it is better to seek help sooner rather than later.