Marc Lackenby
Professor of Mathematics, University of Oxford
Tutorial Fellow, St. Catherine's College
Research interests: Topology, geometry & group theory
Editor of Forum of Mathematics, Pi and Sigma
Editor of International Mathematical Research Notices
Editor of 'Groups, Geometry and Dynamics'
Former editor of 'Journal of the London Mathematical Society'
Former Managing Editor of 'Journal of Topology'
Mathematical Institute office: N3.01
Phone (Institute): 01865 273561
Phone (College): 01865 271728
Email: lackenby(at)
(June 2024)
Published papers
1. The Whitney trick, Topology and Its Applications 71 (1996) 115-118.
2. Fox's congruence classes and the quantum-SU(2) invariants of
links in 3-manifolds, Comment. Math. Helv. 71 (1996) 664-677.
3. Surfaces, surgery and unknotting operations, Math. Ann. 308 (1997)
4. Dehn surgery on knots in 3-manifolds, J. Amer. Math. Soc. 10
(1997) 835-864.
5. Upper bounds in the theory of unknotting operations, Topology
37 (1998) 63-73.
6. (With Daryl Cooper) Dehn surgery and negatively curved 3-manifolds,
J. Differential Geom. 50 (1998) 591-624.
7. Word hyperbolic Dehn surgery, Invent. Math. 140 (2000) 243-282.
8. Taut ideal triangulations of 3-manifolds, Geom. Top. 4 (2000) 369-395.
Attaching handlebodies to 3-manifolds, Geom. Top. 6 (2002) 889-904.
Exceptional surgery curves in triangulated 3-manifolds,
Pacific J. Math. 210 (2003), 101-163.
11. The canonical decomposition of once-punctured torus bundles,
Comment. Math. Helv. 78 (2003) 363-384.
12. The volume of hyperbolic alternating link complements
Proc. London Math. Soc. 88 (2004) 204-224
13. The asymptotic behaviour of Heegaard genus
Math. Res. Lett. 11 (2004) 139-149
14. The Heegaard genus of amalgamated 3-manifolds
Geom. Dedicata 109 (2004) 139-145
15. A characterisation of large finitely presented groups
J. Algebra 287 (2005) 458-473
16. Expanders, rank and graphs of groups
Israel J. Math. 146 (2005) 357-370
17. Classification of alternating knots with tunnel number one
Comm. Anal. Geom. 13 (2005) 151-186
18. Heegaard splittings, the virtually Haken conjecture and Property (tau),
Invent. Math. 164 (2006) 317-359
19. Covering spaces of 3-orbifolds
Duke Math J. 136 (2007) 181-203
20. Some 3-manifolds and 3-orbifolds with large fundamental group
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 135 (2007) 3393-3402
21. Adding high powered relations to large groups
Math. Res. Lett.
14 (2007) 983-993
22. (With Darren Long and Alan Reid)
Covering spaces of arithmetic 3-orbifolds Int. Math. Res. Not.
23. An algorithm to determine the Heegaard genus of simple 3-manifolds
with non-empty boundary
Alg. Geom. Top. 8 (2008) 911-934
(With Darren Long and Alan Reid)
LERF and the Lubotzky-Sarnak conjecture
Geom. Topol. 12 (2008) 2047-2056
25. New lower bounds on subgroup growth and homology growth
Proc. London Math. Soc. 98 (2009) 271-297.
26. Large groups, Property (tau) and the homology growth of subgroups
Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 146 (2009) 625-648
The crossing number of composite knots
J. Topology 2 (2009) 747-768.
28. Surface subgroups of Kleinian groups with torsion
Invent. Math.
179 (2010) 175-190.
29. (with Daryl Cooper and Jessica Purcell)
The length of unknotting tunnels Alg. Geom. Top. 10 (2010) 637-661.
Spectral geometry, link complements and surgery diagrams
Geom. Dedicata 147 (2010) 191-206.
31. Detecting large groups
J. Algebra 324 (2010) 2636-2657.
(with Alexander Coward)
Unknotting genus one knots Comment. Math. Helv. 86 (2011) 383-399.
Finite covering spaces of 3-manifolds Proceedings of the ICM,
Volume II, 1042-1070, Hindustan Book Agency, New Delhi, 2010
(with Robert Meyerhoff)
The maximal number of exceptional Dehn surgeries
Invent. Math. 191 (2013) 341-382.
The main theorems of this paper have a computer-assisted proof. The
relevant C++ routines are below:
35. Finding disjoint surfaces in 3-manifolds Geom. Dedicata 170 (2014) 385-401
36. Core curves of triangulated solid tori Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 366 (2014) 6027-6050
37. The crossing number of satellite knots Alg. Geom. Top. 14 (2014) 499-529
38. (With Alexander Coward) An upper bound on
Reidemeister moves
Amer. J. Math. 136 (2014) 1023-1066
39. (with Jessica Purcell) Geodesics and compression bodies
Experimental Math. 23 (2014) 218-240
40. A polynomial upper bound on Reidemeister moves Annals Math. 182 (2015) 491-564
41. (with Jessica Purcell) Cusp volumes of alternating knots Geom. Topol.
20 (2016) 2053-2078.
42. (with Jessica Purcell) Essential twisted surfaces in alternating link complements Alg. Geom. Topol.
16 (2016) 3209-3270
43. Elementary knot theory Lectures on Geometry (Clay Lecture Notes), Oxford University Press (2017)
44. Some conditionally hard problems on links and 3-manifolds Discrete Comput. Geom. 58 (2017) 580-595.
45. (with Andras Juhasz) Appendix to Alternating links and definite surfaces (by Joshua Greene)
Duke Math J. 166 (2017) 2133-2151 (PDF)
46. Every knot has characterising slopes Math. Ann. 374 (2019) 429-446.
47. Algorithms in 3-manifold theory
Surveys in Differential Geometry 25 (2020),163-213.
48. The efficient certification of knottedness and Thurston norm,
Adv. Math. 387 (2021) 107796.
49. Links with splitting number one,
Geom. Dedicata 214 (2021), 319-351.
50. (with Alex Davies, Petar Velickovic, Lars Buesing, Sam Blackwell, Daniel Zheng, Nenad Tomasev, Richard
Tanburn, Peter Battaglia, Charles Blundell, Andras Juhasz, Geordie Williamson, Demis
Hassabis and Pushmeet Kohli)
Advancing mathematics by guiding human intuition with AI, Nature 600 (2021) 70-74.
51. (with Agnese Barbensi, Dorothy Buck and Heather Harrington) Double branched covers of knotoids
Comm. Anal. Geom. 30 (2022) 1007-1057.
52. (with Jessica Purcell) The triangulation complexity of fibred 3-manifolds,
Geom. Topol. (accepted)
53. (with Alex Davies, Andras Juhasz and Nenad Tomasev)
The signature and cusp geometry of hyperbolic knots,
Geom. Topol. (accepted)
54. (with Andreea Deac and Petar Velickovic)
Expander graph propagation, Proceedings of Machine Learning Research (Learning on Graphs 2022)
55. (with Mehdi Yazdi) The computational complexity of determining knot genus in a fixed 3-manifold,
Proc. London. Math. Soc. 126 (2023) 837-879.
56. (with Patrick Callahan, Ilya Kapovich, Peter Shalen, and Robin Wilson)
Wolfgang Haken, 1928-2022, Notices Amer. Math. Soc. 70 (2023) 1452-1467.
57. (with Jessica Purcell)
The triangulation complexity of elliptic and sol 3-manifolds, Math. Ann. 390 (2024) 1623-1667.
58. Dehn surgery from a hyperbolic perspective, 29 pages
59. (with Saul Schleimer)
Recognising elliptic manifolds, 33 pages
60. (with Mehdi Yazdi)
Bounds for the number of moves between pants decompositions, and between triangulations, 43 pages
Some fast algorithms for curves in surfaces, 44 pages
62. (with Taylor Applebaum, Sam Blackwell, Alex Davies, Thomas Edlich, Andras
Juhasz, Nenad Tomaev, Daniel Zheng)
The unknotting number, hard unknot diagrams, and reinforcement learning, 29 pages
Some of my talks
Topology seminar, Cambidge and Princeton, March 2022
Knot theory and machine learning
Topology seminar, UC Davis, February 2021 and Oxford, March 2021
Unknot recognition in quasi-polynomial time (slides)
Topology seminar, Jerusalem and Copenhagen, May 2021
Unknot recognition in quasi-polynomial time (longer version, slides)
The Kirby-Scharlemann-Thompson fest, June 2018
The triangulation complexity of 3-manifolds
Scottish Topology Seminar / Swiss Knots, Spring 2013
A polynomial upper bound on Reidemeister moves
Clay Mathematics Conference, June 2012
The Dehn surgery problem
LMS Poincare anniversary meeting, May 2012
The Poincare conjecture
Talk at Fritz Grunewald's 60th birthday conference, April 2009
Surface subgroups of arithmetic Kleinian groups
Mathematical Institute front page.